Cuisenaire rods

We have been using the Cuisenaire rods to help with our division in maths but we also figured out lots of other things they could help us with.  We showed number bonds to 10 and 20, number stories (ways to show a number eg 4 and be 2+2, 3+1 etc), the 2 times table and lots more.

cuisenaire rods

We have been using the Cuisenaire rods to help with our division in maths but we also figured out lots of other things they could help us with.  We showed number bonds to 10 and 20, number stories (ways to show a number eg 4 and be 2+2, 3+1 etc), the 2 times table and lots more.

museum visit

On Wednesday 11th March we visited the National museum in Edinburgh.  We started off visiting the science zone where we had great fun exploring and experimenting.  We then went to see the animals before having a break for lunch. In the afternoon we went to see the Roman artefacts and had a great time hunting for various objects including sandals, swords and some Roman coins.


We are learning about magnetic forces.

This is what we said…

‘We learned that magnets pick things up. They connect together and push away the magnets that are the same.’

‘Did you know the world is a magnet? If only one side was magnetic we would fall.’

‘They can stick to each other. There’s a magnetic force if you use the same side.’

‘If you use two magnets the wrong way it doesn’t stick together.’

We sorted materials into ‘magnetic’ and ‘non-magnetic’ and were able to name the materials.

P4 Museum Trip

On Wednesday 11th March, P4 went to the National Museum of Scotland with P4/5.  We travelled there on a big 70 seater coach. It was fun. When we got there, we started in the Roman section. We searched for different things,  saw Roman coins, armour and we got to dress up like a Roman. After lunch, we spent time in the science section and got to try lots of different activities. We also spent time in the animal kingdom section where we saw a dinosaur skeleton, an elephant and an arctic fox. We had a brilliant time!

museum trip

On Wednesday 11th March we visited the National museum in Edinburgh.  We started off visiting the science zone where we had great fun exploring and experimenting.  We then went to see the animals before having a break for lunch. In the afternoon we went to see the Roman artefacts and had a great time hunting for various objects including sandals, swords and some Roman coins.

Let there be light!

In P5 we have been learning about Light and Sound. This week we looked at what a light source was and what a reflector was. We also learned about natural and artificial light sources.
Every time we leave the school grounds we wear these Hi-vis bibs but did we ever really realise how effective they were?  This photo shows what happens when the light from a vehicle shines on the reflective strips at night. We thought it was really cool!

World Book Day

We had a great day celebrating World Book Day and preparing our classroom door.  Our theme was the picturebook Dragon Post, where a little boy finds a dragon and writes lots of letters asking for advice.  Using the book as inspiration we wrote some fantastic letters asking how to look after our own dragon: to Edinburgh Zoo asking how to train it, to Forsyths asking for meat to feed it and to Mrs Wilson asking if we could keep it!

We also worked together to create a dragon, each person designing a scale to make a collage of its body.

We had lots of lovely comments and suggestions from visitors to our door, and had a great time visiting other classrooms to see their doors.