Review of week ending 8/10/20

We have worked hard on our last week of Block 1.

We have written our Haunted House description text using adjectives, similes and metaphors.

We have investigated the Sense – Taste and tried to identify the flavour of different Jelly Beans.  If you hold your nose you can not taste any flavour!

In number, we have continued to work on the standard written method of subtraction and know the importance of a clear layout.

In reading, we have been using part of the question to help form our answer.  This has been a little tricky.

We wish everyone a happy, and well deserved October break.  See everyone back in school on Monday 19th October.


JRSO and House Captain Announcement

Congratulations to our new JRSOs and House Captains who were announced today at assembly.

The JRSOs are –

William Mac, Summer and Tara

House Captains are –

David House – Benjamin and Frazer

Alexander House – Rose and Charlie

James House – Thomas and Elise


Everyone in P7 wishes them lots of luck with their new roles. We know they will try their very best.

Reading picturebooks

We’re shadowing the UKLA book awards, which means we have the exciting role of reviewing the shortlisted books and then voting for our favourite. We’ve read all of the picturebooks and are now re-reading them and carrying out related activities.

First we looked at Mixed by Arree Chung, a colourful picturebook where blue, red and yellow stop living separately and ‘mix’. We talked about how we’re all different and this makes us interesting. Then we painted our own characters. We learned about the primary colours and then mixed them to come up with some creative shades, including fiery orange, midnight purple and evergreen green among many others. We then added black pen detail to bring our characters to life.

Today for our friendship topic we looked more closely at Lubna and Pebble. In the book Lubna gives her pebble to her friend who is sad when she has to leave. We painted pebbles with smiley faces and gave them to our friends. We said if we’re missing our friends in the October holidays we can look at our pebble, or like Lubna, we could even speak to it!