Communication Friendly Environments

We are here to help you adapt your environment to ensure it is communication friendly. There are lots of ways to do this. We will focus mainly on the use of visuals. Find us on twitter @SchoolsNlc

March 28, 2021
by Mrs Young

What do I do when I have a problem?

It can be difficult to ask for help sometimes. When our young people (and adults) have a problem it can be difficult to work through. By breaking the problem down into chunks, this can help communicate what the issue is. This doesn’t lessen the problem, but may make it easier to work through. Regardless of how big it may appear to others, it is important to recognise how big the problem is to the person experiencing it. If we do this right, it allows for a more trusting relationship and creating a real and deep support network.

I have a problem

February 27, 2021
by Mrs Young

Covid Self Testing Kit

We have now added a simplified version of how to complete the Covid Self Testing.

self test


***Edited to fix typo***

Please follow the instruction in the booklet that will come with your testing kit. This has been created to give others an idea of what is required before getting the testing kit to ease some anxiety over what is required.

self test

February 27, 2021
by Mrs Young

Weekly Work Tasks for School

Weekly planner

This is a resource that is aimed more at secondary aged young people. When we are trying to balance dates and tasks, it can be tricky. This resource could be used by being saved as a photo to a table and then edit photo and write in when tasks are due and what the tasks are. Alternatively it can be printed and laminated to make it easily editable.

My weekly workload

February 22, 2021
by Mrs Young


It can be difficult to balance choice, motivation and expectations when young people feel stressed. This can be used in school or at home. Must is the bare minimum of what they can do. Should is what you would prefer them to do. Could is if they want to push themselves.

At home we would use this for tasks such as eating. e.g. you must have two slices of toast; you should have two slices of toast plus an orange juice; you could have two slices of toast plus an orange juice and an egg.

Or for getting ready

You must brush your teeth and wash your face.

You should also wash your body.

You could style your hair.


At school this could be used to break down activities. e.g.

You must complete 3 sentences.

You should complete 5 sentences.

You could complete 5 sentences and complete a wordsearch.


must should could

February 19, 2021
by Mrs Young

Return to School February 2021

As always, our information comes from the Scottish Government website. viewed 19/2/21)

Return to school feb

return to school feb check in

Returning to school feb 2021

It can be really tricky to navigate childcare and work. Sometimes some families need more than one childcare option. This planner aims to help show where the young person will be going before school (or if they will be at home); where they are to go after school; who will be picking them up from their child carer and what the evening plans are e.g. going to the shops etc.

Weekly planner

January 31, 2021
by Mrs Young

Children and Young People’s Mental Health Week

Mental Health Week

This is an example of a timetable for the week to support positive mental wellbeing in children and young people.

These are examples of different fun activities that can be done around the home.


Mental Health Week 2

It can be very telling when asking anyone what they like about themselves. If someone has low self esteem, getting them to find one thing they like about themselves can be hard but by getting there, this is something that can be built on. Whether it is a case of encouraging them to look in the mirror and say “I like my eyes.” or getting them to use the one thing they like about themselves to recognise that there are positives about themselves.


Sometimes we can think people perceive us the same way we perceive ourselves. When someone does not think highly of themselves, it can be hard to recognise that others may see us in a more positive light. This is something that can happen at any age.


My skills

January 29, 2021
by User deactivated

Patting Stories

Patting stories encourage body awareness and crossing the midline. They can also help develop interaction skills. If your child has support from an occupational Therapist check first that this type of activity is ok to do.Patting stories P1

January 17, 2021
by Mrs Young

Information is Power

We often use words with our children or young people that they may not understand. When this is something that has a direct impact on them, it is important we give them the information. This allows them to better understand themselves. This helps improve their mental health as they recognise there is a reason for what they do or why they do something.

This is also important for other children and young people to help them to understand their peers.

These contain lots of information so have been separated by colour to allow these to be cut into smaller strips to avoid information overload.


January 16, 2021
by Mrs Young

Covid Positive Result

Something no one wants is to have a positive result from a Covid test. Unfortunately for many, that is a reality. For anyone it can be terrifying but particularly for our young people. Covid affects people in different ways and we are not medical experts or have any knowledge more than basic first aid so we have based our visuals on the nhs website. (last viewed 16/01/21) 

I have covid


January 14, 2021
by Mrs Young

Life Skills

When we learn a new skill, we become more confident. Learning new skills have more than just a practical impact. To help, we have created resources to show how young people feel about what they can do on their own. This can be used to give an idea of their confidence in their own ability.

Life skills

January 10, 2021
by Mrs Young

Lockdown Routines

Respectfully and due to copyright issues, please ensure that you keep our ‘made by Boardmaker’ on all our work.

We’ve edited our routines page and will be including this post so that you can make up your own timetable to suit you and your family/school during home learning 2021.

The PDF and pictures can be printed and cut out.

Lockdown Routine 2021

This powerpoint can be used as an interactive resource. See our blog Interactive first and then board for more information on how to do this.

interactive routine

This is an example of what you will see on each powerpoint once you zoom out.



January 7, 2021
by Mrs Young
1 Comment

Social Media

Social media is a huge thing for our society. We are creating a pack to support the understanding of this and the importance of being responsible online. More resources will be added.

Technology confidence questionnaire

Remote Learning Check in

remote learning

Social Media

Social Media 1

Social Media Scenario

These could be used to enter into discussions about appropriate and inappropriate reactions on social media.


December 18, 2020
by Mrs Young

Pupil Voice

We used this for our S1s today to find out how they feel they are settling in. We wouldn’t have been able to get this type of information from them otherwise. Sometimes asking pupils how they are getting on can result in the shutdown of “fine.”, to help, we have created this to give options on answers and to help break down the whole “How are you settling in?”. This could also be used for pupils who have moved schools.

Settling In Pupil Voice

December 8, 2020
by Mrs Young

Staying Safe at Christmas UPDATED

We have updated our information based on the latest Scottish Government guidance. This can be found on this link – viewed 16/12/20 @20:45pm)

Christmas bubble updated


Christmas Bubbles Update  (last viewed 8/12/20 @8:40pm)

In line with updated guidance, we have created some visuals based on this to help explain the bubbles.

Christmas Bubbles

We have created a visual that can be personalised. You can write/draw on these to show who will be in your bubble and where you may be going.

Christmas bubble personalise

December 3, 2020
by Mrs Young

Motivation Boards

Motivating pupils for work tasks can be tricky. Some of our young people find it difficult to work, if they do not see the purpose. This can be okay and manageable at time, but at other times, this motivation to work on things they find uninteresting or lacking in purpose for them at this stage of their life, can be difficult.

To help, we use the motivation boards. We have attached some examples of what they may look like. The best ones are ones based on the pupil’s interest. We use pictures of things such as books, custard creams, favourite TV character, an image of an iPAd etc. These work best when completed individualised.

We use this for all pupils, but our target audience are pupils who are appearing to “opt out” of work tasks. It is important to recognise the pupil’s achievement. We have included an example of what we may give out jigsaw pieces for. This is deliberately rather vague as on some days, depending on how the young person is feeling, it may be enough of a challenge for them to even be in the room so if they are having a particularly challenging time, doing one task may be using up as much energy -emotionally and mentally-  as it would on another day to do 5 tasks.

We need to meet them where they are at that moment.

THIS SHOULD NEVER BE USED AS A BEHAVIOUR CHART. Pieces only get removed once they have completed their jigsaw and have been given their choosing time. NEVER remove for behaviour, as this is NOT a positive/negative reward system. It is to help motivate and give a purpose to something. This focus is solely on motivation therefore to use it for motivation and behaviour gives less opportunity for achieving success.

We cut the coloured sheet in the shape of the picture then cut it into pieces. We laminate both colour and black and white sheet. Then use velcro to attach the pieces. We also attach an envelope to the bottom of the page with the coloured pieces so that the young person has access to it.

Motivation Board Instructions



October 29, 2020
by Mrs Young

Scottish Government Levels

We have updated with another example of wearing face coverings. (Last viewed 1/11/20)

Face Coverings level 3 and 4

We have updated to included Socialising and Hospitality information for the levels. Last viewed 31/10/20

Socialising and Hospitality Levels
 Last viewed 29/10/20


October 18, 2020
by User deactivated

Initial sounds

Child can write letter in spare boxes. They could also draw or stick in pictures of things and words they find in magazines beginning with the same sound.

October 16, 2020
by Mrs Young


For some of our young people, it can be difficult for them to not interrupt. Sometimes they have to tell you something when they remember it as it takes up too much brain power. Other times they do not know if this is something you need to know.

I need to talk

October 10, 2020
by Mrs Young

Central Belt Restrictions in Scotland  last viewed 10/10/20

Please remember to regularly check localised guidance for updated information. We have attempted to visualise the rules as best we can. As the rules change, it becomes more complicated for us all. Please bear in mind we are simply visualising the guidance from the Scottish Government website. We do not make them so are unable to answer any questions relating to them. Please contact your local elected official for these answers.

Central Belt Restrictions

Central Belt Travel Restrictions

September 27, 2020
by Mrs Young

Visual Explanations

Here we are going to be adding some Visual Explanations to help explain different situations that may arise. Visual Explanations are what we use to help develop understanding, perceptions and development of communication. All behaviour is communication so we would use these alongside analysis of communication, sensory processing and environmental factors.

Colours of symbols are used to show how these can be printed and cut into strips so that young people are not overwhelmed by too much information. This would depend on the young person. With some young people, we would use this as a poster and refer throughout the day. For other young people we would cut them into strips so they can be taken to other areas more easily.

PDF versions can be downloaded by clicking on the blue underlined words.

What should I do when I am hurt

when should i wash hands

I need to move

I need help

Mum is having a baby

okay and not okay

okay angry

September 25, 2020
by Mrs Young

Scottish Government Guidance Update September

Please note we are visualising the guidance only. We have no input nor access to further information. Please contact your local elected representatives if you have any questions. households

Restrictions in scotland retail hospitality tourism

Self Isolating

Test and Protect Self Isolate Last viewed 29/9/20


September 23, 2020
by Mrs Young

Scottish Government Update September

These are the visuals we have created based on the speech from the first minister. This can be found in the link below. Please make sure you check localised guidance regularly for the most up to date information. We are only visualising the information and only have the information from the speech and the government website. Therefore we cannot answer any questions in relation to the change of rules or what they mean.

Scot Gov Update

September 5, 2020
by Mrs Young

After School Communication

“How was school today?” One of the most challenging questions to ask. As parents, we never know what the response will be. For some of our children and young people, it can be hard to articulate. For others, school is finished and they have already experienced it. It is present in their mind and they have the knowledge. It can be hard for them to recognise that we haven’t experienced the same as them, therefore we do not know.  For others, they are so exhausted that they cannot bear to talk about it.

We worry.

To help, we have created a couple of resources. We would laminate these resources for our children/pupils and use a whiteboard pen. This can help take away some of the anxiety and give you some information.

Today in school I liked

My favourite thing this week was

September 5, 2020
by Mrs Young

Literacy Resource Packs

Over the next few weeks, we will be adding in different literacy resource packs. These can be used for whole class/individuals.

In our class we laminate them and add them to our literacy folder for pupils to use independently while the teacher is working with others.

ee words folder

August 26, 2020
by Mrs Young

Face Coverings In Schools

We have updated this blog to include Adults Wearing Masks in Schools.

Adults wearing masks in school (26/8/20) (26/8/20)

This visual is to support the understanding of where to wear masks in school based in the Scottish Government Guidance. Information based on the above guidance from the Scottish Government.

Wearing Masks in Secondary Schools


Face Coverings


August 24, 2020
by Mrs Young

Teaching Time

We will build this up over the next few weeks. Resources can always be adapted to include the use of consistent visuals. Each pack follows a similar layout in order to provide consistency and to relieve anxiety of new things!

We are quite excited about our half past resource! We think it’s better than our original o’clock one! Sorting am and pm requires cutting along the line.

Remember to click the blue words on our blog to open up the PDF version.

quarter past

quarter to

Time Half Past

Time Half Past

Time o’clock


August 23, 2020
by Mrs Young

Shanarri Indicators

Returning to school, it is so important to hear pupil’s voice. We have adapted our SHANARRI work to suit the needs of different pupils. This is what we are currently using in class. Pupils cut and stick to show how they feel and what makes them feel this way.

Shanarri Indicators

August 15, 2020
by Mrs Young

Secondary Timetables

It can be difficult for some of our young people to organise what they need for a full day of school. To support them, we have created a powerpoint that can be used at home/school and printed. This could then be attached to a keyring and kept on the young person’s bag.

To use, click and download the powerpoint. Open on a computer/tablet and copy and paste/move the visuals to make up the individual timetable for each day. Remember times may differ for each school/authority so please double check times before hand.

This is an example of how it could look.

Secondary timetables interactive – Powerpoint

August 9, 2020
by Mrs Young

Feeling Angry

Many of our returning pupils ( and adults) may experience anger next week but may not be able to explain why. Recognising this and supporting them, will provide positivie opportunities to develop self help strategies for life long skills.

angry– Downloadable version

August 9, 2020
by Mrs Young

Sharing information

It is so important in schools that we all know the best ways to support our pupils. This activity below can be printed and written on or downloaded and typed. Another option is to download to powerpoint and use the visuals. Visuals can be seen and understood quicker by most brains so benefits everyone…staff included.

Symbols can be dragged on to show what sensory issues staff need to be aware of. Daily requirements such as using overlays or a first/then board can be included. Extra information might include details of calming strategies or where to find required resources etc.

About Me – Powerpoint version

Below is an example of how this might look.


August 7, 2020
by Mrs Young
1 Comment

All Behaviour is Communication

When we look at situations, we often see the behaviour. It is crucially important that we look beyond the behaviour and look at the reason for the behaviour. There will always be one.

When working with our new neuro-divergent children and young people, this needs to be concerned before we react. We also need to look at developing their self awareness. These resources are to further develop this.

Overload 1


August 5, 2020
by Mrs Young

Getting to Know Me Activities

Returning to school can be tricky. As teachers, having a bank of easy to use and adapt resources is key for the first few days any year, but this year these resources need to be adapted to include a greater focus on supporting  the emotional needs and mental health needs of our pupils. To help with this, we will be adding in resources over the next few days.

Getting to know me


This resource can be used as an interactive activity on a smart device. (see our previous posts on how to do this.)

It is about opening up how our children/young people feel. It is an activity that can be used as a one off or on a more regular basis.

How I feel Young Person

How I think I’m feeling

We have also made one for older teenagers/adults.

How I feel Adult

August 4, 2020
by Mrs Young

Returning to School Emotions

As the return to school is fast approaching. many of our pupils (and staff) will be feeling a range of emotions. Due to the length of time that has passed, we need to be so aware of ensuring that we are all aware of the emotions being experienced by those around us. These are challenging times for adults. We cannot begin to imagine how challenging this is for some of our children and young people. Some may react in ways we would not expect. Some of our children and young people may cope better than expected while others less so.

We need to support them as they need it.

Returning to School Emotions

July 19, 2020
by Mrs Young


It can be really tricky for some of our young people to understand seeing people out of context. With guidance beginning to relax, having visitors coming into their homes or them going to visit in others’ homes can be difficult to understand. To support this, we have created an interactive board. This can be either printed or saved to a tablet that has powerpoint or keynote. Please note this opens on a computer on powerpoint.

Instructions are at the bottom of this post.

Interactive Visitors

July 15, 2020
by Mrs Young

Home routines

We have included some resources to support routines at home. At the bottom of the post there is some advice on how to support communication.

Home Routine Resources (PDF Available here)

These are some examples of place you may go or what you may do.

Below are blank day boards. You can add Velcro to the boards or use tac to make them reusable. You can use one strip or the full day board.

Below is an example of a week board. This could be used to show upcoming events for the week or could be used to show where child/young person will go e.g. school-club-home etc.

Below is a first and then/now and next board.


Depending on the stage of development of your child/young person photographs or objects may be more appropriate. For example use a first and then board and place a spoon on first and a duplo block on then. Once you have done this, you would use speech while pointing/touching “First Breakfast (point to spoon). Then Blocks (point to block).”

When using visuals, objects or photographs the verbal is as important to help the child/young person to make the connections and support brain development and processing skills.

July 14, 2020
by Mrs Young

Covid-19 Phase 3 Resources

Some more visuals to support the latest Scottish Government Guidelines. (14/07/20)


June 20, 2020
by Mrs Young

Family Summer Bucket List

This year the summer holidays are going to be different than previous years. There are so many things we can do to keep the summer holidays fun. So we have created a Bucket List for families to try! This may not be appropriate for all families, as always, these are just some ideas! We have a million more so might make another one up!

Family Bucket List

June 20, 2020
by Mrs Young

My School Passport

Many people enjoy looking through photo albums or have wee boxes or folders of memories and keepsakes. This is important for our children and Young People too. We have created this wee booklet (Click the blue underlined words to open our PDF) that can work as both a transition document and a keepsake. Each year pages 3 and 4 could be printed and added to their booklet.

My School Passport

June 16, 2020
by User deactivated
1 Comment

Outdoor activities

These are some outdoor ideas that we have borrowed from the North Lanarkshire Outdoor Learning Pack 3. We would like to thank them for letting us share some of their ideas.


June 16, 2020
by Mrs Young

How Can I Prepare My Child for their Return to School?

Many of our parents are concerned about how their children and young people will cope with their return to school. Schools are working incredibly hard to try and get everything worked out to ensure everything is ready for our children and young people on their return in August. Everyone is working with the unknown. To try to help, we have made up a wee booklet that some of our parents have been asking about.

What can I do to help prepare my child

Returning in September? Use these pages instead!

Return to School in September

June 15, 2020
by Mrs Young

My Day

For many of our young people and friends, a day seems like a long time. To ease anxiety, breaking the day down into managable steps can help.

My day

June 12, 2020
by Mrs Young



Facing bereavement can be difficult at any stage of our life. For our children and young people, they may react in ways we would never expect. Or they may react exactly as we thought. It can be hard to prepare for whether it is sudden or expected. There are lots of excellent resources out there to support and explain to our young people.

Here are a couple of our examples.

when a person dies

when a person dies page 2

Explaining and understanding death


June 11, 2020
by Mrs Young

Covid Worries for a Young Person

Many of our young people and older children are concerned about Covid-19. Again, using our understanding of the value of facing fear with facts.

This is important to only use the bits that are relevant and appropriate for your young person/ child. You know them best. If the example of the shop would mean they won’t want to go to a shop, then cut that bit off.

Worried about covid

June 8, 2020
by Mrs Young
1 Comment

Facing fear with facts

It is so important that we acknowledge the fears of our young people. Talking them through these fears and recognising their validity gives the young person the chance to reconcile with how they are feeling. Facing these fears with facts can also help.


Covid Fears

June 5, 2020
by Mrs Young

Black Lives Matter


Black Lives Matter.

Remember, use only what is appropriate for your children/young people. Some of this may be upsetting so please use appropriately.

Anyone who follows our blog regularly will be aware that we make resources to support communication. Part of communication is understanding. Many people are trying desperately to understand what is happening in the world right now. Our children and young people too. We have based referenced our research below.

We have attempted to explain what ‘Black Lives Mean’ as best as we can. We are listening and we are learning.




References (05/06/20) (05/06/2020) (05/06/20)

June 5, 2020
by Mrs Young

Story and Sentence Support

When it comes to story writing, many of our children and young people have fantastic ideas but can find it difficult to process these ideas and focus on the physical requirements of forming each letter and word to make up the sentence of story. How many times do we find that asking the child or young person about their story or essay,they are able give us so much more than we see on their page?

To help with this, we have created sentence boards, where the pupil would select the image they want (these can easily be tailored to suit individual pupils likes/interests.

For those pupils who find it hard to start, we have the choice boards.

PDF available here Story Support

June 3, 2020
by Mrs Young

Teaching about Perceptions

There are many things people learn naturally. Others are that are specifically taught. Some are straight forward and others are more difficult.

Trying to get someone to take on board that someone else may have a different point of view or perception that is just as valid as their own is a tricky one.

We will be adding more resources to this in the coming weeks and months as many people will need this to be repeated and taught again.


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