A Scottish week

We have been exploring Scotland this week.

We have also been learning our Scots poems and working hard at adding actions and gestures because most of us know the words off by heart now.

We designed some tartan and we will keep working on this. We will share these photos with you in the whole school Scottish Afternoon video.

We have been learning about symmetry in Maths and have had so much fun with the interactive games on the Smartboard. These games have helped us with the language and they have also given us a deeper understanding about symmetry.

We are exploring some Scots words for animals and it has been fun trying to say these to our partners.

We have been reading our non-fiction books in class and we are now becoming quite skilled at reading about real facts and then talking about them in our groups. We are not finding reading non-fiction texts as challenging as we did at first.

A braw week

Another week come and gone, with lots of learning.


Each PM reading group had a task tying in with their book.
One group’s book explored different houses and homes; they then built their own den home.

Another group’s book explored homes and the layouts and designs; they then designed their own homes.

The next group used iPads and notes to recreate their book Look at Me.


We continued exploring symmetry, making symmetrical pictures and exploring lines of symmetry.

We recapped using bridging and number lines with addition and subtraction


This week we further explored Scot’s language, landmarks of Scotland and facts of Scotland. We rounded this off making tartan using card and thread.



We are continuing with narrative and learnt how to plan a narrative text piece.

Wishing you a happy and fun filled weekend.


Review of the week

This week we continued to practise reciting our Scots Poems ‘Oor Wullie’ and ‘To a Mouse’.

We looked at the art by Scottish artist Steve Brown and make a collaborative colouring of one his his highland coo paintings.

We wrote simile poems about our mum or dad and will post some next week.

In maths we made 1 metre, half a metre and quarter of a metre paper strips and measured classroom objects using them.

Weekly Review – 21/1/22

This week has been great. We have….

-Continued to work on division strategies

-Completed our McCoo art which we are all very proud of.

-Continued to learn our chosen Scottish poem in preparation for our class Burn’s Supper on Wednesday afternoon.

-Completed our limericks and created GiF’s to bring them to life.

-Continued to explore the book, “neaps and tatties”.

-Explored friendships and focused on the differences between online and in person friends.

-Worked on the o sound in spelling.

What have you worked hard on this week?

Sedimentary rock

We made some tasty sedimentary rock which had lots of layers of soil, sand, rock, pebbles and fossils. We used broken up Oreo’s for bits of rock, crumbled digestives for sand, melted chocolate for soil, smarties and sultanas for pebbles and mini marshmallows and mixed fruit for shells and fossils. This was all squashed together and left for a few million years (10 mins in the fridge) and we then had some delicious sedimentary rock!

Comment on Another Week in P7B by Eliana Herd

This week I have enjoyed doing art and P.E. In art we have been doing Scottish art for the burns assembly. In P.E we have been working on our basketball skills. We have been doing fractions and I found them a little bit hard but I talked to people around me and I fingered it out. We could do anything next week I would go A trip to the zoo on a bus 🚌 and to make it learning related have to write facts about five different animals and learn all their names on Scottish and write it down on a sheet.

Comment on Another Week in P7B by Liberty Timmins

I have enjoyed this week the Scottish art
I found the fractions we are doing in maths challenging this week
If we could do anything I would go to a trip to Edinburgh zoo the resources we would need are a bus🚌for the whole day or to make it work related we would have different items and animals to find around the zoo🚌