P7B Review of the Week 23.10.20

It was lovely to welcome you all back after the October break. We have had a busy first week back with lots of new learning, a new class novel, an assembly, new guidance to keep ourselves safe, and a chance to catch up with our friends again.

Answer the questions below to review your learning experiences this week.

  1. What three things did you enjoy doing the most?
  2. What did you learn about yourself this week and what made you realise this?
  3. What would you like to have more time on?

spelling long e sound

eat eats eating meat eaten overeating
bean beans beanbag beanpole beanstalk beanstalks
see sees seen seeing seesaw unforeseen
sea seal seaweed seashell seagull seaside
feel feels feeling feelings feeler unfeeling
week weeks weekend weekends weekday midweek
weak weaker weakest weakling weakness weakening
hear hears hearing heard shearing overhears

Can you make the shapes?

P7B have been working together in problem solving to use their reading and maths skills. They read a description and tried to create a shape that fitted the description. We used our iPads to help with our drawings and learnt how to use the ruler function to measure and draw straight lines.

We found it was interesting that we all interpreted the instructions differently and there wasn’t just one way of creating the shape.

Here are a few of the descriptions – see if you can create the shape (it was much harder than we first thought).

  1.  A five-sided shape with one right angle and one pair of parallel sides.
  2.   A four-sided shape with two pairs of parallel sides, four equal sides and no right angles.
  3. A six-sided shape with no right angles and one pair of parallel sides.




Learning Sounds and Keywords

The children in Primary 1 took home a copy of the sounds and keywords we have been learning in class. Please help your child to practise  these sounds and words over the holiday.
Thank you from Mrs Collins and Mrs McGilp
We hope everyone has a lovely holiday week.

Have a great October break!

We had a great end to a busy week making our leafy lions! In the virtual assembly this week Mrs Wilson spoke about courage, one of Kingsland’s four values, and read us a story about a lion and a mouse. We spoke about how there are some things we feel brave about and some things we feel nervous about and need to have courage.

To make our lions we went for a walk around the school grounds and collected leaves in autumnal colours. Sycamore leaves were our favourite lion shade. We mixed orange and yellow paint to find the right shade, painted paper plates and then glued on the leaves, eyes and nose.

In phonics this week we learned the l and u sounds and are doing a great job of putting all the sounds together to make short words. We’re also becoming more familiar with the Oxford Reading Tree characters and key words like ‘and’.

In numeracy we’ve been looking at the different ways to make ten, practising writing our numbers the right way and have been using the language more, less, bigger, smaller and in between.

Have a great break and see you on 19th!


Important Announcement for P5

Hello Boys and Girls,

I didn’t manage to catch you before you left at the end of the day but I have managed to reset  your GLOW passwords (for those of you who asked).

You temporary password is:


You will then be prompted to put in a new password after this.

Have a super holiday and take care.

Mrs Smith