careers week day 3

Lochie’s Mum came in on Friday and talked to us about working for the Scottish book trust.  She showed us some of the information available on the website and also read us one of her favourite stories.

Outdoor Learning

P4a made art in the playground. We could use any natural materials and had the theme of ‘nature’! We had to be responsible and tidy up after ourselves when we were finished.

Story Time in P7!

We have been learning about stories that have hidden messages and themes. We have looked at the work of Anthony Browne and Banksy in depth and had a go at making our own graffiti art, stories and picture books. We invited our Primary 1 buddies to come and hear our stories. We haven’t had any buddying for a while so we were very excited. Our buddies also brought work on emergency services to show us.



My name is Reuben and i am new to digital leaders,Digital                         leaders can help me get better with digital stuff

Speed Up Your mental Maths with Loop cards

In class we have been using Time Loop cards:

I have half past 3. Who has one hour later?

I have half past 4. Who has 2 hours earlier?

Loop cards help us think quickly so we can get back to the start again. They are fun.

We can use Topmarks Loop cards online to speed up our adding, subtracting, multiplying and doubling. Maybe you want to try some in the holidays. Have fun!Topmarks Loop cards

Make Up Tutorial

Danni came to do a make up tutorial with P7 today. She told us how to work out our skin tone and which colours suit us. She then did a step by step demonstration on Zahara and gave us top tips to note down. We also learnt that it is important to take make up off to keep your skin clean.