P7B iPad Challenge

We tried some fun iPad challenges today. Our first was to find the letters of our name in the classroom and take photos of them. We then edited them and created a new wallpaper for our iPads.

Our second was to create an emoji quiz for our classmates. We created sayings, movies, songs etc with emojis and shared them with others who had to guess what they meant.

Have a go at some of them and comment if you can solve them!


Festive fun in P2/1

It’s starting to feel very Christmassy in P2/1. Our classroom door is decorated and our stick children are wearing scarves and Santa hats and are relaxing with a good book!

We’re continuing our picturebook advent each day and have read some lovely stories, including one about how Santa’s reindeer are actually girls, because the boys lose their antlers each winter.

We’ve been looking more closely at the months and seasons. We’ve been doing cotton bud printing of trees in different seasons and talking more about what happens in each season. We made a winter display for our classroom where we all worked together using different materials to make a snowman. Then we did a fantastic job cutting out our snowflakes and concentrating to make sure we didn’t cut them in half!

In numeracy we’ve been building our number lines and making our own sums. We’re continuing to practise our number bonds to six.

In literacy we’ve been revising all of our phonics and are steadily working our way through in alphabetical order. We will continue with our double sounds in January. We’ve been doing lots of word building, using our sounds to help us. We’ve also been writing some Christmassy sentences. 

For health and wellbeing we’ve been talking about the school values and are starting to consider what they mean to us. We’ve been focusing on compassion and in circle time spoke about being kind to other people and being considerate of each other’s feelings.