P7B Review of the Week 30.10.20

Some of the highlights of this week –

  • Shoesday
  • Walk to School Week
  • Remembrance Day information reports and art
  • Halloween art and quiz
  • Kindness Tree
  • Coordinate maths
  • Direction maths
  • The Graveyard Book
  • Secret kindness pen pals
  1. What did you enjoy most this week?
  2. What was completely new learning to you this week?
  3. If you could go back to the start of the week, what would you tell yourself to make it better?


Spelling long e sound

lady ladies ladybird ladylike ladybirds unladylike
berry berries raspberry blackberry blueberry strawberry
happy unhappy happiest happier happily happiness
even event uneven evenly evening evenings
theme themed theming themes thematic subtheme
compete competes competed competing competitive competition
thief thieves thieved thieving thievish thievery
brief briefest debrief briefly briefcase briefcases

Happy Shoesday

As part of ‘Walk to School Week’ we were given the choice to wear something funky on our feet today for ‘Shoesday Tuesday’.  Without discussing it, our teachers came in co-ordinating footwear – what a team!

Here we are in some of our favourite or funkiest footwear:

Reading in Primary 1

This afternoon we started reading in our  groups. It was very exciting. We sat around the table with Mrs Collins and looked at the cover of the book , thinking about what  the story could be about, then as we looked through the book together we  talked  about the pictures and the story. We  took turns to read the pages, pointing at each word  with our finger and using our sounds to help us read the words. We then finished by reading the book altogether. Our reading days with Mrs Collins will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday.