Our Eggs Are Cracking!!

Today in P7b we were listening to our eggs chirp from inside the egg! Then when one of the class members went up to hear the eggs and it was shaking and little crack appeared! All of the class were so excited! After break the egg had cracked more and it was moving, this is called the ‘pip stage’. Then after lunch the chick made a little hole that it peeked its beak through. When we found out we were so amazed.  We can’t wait to come into school tomorrow and hopefully see some chicks! By, Beth, Ruby and Abbie

A busy start to block 2-Primary 6a

Primary 6a have had a busy start to block 2. They have chosen to look at the Scottish Wars of Independence and have enjoyed looking at Primary and Secondary sources to think about what we can find out about William Wallace.

In writing the class have chosen to write ghost stories. Mrs Harrison has so enjoyed reading everybody’s story and has at times been terrified!

For homework the class had a choice of different activities and they enjoyed sharing them with each other.



Something EGGciting has been going on in P7b. We are having an EGGsperience of a lifetime.

P7b have been looking after chicken eggs that we have kept in an incubator. We have learnt so much already…

  • The eggs have to be incubated for exactly 21 days.
  • We won’t know what gender they will be until they are 6 months old.
  • We have to turn the eggs three times a day while they are in the incubator.
  • The incubator has to be at exactly 38 degrees.

In the first week of looking after the eggs , we had  to do something called candling. Candling is when you go into a pitch black room then you shine a torch onto the egg to see if it is developing properly. Unfortunately 2 of our eggs weren’t developing. We are hoping that the 8 we have left will stay healthy and will hatch!

Stay tuned for some more updates.

This is going to be P7b’s greatest EGGventure!

Written by Abbie, Lois and Cooper.

War Genre Setting Homework

TASK: Pick a setting from the images below. Write a detailed description of the setting using the senses (minimum 200 words). Remember to show not tell. Your reader should feel as if they are standing in the middle of the setting! Post your description as a comment to this post.



P1 Halloween Party

On Friday we had lots of fun at our Halloween party with our P7 buddies. We played games and took part in a range of Halloween themed activities. We particularly enjoyed counting spiders, pumpkin printing and making tissue ghosts!

Spooky fun!


Spooky fun!

Over the last couple of weeks we have been doing lots of activities to do with Halloween and dressing up!

We have made a Halloween area in our ELC, painted and carved pumpkins, listened and danced to spooky music, went on a spooky Muddy Monday walk and had a fantastic dress up party!




Review of the Week w/b 29.10.18

Fergus – I enjoyed the outdoor learning day and enjoyed the part where we had to find risks.

Lola – I enjoyed helping our P1 buddies with their Halloween party. Me and Oliver did some good dancing.  I liked finding out about everybody who was joining in with the war even though only men were allowed to sign up.  I liked finding out about how we were all connected even thought we were different.

Layla – I enjoyed helping the P1 buddies with their disco and me and Darcie won the musical statues. I enjoyed learning about WW2.

Zahara – I liked doing the Halloween party with P1 and I loved seeing all their cool dance moves and their costumes.  I liked working with Caitlin doing the Morrison shelter for WW2 and discovering more about it.

Isaac – I liked when Piers Torday came in to show us his books.

Lucy – I liked doing the PGL Christmas cards. I enjoyed doing our research about Britain’s preparations for WW2.  I liked when we did a pretend air raid.

Ailsa – I liked doing the outdoor learning day because it helped us to cooperate outside and in the classroom. I liked doing the web and it doesn’t matter how different you are, you can still be connected somehow.

Ellie – I liked doing the outdoor learning day and making the video with my group.

Maisie – I liked doing the outdoor learning day and taking the photos of how to help others stay safe.

Mairi – I enjoyed learning how to use a calculator to find a percentage.

Andrew M – I liked when Piers Torday came to speak to us about his books.

Shaun – I enjoyed the P1s with their Halloween party and me Jack and Danny won musical knees.

Caitlin – I enjoyed buddying up with P1 for Halloween activities.

Samuel – I liked outdoor learning day because it was different from being in the classroom.

Aiden – I enjoyed doing the web when we had to give other people the rope to show our connections.

P1 celebrate Outdoor Learning Day

We had a lovely walk all the way round the school grounds this afternoon. We were looking for signs of Autunn and for any animals that might share our environment…but really we just loved having a really good look around the other playgrounds. We especially loved the view from the P7 balcony! (Shh, don’t tell them we sneaked on!). What a gorgeous Autumn day.