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Ice and winter!

We have been exploring what happens to ice and about the season of winter. We have had lots of different activities in our ELC to explore this.

We even had ice lollies for snack to see what happened to them and to see where Mrs Watson kept them before we ate them for snack!

These are some of the children quotes….

“The ice lollies might melt when they get warm!”

“Snow turns into ice, ice turns into water”

“Degrees Celsius tells us if its too cold”


Some of the children wanted to make a “snowdog” out of some of the snow!

P3B are creating a new reading corner

We have thought of lots of great ideas to make our reading corner attractive so that we will all want to lose ourselves in a book.

Keep checking as we update what we have been doing.

On Wednesday Mrs. Smith, Isaac’s mum came with her sewing machine. We got to sew our on pockets.It was fun. The sewing machine went fast and slow. We pushed the pedal to make it go.

Huge thanks to Mrs. Smith for all her help.

Mince and tatties

Both classes had a great time making and tasting mince and tatties. A huge thanks to Tesco and Forsyths for donating the ingredients! The children have been challenged to help make a meal from scratch at home and provide photographic evidence. The first few to show what meal they made will win a lovely apron to keep them clean while cooking in future.

Scots poetry

Wow! What fantastic poetry performances in P4, well done to all the girls and boys for learning and reciting their Scots poems in front of the class. Well done to Alfie C for coming runner-up in our class Burns competition,  and Charlie for winning! Charlie is also going to be representing Kingsland and P4 at the Star O’ Rabbie Burns (Callants) competition. Good luck Charlie.

We have been really inspired and have been writing our own poetry in class, and have even had a try at writing in Scots! The girls and boys have written some lovely descriptive Scots poems. Well done!

Scottish Afternoon

On Tuesday we had the most amazing afternoon where we celebrated Scottish poems, songs, music and dancing.

Our P2A poetry winner felt scared but proud when she was performing to the whole school. Our P2 teachers are both very proud of the winners and the efforts that all of the other boys and girls put in when they were reciting their Scots poems. Well done! Many of us really enjoyed the sword dancing and Highland dancing.

It was exciting being piped in by our pipers.

P3B Scots Poetry Competition

Well done everyone for learning your Scots Poems Captain Puggle and The Sair Finger. The winner in P3B was Chloe Girdwood. We were all very proud of Chloe today when she recited her poem perfectly in front of the whole school.

Our runner up was Frankie Smellie with another fabulous rendition of The Sair Finger. Frankie made us laugh with her angry fist when she said, “Ye rogue!”

What a lot of talented pupils we have in our school! We were so proud of Sam Fitzgerald who played The Skye Boat song on his treble recorder alongside Callum, his brother, on his descant recorder. A performance to be proud of boys. Well done.

Frozen dinosaurs

Today we explored how to free some dinosaurs that were frozen in ice.

We watched them melting, we bashed them to try and break the ice and we used salt to see if that would make the ice melt faster.

“We could use salt to melt the ice because that’s what the lorrys use.” – Jacob




P3B Keen Poetry Writers

The pupils below  have inspired more poetry writers to write poems at home.  Here are their poems:

Blue is and Yellow is poems by Maisie

Blue is the sky

Blue is the sea

Blue is the river

Blue is the water

Blue is the bath.


Yellow is the sun

Yellow is bananas

Yellow is lemons

Yellow is pineapple

Yellow is summer.

My Blue Poem by Megan

Blue is as blue as a blueberry,

Blue is as blue as my dolphin Giggles,

Blue is as blue as a blue pen,

Blue is as blue as a summer sky.


Some pupils have been so keen on writing poetry that they have written their own poems at home. Fantastic girls, well done.

Eliana Herd wrote a Red is list poem:

Red is blood,

Red is love hearts,

Red is a traffic light,

Red is roses.

Ailish Bartley wrote a poem about a hummingbird:


Hum hum little one brighter than the sun,

Hum hum Fun fun I found you,

Hum hum Fun fun Found found,

Flap now Flutter away  Hum hum Fun,

Fun Found Found Flap Flap

Have FUN!

Niamh Donnachie wrote a Scottish Landscape Poem:

Spring – warm and rainy, Purple and pink

flowers pop up when you think.

Summer – warm and bright, Yellow and blue

A really hot day for you.

Autumn – Windy and cold, red and brown

Autumn leaves falling down.

Winter – cold and snowy white and grey

The perfect day to make a snowman.




We have been learning and exploring about Scotland this week! WE have made a “wee hoose” in our ELC, we have been learning some Scottish dancing and been learning a Scottish song/rhyme “Ally Bally”.

We have been having Scottish food for snack too…..haggis yummy!

WE went up to Primary One to do some Scottish singing with them too, Mrs Musgrave had her guitar.