Numeracy and Maths

This week we have been continuing our addition and subtraction problem solving, with the additional challenge of emoji code cracking to get our sums.

In maths we began exploring weighing, heavier and lighter and non standard units of weighing.


We enjoyed reading with a focus of key words this week and exploring our stories through questions.

We designed our own dragons and wrote a descriptive piece of text on them. Great imagination was shown in creating their own dragons.

Health and well-being

We have continued to explore friendships, what makes a good friend, having lots of different friends and why it’s important. The children then created some of their own rules for good friendships.



We have been learning about resilience this week. We challenged ourselves to create card castles and used Mrs Ward’s assembly as inspiration for a card throwing challenge. We had to be very resilient  in order to keep going and not give up when things got hard.

This week in p5a

Here are the spelling words this week. The pattern is different ways of making the short o sound.

In art we drew a patchwork patterned cat. We worked on fine detail to add a variety of patterns. Can you spot the ‘Elmer’ cat?!

We wrote a description of a person this week, focussing on organising our ideas into paragraphs. The subject was Mrs May, the teacher from the ORT stories.

In health and well-being we learned about the dangers of smoking. We were in groups and had an aspect to present to the class. The main messages were

  • Most people don’t smoke
  • smoking is bad for you for lots of reasons
  • It is illegal to smoke in many places
  • smoking related diseases kill
  • there are supports to help people stop smoking

We learned that we have a partner school in Nepal and we are going to ask them questions about their school, tell them about our school and share what we do as a school to help the climate. We are learning about COP26 that is happening in November and are keen to share our own ideas about the environment.


P7A Review of the Week 1.10.21

Highlights of the week:

  • Taking part in the Sumdog Contest for Maths Week Scotland.  7761 classes entered so we were pleased to finish 166th as a class.  Particular well done to Ben G who came 24th out of 74 934 students!
  • Using different strategies to solve Subtractions
  • Reading more of our Novel Wonder.  We have been discussing how different people can have differing views on the same event and how you never really know what is going on in someone else’s life.
  • Writing descriptions of local or world famous Landmarks.
  • Reading our new Graphic novels and comic books
  • Getting our prefect badges
  • Taking photographs for a project with our partner school in Nepal with a focus on Sustainability.

What’s in the box?

We have had another busy week with lots of successes.

It has been a long time since we have done Problem Solving so first of all we used cubes to help us to see the answer and then we learned about the strategy – draw a picture. This was fun and it was hard to believe we were doing Maths. When we thought about it we realised that using the cubes was also helping us with our numbers.

We designed a dragon eye on paper then we tried to make it with play doh as a little practice for when we use clay next week. We are all really excited about that!

Mrs Ryalls brought in her dragon kite and we had to guess what was in the box. We thought it was a mungle flap! ( hen ) . The head of the kite is amazing and we have really enjoyed studying it.

Mrs Ward lent us her dragon toys and we got to cuddle them in our class for a few days. They were very welcome visitors.


We have been working together and team building but, we still find it a challenge to share and compromise. So, we are going to keep working together on challenges to help us to work with others.

We designed a dragon then made a plan. When we were happy with the plan we wrote a description that included a title, an introduction, a description of the dragon and a personal comment or evaluation. Although this was hard work we were very proud of our descriptions when we completed them.

We are continuing to work on learning the 3 school rules.

I behave safely

I listen to and follow instructions

I respect people and property


Well done, Primary 2 !

Primary 7 Prefect Badge Awards

Today was an important day in Primary 7 as we have all been working towards earning our prefect badges. We have started our prefect jobs around the school and we are trying hard to follow our school rules. We were all very proud to receive our badges. Keep working hard everyone!

Think about the questions below and post your responses:

1. What are our three school rules?

2. What can I do to make Kingsland a better place?

3. How did I feel when I received my badge?