Our week in P2/1

We’ve had a lovely week in Primary 2/1.

We started the week learning the signs for the characters in the Gruffalo with Mrs Ryalls. We then watched the story and learned lots more signs including ‘terrible!’

One of our highlights this week has been taking our plants home. We were astonished to see how much they had grown over the weekend! On Wednesday we wrote instructions about how to look after these at home – they can now be planted in the ground or in a bigger pot. We have been learning how plants need water, sunlight and the right temperature.

Our sound this week was ‘er’ and we have enjoyed reading the Tiger who came to Tea and making our own Rosseau inspired tigers. We painted the tigers using black paint, cut them out and then added tissue paper leaves.

We’ve also being doing lots of reading this week – by ourselves, in our groups and to a grown up. We have also been sharing books with children in different reading groups.

Comment on Review of the Week 28.5.21 by Mrs Little

1. Zak
2. Leavers stuff
3. The work for leavers assembly

1. Friends
2. Going to high school
3. Maths

1. Not sure
2. I would love to have a water fight
3. Not sure but I enjoyed working on iMovie

1 and 2) I enjoyed doing our assembly and I’m exited to see how it turns out
3) maths

I liked PE this week

My friends helped me when I was stuck
The leavers assembly
Being resilient