Exploring our Numberline

In primary 1 we are continuing to use our numbercards to build  numberlines. We have begun to think about what the numbers between 10 and 20 look like and where these numbers sit on the numberline. We use our finger to count up and down the numberline and find numbers before, after and in between. Today we used the numberline to help us add numbers.


Reading in P1

Primary 1  have been working hard on learning to read. We have been continuing to practise using our sounds to read and write small words. We have also been learning to read tricky words that you cannot sound out. In our reading groups we have been taking turns to read aloud, we have to listen carefully and follow as others read. We also complete work in a workbook  about the different characters in our reading books and make up our own sentences using word cards. We also enjoy spending time  looking at and reading  books from our class library.

We have also been enjoying the Christmas story and sharing different Christmas books together.

Christmas Carols

P5 were asked to create a large Christmas display for the dining hall. This is what we came up with…


I think it’s fair to say that we have all missed out on singing Christmas carols this year!