P7A Review of the Week 20.11.20

Another busy week – lots of hard work has been going on in P7A.  We’ve been working on:

  • oo, ew, u_e and ue sounds in spelling
  • decimal of the day
  • morning challenges
  • Point Evidence Analysis in Reading Comprehension
  • TipTop method for paragraphing
  • Revision of how/when to use capital letters correctly!
  • Making an ‘oboe reed’ to learn about sound vibrations in Science
  • Writing an information report about Covid-19
  • Multiplying and dividing decimals
  • Fractions – Equivalence and simplifying
  1. What has challenged you this week?
  2. What have you learned/improved?
  3. What do you need to work on?

P6A Weekly Review

We worked together to solve our Group Work Problem on shapes today.  Flo’s group thought that it was challenging as remembering the shape names was tricky but also enjoyed it.

Learning about the different types of joints.  Anna

Adam enjoyed finding out about onomatopoeia.

Some of us got our telephone call to our parents for an update on our progress.  Jamie

Flo has worked hard on the written method of multiplication.

Primary 6a – please add your own highlight in the comments over the weekend.

Making model joints was fun too.


P7B Review of the Week 20.11.20

It has been a very hard working week this week! Some of our highlights are –

  • Writing information reports about Malala Yousuf
  • Using bar models and pictures to find fractions of an amount
  • Reading The Graveyard Book
  • Taking on the role of a dietician and providing advice for a fictional client
  • Learning about volume by making lots of noise in science
  • Spellavator Wars
  • Starting to plan our science project
  1. What has made this week enjoyable for you?
  2. What Global Goals link with your learning this week?
  3. What ideas do you have for December that could replace the usual activities we won’t be able to do because of Covid restrictions?

Amazing Angles

This week we have been revising the names of different angles, identifying these and learning how to use a protractor to measure these.

We used art in the style of cubism to find angles and name them. It helped us to learn all the different names and to identify what the angles look like.

We also worked at our tables to draw and estimate angles. We then took it in turn to measure these accurately using a protractor.

Can you find any other cubist paintings to use that show the different angles?




P1 Writing

P1 were very busy today using their  sounds to write sentences. They  had to think carefully about the sounds  needed to write each word and make sure that there was a finger space between each word.

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My First Book Of Birds

The last book in the P1 Book Bug bag is a fact book all about birds.

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Each double page has a beautiful picture of a bird we might find in our local area and gives information about the birds appearance, diet and habitat. P1 are very excited to do some bird watching.

We loved the pictures in the book and decided to draw our own colourful birds using chalk and oil pastels.

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This is a Dog!

The second book in the P1 book bag is My First Animal Book …..This is a Dog by Ross Collins.


The dog decides he would like the book to only be about him which does not please the other animals! The  dog manages to get onto every page and then tricks the rest of the animals to leave the book!

We thought the dog was very cheeky and found it very funny when he tricked the other animals.

We drew some new pages that could be added to the book.


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Listen to the author talk about the book and listen to the story online.