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What we know already:

Wind turbines, sun makes satellite dishes charge which makes electricity, need wires to make electricity work, magnet and cable makes electricity, electricity cables conduct electricity – don’t carry it, circuit pieces have special codes,

Charge your phone, batteries, chargers

TV, ipad, lights, computer, Xbox, Wii, machines, light bulb, electric cars, smartboard, plays station, switch to turn on things, phone

Open blinds for light instead of wasting electricity


Exploring and using Loose parts!

We have been exploring lots of different types of loose parts in our play both indoors and out! From tyres, pipes, leaves, sticks and stones we have lots of things to experiment with!
We build with these things, make things such as a “campfire” and use them to make patterns too!

More ELC fun

Here are some pictures of the end of last term, we really enjoyed exploring Nursery rhymes!
ELC 4 children have also been going up into the school on Thursdays to use the computers in the library – we have to go a lot of stairs!

This term we have been looking at Autumn and the changes in the leaves….

Block 2 already!

We have had a lovely week back in class. Primary 4 have been talking about what we are going to be learning this block. Comment below with what YOU would like to achieve/learn this block 🙂

Wonderful Week back in P6A!

Our first week back has flown by. We have started our chain of success where we are working as a team to form a chain. We can earn a link for this chain by having a tidy learning environment, good working noise levels, making a huge effort in class and respecting others etc. We started our subtraction work in maths, learning the strategy to subtract mentally. In writing, we have been learning to write complex sentences with a variety of connectives and sentence openers. We are working on making our writing more interesting. In reading we have been connecting with our texts and talking about real life experiences. We have all really enjoyed our first week and are looking forward to week 2.

Toy Inventors

To finish off our Toy topic we made toys out of junk. We had to do a lot of problem solving to work out how to make a toy from the junk that we had, then we had to use our cutting skills to make the shapes that we needed.

After we had finished making our toys we had to tell our class what we had made and how it moved.

Colour Crazy

P6b have been extending our science topic of mixing and separating into art this block. We have been mixing colours, using them to make these amazing name colour wheels. These have been made using only red, yellow, blue and black paints…

We have also used paint that doesn’t mix with water to create amazing marbled effects. This was great fun and every single one turned out differently.

3D Shapes Outside

We have been learning about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, and have made these amazing creations out in the playground.

The class was challenged to create a dome using exactly 25 sticks. After a bit of thought the girls have done it!!