P3a Egyptian Houses

We have been finding out about Egyptian Houses and comparing them to our own houses this week. We found out that Egyptian Houses had flat roofs and they would often sleep on the roof to keep cool in the hot weather. The houses often had stone gate posts and they were made of mud bricks which had been dried in the sun.

We designed our own Lego Egyptian Houses which showed all the features we had learned about.

P3a Drama

We have been doing some Drama about Egyptian Gods. Last week, some of us pretended to be Gods and Mummies. We played a game where everyone else had to try to creep up on us without being heard. When the Mummies and Gods said ‘Zap’, we all had to stay VERY still. It was really tricky to stand like a statue but we all had fun!

P3a Sarcophagus Art

We enjoyed finding out about the Egyptian coffin that Pharaohs were buried in. The coffin was called a Sarcophagus. We learned that the patterns on a sarcophagus were symmetrical which means they were the same on both sides. We worked really hard to make our pictures symmetrical and we are very proud of them!

P3a Marshmallow Challenge

We had to work together and use our problem solving skills in our ‘Marshmallow Challenge’ We had to try to build the tallest tower we could using only toothpicks and mini marshmallows. First, we drew a plan then we set to work. It was quite tricky but lots of fun!

P3a Egyptians

We are having lots of fun finding out about Ancient Egyptians for our topic. We enjoyed learning all about pyramids and painted lovely 3D pyramids with sand in the paint to add texture.

We were fascinated to find out that there were lots of secret passageways, trap doors and booby traps inside the pyramids to protect the treasure from grave robbers. We drew our own pyramids  and labelled all the different traps. We then shared them with a learning partner. We don’t think any robbers would be able to get to our treasure!

First few weeks in Primary 6

Image result for wonder novel

Welcome to the first post of Primary 6. We have had a busy time in our first few weeks of Primary 6 and Mr Galbraith and Mrs Harrison have been impressed with how well everybody has settled in.

Primary 6a have chosen to read Wonder as a class novel and P6b have chosen to read Holes. These will both fit in  with the focus that we will be having on discrimination.

Tell us what you have enjoyed in your first few weeks and what you are looking forward to in Primary 6.

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