Welcome to Primary 2B!
Thank you for visiting our class page.
Week beginning 22nd June
I can’t believe we are in our final week of P2! As it is the last week before the summer holidays it will be a little different: I have made a list of activities for you to try throughout the week. You do not need to do them all! There will only be one Assignment folder – anything that you complete, please upload there. Have fun!
Activities for the week:
- Bug Club book
- Phoneme and common word revision. Try as many activities as you like from the active spelling grid, using any of the words you find tricky in the documents below. Common Words and Phoneme Words stg2 Common words and Phoneme words – challenge Active Spelling Grid
- End of Year Discussion Posters – Scroll through the posters and discuss each one with a relative. If you wish, note down some answers to each one!
- Summer-Themed-Craft-Activity-Pack
- summer-mindfulness-colouring-sheets
- Choose some activities from the summer learning grids. summer grid 2 summer learning grid p2
Shape Activities
- Name the 2D shape Powerpoint – discuss how many sides and corners each shape has.
- Use different 2d shapes to create your own summer picture.
- Count and colour the 2d shapes in the picture. 2d shape picture
- Everyday 3D shapes Powerpoint
- Colour the shapes, cut them out and stick them on the correct poster. If you don’t have a printer, do this verbally or find some objects around the house to sort! 3D shape sorting cards 3D shape sorting posters
- Have a 2D/3D shape hunt in your house or garden. How many shapes can you spot?
- 9am PE with Joe Wicks – YouTube
- 10am Music with Myleene Klass – YouTube
- 11am Science with Maddie Moate – YouTube
- 1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com
- 2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com
- 3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com
Monday 15th June
Core Tasks
Reading – Bug Club Book
Before clicking on your book have a look at the front cover. Do you think it is a fiction or non-fiction text? Why?
Open your book and look at the pictures only. Tell an adult what you think is happening in each picture or what you think each page is about?
Read the book to yourself and then to an adult.
Finally answer the bugs.
Emeralds – Zip and Zap and the Sam
Diamonds – Yun and the Ice Spirit
Sapphires – A Vet’s Day
Rubies – A Little Look at Big Reptiles
Spelling – phoneme story ‘a-e’
Sing the alphabet together then say what sound each letter makes.
Introduce the next phoneme. Say ‘a-e’ and ask your child to look at what your mouth does, what shape it makes? Then ask your child to say the sound and think about what their own mouth is doing.
Have a look at the following ‘a-e’ video which revises ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ too!
Write the phoneme in the air then on the table or carpet in front of you.
Read the phoneme story for ‘a-e’ to your child and ask them to touch their nose when they hear the phoneme. Phoneme Story a_e
Can they think of any other words which contain the phoneme?
Practise your spelling using this rainbow template. Fill the rainbow by writing a different word in each section several times. Use a different colour for each part! – Rainbow(1)
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition, subtraction, multiplication or division questions. (focusing on 2, 5 or 10x tables) They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Measure – Area
This week we will be looking at area, beginning with non-standard units of measurement. Can you find the items on this sheet around your house/garden and any other items and measure their surface area using non-standard units? This could be coins or any other non-standard unit you have in the house. In school we would use cubes or counters that are all the same size.
(Hexagon group only) Revision – 2 digit multiplication
Optional Tasks
It is 2 weeks until we officially stop school for summer so why not try some of these summer activities from the activity grids?
Tuesday 16th June
Core Tasks
Book of your choice, Bug Club book or listen to an audio book.
Common words – take, gave, cold, don’t
- Use magnetic letters to make the first word.
- Read the word to your child and ask them to repeat it. Are they pronouncing it correctly?
- Ask your child ‘how many letters are in the word?’ and count them together.
- Ask ‘how many phonemes are in the word? How many sounds can you hear?’
- Children choose a spelling strategy to help them learn the word and practise spelling it. Spelling Strategies
- Jumble up the letters and ask your child to correct the spelling using their strategy.
- Trace the word in the air, on the table/floor, in the sand.
- Repeat this process for each of the common words.
Phoneme ‘a-e’
Choose one of the activities below to complete.
find-and-write-the-a-e-words – choose *, ** or *** (You do not have to complete all 3)
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition, subtraction, multiplication or division questions. (focusing on 2, 5 or 10x tables) They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Measure – Area
If you have PowerPoint have a look at this presentation about calculating and estimating area.
Now try to calculate the area of these shapes.
(Hexagon group only) – Revision – Addition with carrying (3 Digits)
Example –
Optional Tasks
Make music from jam jars.
Wednesday 17th June
Core Tasks
Book of your choice or Bug Club book.
Use a Bug Club book or a book of your choice to complete the following task. Text Detective
Can you spot which words are real and which are not in this worksheet?
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition, subtraction, multiplication or division questions. (focusing on 2, 5 or 10x tables) They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Measure – Area
Try this area sheet, remember your cm2 units at the end of your answer.
Why don’t you have a go at this area game?
(Hexagon group – or anyone else who wants to give it a go!) – Practise your addition skills in this Daily 10 game. Select Level 3 Addition and choose either 2 digit numbers, 3 digit numbers and ones or 3 digit numbers and tens. You should be able to set the time you would like for in between questions. I recommend at least 7 seconds! Get a whiteboard or piece of paper and write down your answers and you can check what you got out of 10 at the end.
Optional Tasks
In this lesson draw along with Bob Price, the art director of the CBeebies show Pablo.
Thursday 18th June
Core Tasks
Fact or Opinion
Have a look at the following PowerPoint to help you better understand the difference between a fact and an opinion.
Bug Club book or book of your choice.
Complete one of the book reviews below for a book which you have read this week. Remember to write in sentences and to use capital letters at the beginning of a sentence, for names of people and for book titles.
a-e-split-digraph-word-search (optional task)
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition, subtraction, multiplication or division questions. (focusing on 2, 5 or 10x tables) They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Measure – Area
Using squared paper you have at home or by printing out this sheet of 1cm2 paper create your own area robot. 1 cm paper
What is the area of your robot’s head?
What is the area of your robot’s body?
What is the area of your robot’s legs?
What is the area of your robot’s arms?
(Hexagon group – or anyone who wants to give it a go!) Practise addition, subtraction, multiplication or division in this game. There are different levels of difficulty to choose from. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/mental-maths-train
Optional Tasks
Why don’t you try another activity from the summer learning grids?
Friday 19th June
Core Tasks
Elkonin boxes
Read out some phoneme words and ask your child to make and break them, recording their answers in their elkonin boxes.
Read the sentences from the document below to your child and ask them to write them down. Remind them of the core targets – full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. How many words have they spelt correctly? Revise any phonemes or common words they have had difficulty with. Choose any sentences from week 4 up to week 25.
Access Sumdog and have a go at some different games. Sumdog
Measure – Area
Have a go at this online area game: https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/area-builder/latest/area-builder_en.html
Why don’t you try this game with a family member or 2 if you have a dice at home? If you don’t have a dice you can use this online dice roller: https://www.random.org/dice/?num=2
- Choose a pencil/pen each, making sure each player chooses a different colour.
- Players take turns rolling the dice twice or rolling two die if you have them. Using the two numbers you have rolled draw a shape with that area. Eg: if you roll a 6 and a 2 you could draw a shape which is 6 boxes in length and 2 in width.
- Write the area in the middle of your shape in cm2.
- The game ends when players run out of room to draw.
- The winner is the player who has used the largest area/most squares.
(Hexagon group) – Sumdog, Hit the Button on Topmarks or complete previous written tasks.
Optional Tasks
Why don’t you give a relative a massage or you could do some Cosmic Kids Yoga?
- 9am PE with Joe Wicks
- 10am Music with Myleene Klass
- 11am Science with Maddie Moate
- 30am Dance with Oti Mabuse
- 1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com
- 2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com
- 3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com
Monday 8th June
Core Tasks
Reading – Bug Club Book
Before clicking on your book have a look at the front cover. Do you think it is a fiction or non-fiction text? Why?
Open your book and look at the pictures only. Tell an adult what you think is happening in each picture or what you think each page is about.
Read the book to yourself and then to an adult.
Finally answer the bugs.
Rubies – The Mermaids Visit the Vet
Sapphires – Creepy Crawlies
Diamonds – Extreme Living
Emeralds – Shaun the Sheep: What a Mess!
Spelling – phoneme story ‘o-e’
Sing the alphabet together then say what sound each letter makes.
Introduce the next phoneme. Say ‘o-e’ and ask your child to look at what your mouth does, what shape it makes? Then ask your child to say the sound and think about what their own mouth is doing. Have a look at the following ‘o-e’ video which revises ‘oa’ too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQFilBxEseg&list=PLqk7ar-NaBVsbHQP5lR9atB716Pva16pf
Write the phoneme in the air then on the table or carpet in front of you.
Read the phoneme story for ‘o-e’ to your child and ask them to touch their nose when they hear the phoneme. o-e phoneme story
Can they think of any other words which contain the phoneme?
Try this Tic Tac Toe spelling activity: Spelling Tictactoe activity
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition, subtraction, multiplication or division questions. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Measure – Volume and Capacity
Have a look at the following video on some of the key vocabulary for volume and capacity and describing volume using a half and a quarter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8B6a9O2rZ88
Print or write out the word cards below and discuss them. What does each one mean? Explain that we use this language to describe containers: full, half-full, nearly full, almost empty, empty. If you have some spare containers at home (such as old milk or juice bottles) let your child experiment with making containers that are full, half full, nearly full, nearly empty and empty. Try pouring from one container to another to change the volume and discuss which one holds more and which holds less. Take some pictures and post on Teams!
(Hexagon group only) – multiplication-and-division-problem-solving
Optional Tasks
Try this sing-along version of ‘Under the Sea’ from The Little Mermaid!
Download the grid and do an activity or two of your choice!
Tuesday 9th June
Core Tasks
Book of your choice, Bug Club book or listen to the story of ‘Tiddler: the Story-telling Fish’ by Julia Donaldson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcTQADUywZY How many of our previous phonemes can you spot?
Common words – home, more, school, Mrs.
- Use magnetic letters to make the first word.
- Read the word to your child and ask them to repeat it. Are they pronouncing it correctly?
- Ask your child ‘how many letters are in the word?’ and count them together.
- Ask ‘how many phonemes are in the word? How many sounds can you hear?’
- Children choose a spelling strategy to help them learn the word and practise spelling it.
- Jumble up the letters and ask your child to correct the spelling using their strategy.
- Trace the word in the air, on the table/floor, in the sand.
- Repeat this process for each of the common words.
- Use some of these spelling cards if you wish: http://okscribbler.blogspot.com/2011/01/72-spelling-ideas.html
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition, subtraction, multiplication or division questions. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Measure – Volume and Capacity
Discuss the vocabulary your child was using yesterday to describe how much liquid was in a container. Colour in the following sheet to show containers that are full, half full, nearly full, nearly empty and empty.
(Hexagon group only) – The-Mystery-of-the-Sports-Day-Trophy
Optional Tasks
Topic/Art and Design
Why not go a walk and find some stones to decorate? You could paint them and give them an Under the Sea theme like the ones below! Once you’re finished you could use them to decorate your garden and upload your pictures to Teams.
Wednesday 10th June
Core Tasks
Literacy – Grammar – Alphabetical order sheet 3 – Try putting these words into alphabetical order. If two words start with the same letter, you will need to look at the second letter to put them in the correct order.
Spelling – Practise making your ‘o-e’ words and common words using your boards and magnetic letters, playdough, letter stencils, letter stampers, buttons, scrabble tiles or anything else you have in the house. You could also write them with your finger in sand, shaving foam or mud!
Time challenge – How many ‘o-e’ words can you list in 1 minute?
Sentence building – Choose 2 words and use them in sentences, remembering your core targets. Try using some interesting verbs or adjectives to make your writing more descriptive.
Measure – Volume and Capacity
- Warm-up – https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks1-maths-capacity-volume/zj8njhv
- If you have Powerpoint, download this presentation introducing the terms litres and millilitres:
Presentation – Litres and Millilitres
- Try matching the ml to the correct jug. Activity Sheet – How Many Millilitres
- Optional: If you have a litre measuring jug and a few empty containers that hold different volumes, have a go at the following sheet: Activity Sheet – How Many Litres
- Capacity Countdown – Try this game where you have to read the scales in litres and half litres. (Make sure you click the top button – litres and half litres)
(Hexagon group only) – Test your mental maths in this subtraction game. How many can you get right before the timer runs out? https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/subtraction-grids Try one number up to 100 OR 2 numbers up to 100 in tens
Optional Tasks
Have a look at this video on BBC Bitesize about one of the most important people of the Jewish religion – Moses. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/religious-studies-ks1-the-jewish-story-of-moses/zmfp382 Can you retell the story to an adult in your own words?
Thursday 11th June
Core Tasks
Literacy – Writing
Have a look at the picture and write some sentences to describe what you can see. Remember our core targets – capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and using ‘and’ or ‘but’ to join sentences. Try to use some adjectives to make your writing more interesting!
Sentence Example: The huge grey shark has sharp teeth and a pointed snout.
Bug Club book, book of your choice, or listen to ‘The Smiley Shark’ by Ruth Galloway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaU7r2RDf0M
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition, subtraction, multiplication or division questions. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Measure – Mass
- Discuss the words ‘heavy’ and ‘light’. What do they mean? Can your child point out some things in the house that are heavy or light?
- Find 5 or 6 objects in the house and hold them in your hand one at a time. See if you can order them from heaviest to lightest. You could take a picture of yourself with your objects and post it on Teams! You could also write some sentences describing your objects e.g. The water bottle is heavier than the coin; The pencil is the lightest object; The coin is lighter than the teddy bear.
- Try this game where you weigh different objects and decide which one is heavier or lighter: https://www.turtlediary.com/game/heavy-and-light.html
(Hexagon group only) – Practise your addition skills in this Daily 10 game. Select Level 3 Addition and choose either 2 digit numbers, 3 digit numbers and ones or 3 digit numbers and tens. You should be able to set the time you would like for in between questions. I recommend at least 7 seconds! Get a whiteboard or piece of paper and write down your answers and you can check what you got out of 10 at the end. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10
Optional Tasks
If you have the equipment, try this science experiment on salt water density:
Science Experiment Prompt Card
Friday 12th June
Core Tasks
Elkonin boxes
Read out some phoneme words and ask your child to make and break them, recording their answers in their elkonin boxes. Elkonin boxes
Read the sentences from the document below to your child and ask them to write them down. Remind them of the core targets – full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. How many words have they spelt correctly? Revise any phonemes or common words they have had difficulty with. Choose any sentences from week 4 up to week 25. Active-Literacy-Stage-2-Dictated-Sentences
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition, subtraction, multiplication or division questions. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Measure – Mass
- Have a look at this Powerpoint and try to decide which object is heavier or lighter.
- Try ordering the objects from lightest to heaviest in this activity sheet
(Hexagon group) – Sumdog, Hit the Button on Topmarks or complete previous written tasks.
Optional Tasks
Other (Most can be accessed through YouTube)
- 9am PE with Joe Wicks
- 10am Music with Myleene Klass
- 11am Science with Maddie Moate
- 30am Dance with Oti Mabuse
- 1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com
- 2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com
- 3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com
Monday 1st June
Core Tasks
Reading – Bug Club Book
Before clicking on your book have a look at the front cover. Do you think it is a fiction or non-fiction text? Why?
Open your book and look at the pictures only. Tell an adult what you think is happening in each picture or what you think each page is about.
Read the book to yourself and then to an adult.
Finally answer the bugs.
Spelling – phoneme story ‘i-e’
Sing the alphabet together then say what sound each letter makes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffeZXPtTGC4
Say ‘side’ and think about what your mouth does. Look at a family member as they make the sound.
Write the phoneme in the air then on the table or carpet in front of you.
Read the phoneme story for ‘i-e’ to your child and ask them to touch their nose when they hear the phoneme. phoneme story i_e
Can they think of any other words which contain the phoneme?
Choose one word and use it in a sentence.
Daily 10 – ask your child a mixture of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Money – Counting in 5p’s Activity Sheet.
(Hexagon group only) – mental maths speed test – Time yourself in one of the speed tests (or, if you wish, do one each day!)
Optional Tasks
Watch this Under the Sea video:
Have a go at guessing what the Under the Sea picture is showing.
Under the sea – what can you see?
Tuesday 2nd June
Core Tasks
Read a book of your choice or listen to one of these books on Youtube:
Winnie and Wilbur Under the Sea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5YE4rxQJhg
Commotion in the Ocean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pRhgZ8Jffs
Grammar – Alphabetical Order
Can you complete this alphabetical order challenge? Can you work out the joke and its punchline?
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition or subtraction questions to practise number bonds. Children can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or a piece of paper.
Money – Choose one of the following sheets depending on the level of challenge your child is comfortable with:
(Hexagon group only) –
Optional Tasks
Look at this website and watch the video about the life cycle of a sea turtle.
Have a look at the life cycle of the turtle here. Can you order the cards?
Why don’t you try making this 3D sea turtle?
Wednesday 3rd June
Core Tasks
Spelling – Each pupil should have a magnetic board with letters given to them last year. If you still have this at home you could use it to practise making your ‘i-e’ words and common words.
Use a variety of spelling strategies to help remember the correct spelling of each word. Spelling Strategies
‘i-e’ words – how many ‘i-e’ words can you list in 1 minute?
Choose 2 words and use them in a sentence.
Book of your choice, Bug Club book or https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition questions to practise number bonds to 10 or 20. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Money – Make each amount using coins (draw them in or use real ones) money-counting-and-sorting
– Sumdog
Optional Tasks
Have a go at this how to draw a sea turtle video.
The Glasgow Science Centre also has a video about sea turtles showing at 10am: https://www.glasgowsciencecentre.org/gsc-at-home/coming-soon
Thursday 4th June
Core Tasks
Choose one of the scenes. Can you describe it using your own words and some from the word box? You could think about your senses: what can you see, hear, smell, taste and feel?
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition questions to practise number bonds. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Money – Have a go at this coin addition sheet. Coin Addition
Optional Tasks
If you have powerpoint, put on some relaxing music and give a family member a massage. Massage
Colour in an Under the Sea picture or use any materials you have at home to create a collage. colouring sheets
Friday 5th June
Core Tasks
Spelling – Elkonin boxes
Read out some ‘i_e’ words and ask your child to make and break them, recording their answers in their elkonin boxes.
Spelling – Dictation
Read the sentences from the document below to your child and ask them to write them down. Remind them of the core targets – full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. How many words have they spelt correctly? Revise any phonemes or common words they have had difficulty with. Choose any sentences from up to week 25.
Daily 10 – ask your child a mixture of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Money – Have a go at some of the money games on Topmarks https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/money
You could have a go at this Moana themed Cosmic Kids Yoga.
Other (Most can be accessed through YouTube)
9am PE with Joe Wicks
10am Music with Myleene Klass
11am Science with Maddie Moate
11.30am Dance with Oti Mabuse
1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com
2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com
3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com
Wednesday 27th May
Core Tasks
Reading – Bug Club Book
Before clicking on your book have a look at the front cover. Do you think it is a fiction or non-fiction text? Why?
Open your book and look at the pictures only. Tell an adult what you think is happening in each picture or what you think each page is about.
Read the book to yourself and then to an adult.
Finally answer the bugs.
Consolidation Week – no new sounds or common words will be introduced this week. This week children will revise the phonemes – ow (owl), ou, igh and y
ow and common words ou and common words igh and common words y and common words
Task 1 – ask your child to say, make/break, blend, read and write words which contain the above phonemes. Use elkonin boards, magnetic letters, scrabble tiles or any other resources you have.
Task 2 – Dictation – Use some of the words from the above task in sentences and ask your child to write them down. Check your child’s work against the core targets. Do they have a capital letter at the beginning, a full stop at the end and clear finger spaces? Look at the formation of their letters. Do they sit on the line? Do they have clear ascenders and descenders and are the letters formed correctly?
You can practise forming letters in sand, shaving foam or in the mud.
Warm up – Sumdog
Daily 10 – ask your child a mixture of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Money – Making totals
Choose one of the following worksheets to complete.
(Hexagon group only) – Fractions page 1 and 2
Optional Tasks
Thursday 28th May
Core Tasks
Visit the BBC Bitesize site for a fun reading lesson based on the Funny Bones Book.
Same as Wednesday – choose different words
Grammar – Punctuation
Complete one worksheet. Choose from *, ** or ***
Warm up – Supermovers
Daily 10 – ask your child a mixture of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Complete either page 13, 14, 15 or 16 of the following document depending on the level of challenge your child is comfortable with.
(Hexagon group only) – Column Addition revision
Optional Tasks
Visit the Cosmic Kids Yoga website or access it through YouTube and take part in some relaxing yoga exercises.
If you have PowerPoint you will be able to access the following document
Plan and prepare a healthy meal with a parent. Use what you have learned about good hygiene when preparing food. What equipment did you need? Did you learn any new skills (peeling, chopping, zesting etc)?
If your child has an interest in wildlife/birds you could check out some of the fun activities in the site below.
Friday 29th May
Core Tasks
- Book of your choice, Bug Club book or log onto
https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/ or https://www.roalddahl.com/
- Tricky Words and Sight Words Song –
Alphabetical Order
Same as Wednesday – choose different words
Warm up – Topmarks
Daily 10 – ask your child a mixture of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Money matching game
(Hexagon group only) – Sumdog challenge
Optional Tasks
Use the link below to learn French vocabulary for family members.
Other (Most can be accessed through YouTube)
- 9am PE with Joe Wicks
- 10am Music with Myleene Klass
- 11am Science with Maddie Moate
- 11.30am Dance with Oti Mabuse
- 1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com
- 2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com
- 3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com
Monday 18th May
Core Tasks
Reading – Bug Club Book
Before clicking on your book have a look at the front cover. Do you think it is a fiction or non-fiction text? Why?
Open your book and look at the pictures only. Tell an adult what you think is happening in each picture or what you think each page is about?
Read the book to yourself and then to an adult.
Finally answer the bugs.
Emeralds – Draw with Penny
Rubies – Ballet
Sapphires – Horribilly: Slow and Sticky
Diamonds – Goldilocks and the Porridge Problem
Spelling – phoneme story ‘y’
Sing the alphabet together then say what sound each letter makes.
Point to each joined phoneme (see grid) and read them together with your child. Joined Phonemes
Introduce the next phoneme. Say ‘y’ and ask your child to look at what your mouth does, what shape it makes? Then ask your child to say the sound and think about what their own mouth is doing.
Write the phoneme in the air then on the table or carpet in front of you.
Read the phoneme story for ‘y’ to your child and ask them to touch their nose when they hear the phoneme. (active task – not on Teams) y phoneme story
Can they think of any other words which contain the phoneme? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew5gLUbejSs
Phoneme hunt – choose a book and look through it to see if you can find any words which contain the phoneme ‘y’.
Warm up – The Big Numbers song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0dJWfQHF8Y
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 multiplication or addition and subtraction questions. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Money – Introduction
Introduce money by discussing what we use it for – to buy things we need such as clothes and food, and things we would like such as toys and treats. How have they seen you paying for things? Explain that there are different ways to pay for things, using cash or paying by card. Have they ever paid for anything themselves before? What was it?
Watch this video which introduces all coins to £2 and try to order the coins from smallest value to largest in this cut and stick sheet.
You could also access the Natwest website which has lots of money games, puzzles and interactive activities. https://natwest.mymoneysense.com/students/students-5-8/
(Hexagon group only) Number pattern sheet (revision) – identify the missing numbers and work out the rule. Try coming up with some patterns of your own! (e.g. 4, 11, 18, 25, 32….the rule is +7) Number patterns
Optional Tasks
Topic – Under the Sea
Complete the following STEM task: create your own boat out of tinfoil and see how many paperclips it can hold. Alternatively, if you do not have tinfoil or paperclips, design and create your own boat or submarine using recyclable materials. Post any pictures you take on Teams!
Tuesday 19th May
Core Tasks
Literacy – Reading
Book of your choice, Bug Club book or log on to the world of David Walliams to listen to a chapter of ‘Bad Dad.’
Tricky Words and Sight Words Song –
Common words – fly, bring, Mr. two
- Use magnetic letters to make the first word.
- Read the word to your child and ask them to repeat it. Are they pronouncing it correctly?
- Ask your child ‘how many letters are in the word?’ and count them together.
- Ask ‘how many phonemes are in the word? How many sounds can you hear?’
- Children choose a spelling strategy to help them learn the word and practise spelling it.
- Jumble up the letters and ask your child to correct the spelling using their strategy.
- Trace the word in the air, on the table/floor, in the sand.
- Repeat this process for each of the common words.
Common word hunt – choose a book and look through it to see if you can find any of your common words in the text.
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 multiplication or addition and subtraction questions. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Recap on all the coins the children learned about yesterday. Read out some of the Fastest Finger Coin Recognition cards and see how quickly your child can point to the correct coin on one of the mats. You could even get a sibling or adult to join in using the other mat and make it a competition!
Fastest Finger Coin Recognition Cards
Fastest Finger Coin Recognition Coin Mat
- Sumdog – I have set up a money challenge on Sumdog for you to take part in. There are up to 250 coins to earn if you complete it – good luck!
(Hexagon group only) HAM fractions game on Active Learn; Adding fractions to make 1 – https://www.abcya.com/games/adding_fractions
Optional Tasks
BBC Bitesize activities on Judaism https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zf4grj6
Have a look at this Powerpoint which tells the story of one of the most important people in Jewish history – Abraham.
Abraham and Sarah – Bible Story PowerPoint
Art and Design
Design your own sea creature. You can draw it using one of the templates below if you wish, or you could even make a 3D model!
Take a photo of yourself with your sea creature and post it on Teams.
Wednesday 20th May
Core Tasks
Literacy – Grammar – Exclamation Marks
Have a look at this Powerpoint and video on exclamation marks and try one or two of the activity sheets below:
Activity Sheets Character Exclamations
Practise making your ‘y’ words and common words using your boards and magnetic letters, playdough, letter stencils, letter stampers, buttons, or anything else you have in the house. The following website has some active spelling cards you might want to try:
Time challenge – How many ‘y’ words can you list in 1 minute?
Sentence building – Choose 2 words and use them in sentences, remembering your core targets. Try using some interesting verbs or adjectives to make your writing more descriptive.
Warm up – Supermovers https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks1-maths-money/zht4nrd
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 multiplication or addition and subtraction questions. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Money – Have a look at this counting in 2p, 5p, and 10p Powerpoint:
Pick one of the sheets from this document to complete: the easier ones have 1 star at the bottom and the trickiest sheets have 3 stars. It’s up to you which one you choose! counting-in-2s-5s-and-10s-activity-sheet
(Hexagon group only) – fraction revision hundredths – 1 ; Sumdog
Optional Tasks
Try making your own Rainbow Fish Fruit Skewers! Or choose another healthy snack you wish to prepare. You could share a picture of you and your snack on Teams once you have finished!
Thursday 21st May
Core Tasks
Literacy – Writing – Write an invitation to an Under the Sea birthday party. Write it from one sea creature to another and include some details of all the things that will be happening at your party! Remember our Core Targets and try to include some adjectives to make your writing more interesting. Have a look at the example below for some ideas!
Spelling – Practise some of your words using the active spelling cards: http://okscribbler.blogspot.com/2011/01/72-spelling-ideas.html
Numeracy – warm up – Sumdog or www.timestables.com
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 multiplication or addition and subtraction questions. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Money – Have a go at setting up your own shop at home. Find some toys or other objects and give them a price up to 20p. Use the coins below, make up your own on a piece of paper or use real coins if you have any! With an adult or sibling, take it in turns paying for items and giving change.
(Hexagon group only) – fraction revision – hundredths – 2 ; Sumdog
Optional Tasks
ICT – Learn more about computer code in this BBC Bitesize video and game.
Friday 22nd May
Core Tasks
Literacy – Elkonin boxes
Read out some phoneme words from the list and ask your child to make and break them, recording their answers in their elkonin boxes.
Read the sentences from the document below to your child and ask them to write them down. Remind them of the core targets – full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. How many words have they spelt correctly? Revise any phonemes or common words they have had difficulty with. Choose any sentences from week 4 up to week 22.
- Warm up Supermovers (video of your choice) – https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks1-maths-collection/z6v4scw
- Daily 10 – ask your child 10 multiplication or addition and subtraction questions. They can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
- Under the Sea Multiplication sheet multiplication-maths-mosaic-activity-sheet
(Hexagon group only) Have a go at some Topmarks fraction games https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?q=fractions or try this number patterns game in race mode: https://www.abcya.com/games/number_patterns
Other (Most can be accessed through YouTube)
- 9am PE with Joe Wicks
- 10am Music with Myleene Klass
- 11am Science with Maddie Moate
- 11.30am Dance with Oti Mabuse
- 1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com
- 2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com
- 3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com
Monday 11th May
Core Tasks
Reading – Bug Club Book
Before clicking on your book have a look at the front cover. Do you think it is a fiction or non-fiction text? Why?
Open your book and look at the pictures only. Tell an adult what you think is happening in each picture or what you think each page is about.
Read the book to yourself and then to an adult.
Finally answer the bugs.
Emeralds – My Pony Book
Rubies – The Mermaids and the Dolphin
Sapphires – Silly Jack and the Beanstalk
Diamonds – Tricking our Eyes
Spelling – phoneme story ‘igh’
Sing the alphabet together (Boom shake the alphabet – YouTube).
Then say what sound each letter makes.
Point to each joined phoneme and read them together with your child. Joined Phonemes
Introduce the next phoneme. Say ‘igh’ and ask your child to look at what your mouth does, what shape it makes? Then ask your child to say the sound and think about what their own mouth is doing. Explain to your child that with our Scottish accent this phoneme sounds different in some words. The ‘igh’ in night sounds different to the ‘igh’ in high.
Write the phoneme in the air then on the table or carpet in front of you.
Read the phoneme story for ‘igh’ to your child and ask them to touch their nose when they hear the phoneme. (Active task – not an Assignment on Teams) Phoneme story – igh
Can they think of any other words which contain the phoneme?
Phoneme hunt – choose a book and look through it to see if you can find any words which contain the phoneme ‘igh’.
Warm up Supermovers – https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks1-collection/zbr4scw
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 multiplication questions. Child can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Together, create a page of a weekly engagement diary for an imaginary person. Keep the things that they might do on each day relevant to the character. Discuss morning, afternoon and evening by making up events that will fit into these time periods. Discuss why a diary like this is helpful.
Children could investigate on which day each month begins. You could show them calendars or planners from previous years to show that the first day of each month isn’t always on the same day. Once children have done this, say the rhyme 30 days has September or together make one up.
Children could also complete these sheets to develop their understanding of calendars: (optional – not an Assignment on Teams)
Calendar worksheet Calendar worksheet 2
(Hexagons only) place value revision
Optional Tasks
Topic – Under the Sea
Tuesday 12th May
Core Tasks
Book of your choice, Bug Club book or log onto
https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/ or https://www.roalddahl.com/
Tricky Words and Sight Words Song –
Common words – who, after, hand, right
- Use magnetic letters to make the first word.
- Read the word to your child and ask them to repeat it. Are they pronouncing it correctly?
- Ask your child ‘how many letters are in the word?’ and count them together.
- Ask ‘How many phonemes are in the word? How many sounds can you hear?’
- Children choose a spelling strategy to help them learn the word and practise spelling it. Spelling Strategies
- Jumble up the letters and ask your child to correct the spelling using their strategy.
- Trace the word in the air, on the table/floor, in the sand.
- Repeat this process for each of the common words.
Common word hunt – choose a book and look through it to see if you can find any of your common words in the text.
Warm up - https://www.timestables.com/
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 multiplication questions. Child can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Use a calendar to discuss and demonstrate the day/month/year convention for writing dates, for example, 8 February 2020 is written as 8/2/2020 or 8/2/20. Follow this with writing the date in words. Provide opportunities to convert between different ways of writing the date.
(Hexagons only) – Make 1000 sheet make1000s1
Optional Tasks
RME – Introduction to Judaism
Arts and Crafts
Make a paper octopus – print off the sheet below and colour it in – cut paper into (8) strips and fold (like a fan) – glue, tape or staple the strips to the bottom of your octopus. Take a photo of yourself with your octopus and post it on Teams or your blog.
Wednesday 13th May
Core Tasks
Reading – Comprehension
Pages 1-3 only. Answer questions in sentences if you can. (If you want to try one of the trickier sheets then feel free!)
Spelling – Practise making your ‘igh’ words and common words using your boards and magnetic letters, playdough, letter stencils, letter stampers, buttons, or anything else you have in the house.
Time challenge – How many ‘igh’ words can you list in 1minute?
Sentence building – Choose 2 words and use them in sentences, remembering your core targets. Try using some interesting verbs or adjectives to make your writing more descriptive. igh and common words
Warm up – Supermovers – https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks1-collection/zbr4scw
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 multiplication questions. Child can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Ask your child to close their eyes for 1 minute or 60 seconds and put their hands up when they think that amount of time has passed. Discuss why they put their hands up when they did. Did you guess? Did you count to 60? Repeat this asking your child to count to 60 and see if they get any closer.
How many seconds are there in half a minute? Establish that there are 30 seconds in half a minute and ask your child to close their eyes for 30 seconds. Are they able to judge this from their estimation of 1 minute? You could explore multiples of seconds, e.g. 1, 5, 10, 15, 45 seconds and 1 and a half minutes (or 90 seconds). Discuss the length of an hour. Can they imagine what it would be like to close their eyes for this length of time?
Make three lists: in 1 second I can …, in 1 minute I can …, and in 1 hour I can …. Ask your child what things they think they can do in those time periods. Take feedback and add their suggestions to the lists. Discuss what they have said. If appropriate, try out some of the suggestions for 1 second and 1 minute.
(Hexagons only) I have set up a competition for you on Sumdog.
Optional Tasks
Visit the Cosmic Kids Yoga website or access it through YouTube and take part in some relaxing yoga exercises. Perhaps choose one which has an Under the Sea theme.
- Sumdog competition – all pupils
Thursday 14th May
Core Tasks
Grammar – question words
Spelling – Common words wordsearch (page 1)
Warm up – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 multiplication questions. Child can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Time – Using a calendar challenge cards
(Hexagons only) level 2 of place value hockey https://www.abcya.com/games/place_value_hockey
Optional Tasks
Other (Most can be accessed through YouTube)
9am PE with Joe Wicks
10am Music with Myleene Klass
11am Science with Maddie Moate
11.30am Dance with Oti Mabuse
1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com
2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com
3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com
Friday 15th May
Core Tasks
Elkonin boxes
Read out some phoneme words from the list and ask your child to make and break them, recording their answers in their elkonin boxes.
Read the sentences from the document below to your child and ask them to write them down. Remind them of the core targets – full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. How many words have they spelt correctly? Revise any phonemes or common words they have had difficulty with. Choose any sentences from week 4 up to week 18.
- Warm up Supermovers –
- Daily 10 – ask your child 10 multiplication questions. Child can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
- Addition and Subtraction – Under the Sea themed task
(Hexagons only) – HAM game – addition/place value
Optional Tasks
Massage – Download this massage powerpoint and give it a go! You could try putting some relaxing music on in the background. Massage
Select a task you haven’t tried yet from our Under the Sea grid. Under the Sea grid
This week I will post all suggested activities from Monday to Thursday to allow you more flexibility on when tasks are completed. Please scroll down to see each day this week. You can also find copies of some of these tasks in ‘Assignments’ on Teams.
Please note Friday is a holiday so there will be no online learning. Enjoy your long weekend!
Monday 4th May
Core Tasks
Reading – Bug Club Book
Emeralds – Zip and Zap and the Thing
Rubies – Jay and Sniffer: the Bike Race
Sapphires – Play the Guitar
Diamonds – Cars, Cars, Cars
Spelling – Stage 2 Assessment a
It would be good to have an idea of where children’s understanding is with the phonemes we have been learning, so this week is going to be a consolidation/assessment week and we will introduce a new sound next week.
Part 1 of the assessment is to see if children can recognise the sound that the phoneme makes. Ask your child to read the phoneme and if they get it right please put a tick underneath it; if they get it wrong put a dot.
For the second part ask your child to read the word. If they can read the word please tick the box, and if they can’t please put a dot.
For the final part – Ask your child to read the words on the sheet. Then read each one out loud and ask them to write it. If they can read and spell the words please tick the box.
Stage-2-phonics-assessment- (page 2)
Time – For more of a challenge this week the children will explore the term quarter past. . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UoJA7hJnZE
To further explore this you could use the Topmarks Teaching Clock https://www.topmarks.co.uk/time/teaching-clock
Children could practise quarter past using the play-doh clock or they could try this quarter past worksheet.
(Hexagon group only) – finding a fraction of a number revision
Optional Tasks
Topic- Under the Sea
You could try one of the activities from the Under the Sea grid or these two websites have some great Under the Sea activity ideas.
Other (Most can be accessed through YouTube)
9am PE with Joe Wicks
10am Music with Myleene Klass
11am Science with Maddie Moate
11.30am Dance with Oti Mabuse
1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com
2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com
3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com
Tuesday 5th May
Core Tasks
Read a book of your choice, Bug Club book or log onto The World of David Walliams at 11am, where you can listen to one of David Walliams’ stories.
Spelling – Stage 2 Assessment b
This assessment is similar to the one from yesterday, however it assesses the children on a different set of words. (Assessment B – page 3)
Numeracy – Digital Time
This fun song helps explain digital time very clearly to the hour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENOYemdWU08. Today’s job is looking at quarter past on a digital clock. Explain to children what quarter past would look like on a digital clock and have a go at this digital time worksheet.
(Hexagon group only) – rounding revision sheet
Optional Tasks
- Music – BBC Jack and the Beanstalk Episode 5 and Song 5 https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/music-jack-and-the-beanstalk-clips/z7qxxyc
- Daily 10 – Children answer 10 addition and subtraction questions on their whiteboard or orally to practise number bonds to 10 or 20.
- Practise 2, 5 or 10 times table on Hit the Button https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Wednesday 6th May
Core Tasks
Book of your choice, Bug Club book or log onto The World of David Walliams at 11am, where you can listen to one of David Walliams’ World’s Worst Children stories.
This YouTube video explains the concept quarter to in detail.
Children could try this quarter to worksheet, drawing the hands of the clock to show the different times.
(Hexagon group only) – https://www.abcya.com/games/rounding_numbers try rounding to tens and hundreds or tens, hundreds and thousands!
Optional Tasks
Topic– Under the Sea
You could try one of the activities from the Under the Sea grid or these two websites have some great Under the Sea activity ideas.
Thursday 7th May
Core Tasks
Writing – Sea Creature Fact File
Create a fact file or information leaflet about a sea creature you have not yet researched. What do they look like? Where do they live? What do they eat? Are there any interesting facts about your sea creature?
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition questions to practise number bonds (this could be to 10, 20, 50 or 100, depending on how much of a challenge children want. Child can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
You could practice telling the time on one of these games.
(Hexagon group only) – I have set up a Sumdog challenge for you to complete.
Optional Tasks
Topic– Under the Sea
You could try one of the activities from the Under the Sea grid or these two websites have some great Under the Sea activity ideas.
Other (Most can be accessed through YouTube)
9am PE with Joe Wicks
10am Music with Myleene Klass
11am Science with Maddie Moate
11.30am Dance with Oti Mabuse
1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com
2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com
3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com
Monday 27th April
Core Tasks
Literacy – Spelling
This week we will revise previous phonemes and common words. Have a look at the words on the list and decide which ones you need to practise most. Common Words and Phoneme Words stg2
Complete the clown fish using the spelling words you have chosen. phoneme fish
Create your own flashcards of some of the trickiest words (optional)
Reading – Bugclub
Diamonds – Dino-Splashing
Sapphires – The Mermaids and the Perfect Presents
Rubies – I like to Collect
Emeralds – Shaun the Sheep: You Are My Mum!
Discuss the term ‘o’clock.’ Where is the big hand when it is an ‘o’clock’ time? Where is the small hand? You could use the Teaching Clock on Topmarks to help. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/time/teaching-clock
Complete the ‘o’ clock’ worksheet. Write the time shown on each clock. You could even try writing in the hands yourself on the second sheet if you want a challenge! o’ clock
Hexagons – HAM game on Active Learn
Optional Tasks
- Daily 10 – Children answer 10 addition and subtraction questions on their whiteboard or orally to practise number bonds to 10 or 20.
- Practise 2, 5 or 10 times table on Hit the Button https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
- Art and Design – Have a go at this Coral reef aquarium craft activity! https://www.activityvillage.co.uk/coral-reef-aquarium-craft
Other (Most can be accessed through YouTube)
9am PE with Joe Wicks
10am Music with Myleene Klass
11am Science with Maddie Moate
11.30am Dance with Oti Mabuse
1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com
2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com
3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com
Tuesday 28th April
Core Tasks
Literacy – Grammar
Have a look at the powerpoint about question marks and have a go at some of the challenges. Question Marks
Complete this sheet by adding question marks to the right sentences. Is it a question
Reading – Bug Club book, book of your choice or log on to The World of David Walliams at 11am where you can listen to one of his ‘World’s Worst Children’ stories.
Discuss the term ‘half past.’ Where is the big hand when it is a ‘half past’ time? Where is the small hand? You could use the Teaching Clock on Topmarks to help. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/time/teaching-clock
Complete the ‘o’ clock and half past’ worksheet. Write the time shown on each clock. You could even try writing in the hands yourself on the second sheet if you want a challenge! o’ clock and half past
Hexagon group only – Division with remainders 2
Optional Tasks
- Practise some of your phoneme and common words from the list. You could write them with chalk outside, make your words using scrabble tiles or do some rainbow or pyramid spelling.
- Daily 10 – Children answer 10 addition and subtraction questions on their whiteboard or orally to practise number bonds to 10 or 20.
- Practise 2, 5 or 10 times table on Hit the Button https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Other (Most can be accessed through YouTube)
9am PE with Joe Wicks
10am Music with Myleene Klass
11am Science with Maddie Moate
11.30am Dance with Oti Mabuse
1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com
2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com
3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com
Wednesday 29th April
Core Tasks
Spelling – Each pupil should have a magnetic board with letters given to them last year. If you still have this at home you could use it to practise making some phoneme and common words from the list. Common Words and Phoneme Words stg2 Use a variety of spelling strategies to help remember the correct spelling of each word. Spelling Strategies
Try setting the analogue clock to o’clock and half past times in this game:
If you have playdough at home, try creating clock hands to stick on these playdough mats to tell the correct time. If you don’t have playdough you could even use spaghetti (uncooked!) Playdough Clock
Hexagons – HAM game on Active Learn
Optional Tasks
- ALP – Select a phoneme. How many words containing this phoneme can you list in 1minute?
- Choose 2 words and use them in a sentence.
- Select 3 common words you find tricky and use your finger to write them on someone’s back!
- Music – BBC Jack and the Beanstalk Episode 4 and Song 4 https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/music-jack-and-the-beanstalk-clips/z7qxxyc
- Select an activity of your choice from the Under the Sea grid. Under the Sea grid
Thursday 30th April
Core Tasks
Literacy – Writing
Write a story about a sea creature of your choice. What happens to it? Where does it go? What other creatures does it meet? Try to give your story a beginning, middle and end and remember our Core Targets: capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and using ‘and’ or ‘but’ to join sentences. Try to include some adjectives and verbs to make your writing more interesting.
Discuss the difference between analogue and digital clocks and look at some examples in the house or on the internet. Discuss what a digital clock looks like when it is 4 o’clock – 4:00 and half past 4 – 4:30. Discuss some more examples of o’clock and half past times on a digital clock.
Play this game of Time Dominoes together! Time Dominoes
Hexagons – I have set you a division challenge on Sumdog.
Optional Tasks
- Under the Sea mindfulness colouring. Under the Sea mindfulness
- Daily 10 – Children answer 10 addition and subtraction questions on their whiteboard or orally to practise number bonds to 10 or 20.
- Practise 2, 5 or 10 times table on Hit the Button https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Other (Most can be accessed through YouTube)
9am PE with Joe Wicks
10am Music with Myleene Klass
11am Science with Maddie Moate
11.30am Dance with Oti Mabuse
1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com
2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com
3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com
Friday 1st May
Core Tasks
Elkonin boxes – Read out some phoneme words from the list and ask your child to make and break them, recording their answers in their elkonin boxes. Elkonin boxes
Dictation – Read the sentences from the document below to your child and ask them to write them down. Remind them of the core targets – full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. How many words have they spelt correctly? Revise any phonemes or common words they have had difficulty with. Choose any sentences from week 4, 8 or up to week 12.
Match the analogue to the digital clock in this online game.
Practise 2, 5 or 10 times table on Hit the Button https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button Or www.timestables.com
Hexagons – Select any times table from 2-12 to practise on www.timestables.com
Optional Tasks
Select an activity of your choice from the Under the Sea grid
Other (Most can be accessed through YouTube)
9am PE with Joe Wicks
10am Music with Myleene Klass
11am Science with Maddie Moate
11.30am Dance with Oti Mabuse
1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com
2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com
3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com
Friday 24th April
Core Tasks
Spelling – Elkonin boxes
Read out some ‘ou’ words and ask your child to make and break them, recording their answers in their elkonin boxes. A copy can be found below and also in Teams.
Spelling – Dictation
Read the sentences from the document below to your child and ask them to write them down. Remind them of the core targets – full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. How many words have they spelt correctly? Revise any phonemes or common words they have had difficulty with. Choose any sentences from week 4, 8 or up to week 12.
Visit http://www.timestables.com/ or Topmarks – Hit the Button and practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
OR Access Sumdog
OR HAM game on Active Learn
Optional Tasks
Select a task from the Under the Sea grid. Under the Sea grid
The pupils have been learning about greetings, days of the week, months of the year, numbers to 10 and colours in French. You could use the link below to practise colours and numbers.
Thursday 23rd April
Core Tasks
Writing – Under the Sea Acrostic
If you have not yet done the optional acrostic poem task from the Under the Sea grid, have a look at this powerpoint about acrostic poems and have a go at writing your own!
Superstar challenge
Pick a sea creature and research it using books or the internet. The following websites have more child-friendly facts:
Use the information you find to create your own quiz. Try to include 5 questions (you can do more if you like!) and a picture or two to decorate it. You can write your questions on paper or word process it. Perhaps you could make each question a different colour to make yours stand out! At the end of the week I will choose my Superstar from the pupils who have sent me their quiz!
Talk about yesterday, today and tomorrow. Ask children to give some examples of what they did yesterday, what they have done and are going to do today and what they are expecting to do tomorrow. Tease out the fact that yesterday is the day before today and tomorrow is the day after today. Develop this into a discussion about weekdays and weekends. What is different about them, what is the same, in terms of what they do? Ask them questions such as What is the day before Friday? What is the day after Tuesday? What day is between Sunday and Tuesday?
Hexagon group only – 2 digit number multiplication
Optional Tasks
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition questions to practise number bonds. Child can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Visit http://www.timestables.com/ and practise your 5 times table or access Sumdog
Select a task from the Under the Sea grid. Under the Sea grid
Other (Most can be accessed through YouTube)
9am PE with Joe Wicks
10am Music with Myleene Klass
11am Science with Maddie Moate
11.30am Dance with Oti Mabuse
1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com
2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com
3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com
Wednesday 22nd April
Core Tasks
Spelling – Each pupil should have a magnetic board with letters given to them last year. If you still have this at home you could use it to practise making your ‘ou’ words and common words. ou and common words
Use a variety of spelling strategies to help remember the correct spelling of each word. Spelling Strategies
ALP – ‘ou’ words – how many ‘ou’ words can you list in 1minute?
Choose 2 words and use them in a sentence.
Complete a spelling flower for ‘ou’ words or common words Spelling-flower
Book of your choice, Bug Club book or log onto The World of David Walliams at 11am, where you can listen to one of David Walliams’ World’s Worst Children stories.
Focus on the words early, on time and late. Explore what these mean. Have you ever been late for something? School? The doctor? A friend’s house? What happened as a result? Were you reprimanded, did you miss your appointment or tea at your friend’s house? If children can’t think of anything you could use the following scenario:
Cindy was taking her kitten to the vet. She was late for her appointment and had to wait for ages until the vet had time to see her.
Greg was late to the cinema and missed the first half hour of the film. He couldn’t understand what the film was about.
Repeat the same sort of discussion for early. What might you have to do if you are very early for an appointment or a film at the cinema?
Hexagon group only – division no remainders Use your times tables facts to complete this sheet. HAM division game
Optional Tasks
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition questions to practise number bonds. Child can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Visit http://www.timestables.com/ and practise your 10 times table.
Access Sumdog
If you have PowerPoint you will be able to access the following document Massage
Music Jack and the Beanstalk BBC Music Episode 3 and song 3 https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/music-jack-and-the-beanstalk-clips/z7qxxyc
Tuesday 21st April
Core Tasks
Book of your choice, Bug Club book or log onto The World of David Walliams at 11am, where you can listen to one of David Walliams’ stories.
Tricky Words and Sight Words Song –
Grammar – verbs
Use the PowerPoint from Twinkl to learn about verbs then complete the verbs worksheet. Verbs-PowerPoint
Children will be aware of common devices used to measure time, e.g. a clock, but might not realise how many different clocks there are in their environment. Ask them to explore where time is shown at home. Go around the house and ask children to draw a picture, take a photo or make a note every time they see a clock, watch, timer, etc. Then create a poster of the different examples. Use newspapers, magazines, catalogues or online shops to find further examples of timepieces, e.g. car clock, satellite navigation, microwave display, DVD player. Discuss where children might see these.
(Hexagon group only) – 7 times table facts; Practise your division facts for tables to 12 https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Optional Tasks
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition questions to practise number bonds. Child can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
Visit http://www.timestables.com/ and practise your 2 times table.
Art and Design
Design an ‘Under the Sea’ T-shirt
Monday 20th April
I hope everyone had a lovely Easter and a nice, relaxing holiday. I have included a list of core and optional tasks below to give you a focus, as I know some people are struggling to fit everything in if you are working from home or have a few children sharing a computer.
Core Tasks
Reading – Bug Club Book
Diamonds – Adventure Kids: Run in the Rainforest
Sapphires – Jay and Sniffer: the Missing Masks
Rubies – My Life
Emeralds – Bug Boy: Beetle Cookies
Sing the alphabet together then say what sound each letter makes. (Boom shake the alphabet – YouTube)
Say ‘ou’ and think about what your mouth does. Look at a family member as they make the sound.
Write the phoneme in the air then on the table or carpet in front of you.
Read the phoneme story for ‘ou’ to your child and ask them to touch their nose when they hear the phoneme.
Can they think of any other words which contain the phoneme?
Choose one word and use it in a sentence. If you have any chalk at home you could try writing this on the ground outside! ou and common words
Daily 10 – ask your child 10 addition questions to practise number bonds to 10 or 20. Child can answer verbally or write the answers on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
What is meant by the word time? Give your child some examples. Use some words related to time in a sentence for your child. Ask your child if they can suggest any words which describe time. Make a list of these on a large piece of paper and display them. Introduce any of the words in the vocabulary document below that children have not said and give examples of how they would be used in a sentence.
Optional Tasks
Under the Sea – choose as many or as few as you would like to complete at a time of your choosing. Have Fun!
Other (Most can be accessed through YouTube)
9am PE with Joe Wicks
10am Music with Myleene Klass
11am Science with Maddie Moate
11.30am Dance with Oti Mabuse
1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com
2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com
3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com
Friday 3rd April
As it is the last day before the holidays, you can choose some activities from the Easter grid below instead of completing assignments. I have also included some of the documents you might need underneath. Have fun everyone and I hope you all have a nice relaxing break!
Thursday 2nd April
Literacy – Writing – Try this Castle acrostic poem. Castle-acrostic
Spelling – elkonin boxes – use the ones sent home or this worksheet to practise your ow words
Reading – Bugclub book, own choice or log on to The World of David Walliams to hear a World’s Worst Children story at 11am.
help_the_bunny Easter Co-ordinates
or https://www.timestables.com to practise 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
or Sumdog
(Hexagon group only) Division with remainders
Other (Most can be accessed through YouTube)
Music – BBC Music Jack and the Beanstalk – Episode 2 and Song 2 https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/music-jack-and-the-beanstalk-song1/z7m67nb
9am PE with Joe Wicks
10am Music with Myleene Klass
11am Science with Maddie Moate
11.30am Dance with Oti Mabuse
1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com
2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com
3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com
Knights and Castles activity – Knights and Castles
Wednesday 1st April
Literacy spelling common words – how, where, now, too
Use a variety of spelling strategies to help remember the correct spelling of each word. You could make up a mnemonic or rhyme, sound it out or find words within words.
ALP – ‘ow’ words – how many ‘ow’ words can you list in 1minute?
Choose 2 words and use them in a sentence. ow words
Complete a spelling flower for ‘ow’ words or common words
Book of your choice, Bug Club book or log onto The World of David Walliams at 11am, where you can listen to one of David Walliams’ World’s Worst Children stories.
Tricky words and sight words song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvMyssfAUx0
Access Sumdog
Other (Most can be accessed through YouTube)
9am PE with Joe Wicks
10am Music with Myleene Klass
11am Science with Maddie Moate
11.30am Dance with Oti Mabuse
1pm Maths with Carol Vorderman – themathsfactor.com
2pm History with Dan Snow – tv.historyhit.com
3pm English with David Walliams – worldofdavidwalliams.com
Tuesday 31st March
Literacy – Spelling – Each pupil should have a magnetic board with letters given to them last year. If you still have this at home you could use it to practise making your ow words and common words. ow words
If not, you could write the alphabet on paper, cut each letter out and use them to make your words.
- Write your words using pyramid writing.
Reading – Bug Club, own choice or log on to The World of David Walliams to listen to a World’s Worst Children story at 11am.
Numeracy – 2 x table sheet. If you are feeling confident, why not time yourself? You could also check your answers using a calculator. 2xtabmmmab
(Hexagon group only) Challenge – Dividing 2 digit numbers using times tables
Other – Health and Wellbeing – Prepare a healthy snack together.
9am PE with Joe Wicks; 11.30am Dance with Oti Mabuse; Cosmic Yoga; Kids Zumba (YouTube)
Topic – Activity of your choice from the grid. Knights and Castles
Monday 30th March
Literacy – Reading – Bug Club book
Diamonds – When I was your age
Sapphires – Plant Traps
Rubies – Zip and Zap at the Zoo
Emeralds – Herb the Spinning Hamster
Spelling – Sing the alphabet together then say what sound each letter makes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Emb2yvwAHtc&list=RDEmb2yvwAHtc&start_radio=1
Say ‘ow’ (as in owl) and think about what your mouth does. Look at family members as they make the sound.
Write the phoneme in the air then on the table or carpet in front of you.
Read the phoneme story for ‘ow’ to your child and ask them to touch their nose when they hear the phoneme. Phoneme story ‘ow’
Can they think of any other words which contain the phoneme?
Choose one word and use it in a sentence. ow words
Numeracy – Times tables
Log in to Sumdog
or play a HAM online game
or visit https://www.timestables.com/
(Hexagon group only) – Hexagons challenge
Other – Knights and Castles learning grid. Choose as many or as few activities as you like and complete at a time of your choosing. Knights and Castles
- Joe Wicks 9am/Kids Zumba/Cosmic Yoga – YouTube
- BBC Learning programmes 10am
- Science Centre videos 10am YouTube
Have fun!
Friday 27th March
Some ideas:
Literacy – Grammar – adjective hunt – Highlight or underline the adjectives in the story. This has also been put on Teams as an Assignment (please see my post this morning in Teams)
- They’re there their CHALLENGE TASK
Spelling – Read some of the sentences from the document below to your child and ask them to write them down. Remind them of the core targets – full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. How many words have they spelt correctly. Revise any phonemes or common words they have had difficulty with. Choose any sentences from week 4, 8 or up to week 12. Active-Literacy-Stage-2-Dictated-Sentences
Reading – Bug Club book, own choice or log on to the World of David Walliams at 11am to listen to some of his World’s Worst Children stories.
Numeracy – Sumdog
Rounding to the nearest 10 revision https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/rocket-rounding
Other PE – with Joe Wicks 9am
BBC Scotland channel has some learning programmes aimed at primary aged children every weekday at 10am.
Science – Glasgow Science Centre videos 10am YouTube
Topic – Knights and Castles learning grid – choose as many or as few as you would like to complete at a time of your choosing. Have Fun! Knights and Castles
Thursday 26th March
Some ideas for today:
Writing – Write a description of your favourite animal using adjectives. Adjective writing task
Spelling – Complete the elkonin boxes using your ew words
You can use the elkonin boxes I sent home if you have a whiteboard pen. If not, you can use this document. Elkonin boxes
Reading – Book of your choice, Bug Club or log on to the World of David Walliams at 11am where you can listen to one of his World’s Worst Children stories.
Numeracy – Multiplication and Division
Game – t-n-2546299-division-facts-for-the-2-5-and-10-times-tables-roll-and-solve-activity-pack-_ver_1
or worksheet – 10xfactfamiless
Sumdog challenge or https://www.timestables.com/
PE – Joe Wicks 9am, Cosmic Yoga or Kids Zumba (YouTube)
Music – BBC Music Jack and the Beanstalk – Episode 1 and Song 1 https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/music-jack-and-the-beanstalk-song1/z7m67nb
Topic/IDL – Knights and Castles learning grid – choose as many or as few as you like to complete at a time of your choosing. Knights and Castles
Wednesday 25th March
Some ideas:
PE 9am – Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga (YouTube)
Elevenses with David Walliams 11am – https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/
Literacy – Bug Club book or book of your choice. Can you find the adjectives? (describing words) OR Reading comprehension challenge reading comp. challenge 1
Capitals and full stops – click here to access worksheet. Can you put in all the capital letters and full stops?
ew words – click here to see a list of ‘ew’ words to practise. Can you write them in rainbow letters?
Numeracy – Multiplication and division revision
Choose from the following:
Sumdog – multiplication challenge
Hit the Button (Topmarks) – times table or division – 2, 5 or 10. If you wish to challenge yourself with others feel free!
Snappy maths worksheet http://snappymaths.com/multdiv/5xtable/resources/5x%20fact%20families.pdf
IDL – Knights and Castles learning grid. Choose as many or as few as you like to complete at a time of your choosing.
Have fun!
Mrs Hope
To communicate with me during the school closure, please log in to GLOW using the password I have stuck into homework diaries. On the launch pad I have put ‘Microsoft Teams’ which will allow the children to communicate with me and ask questions or share tasks they have completed. If you need your Sumdog password for maths games please let me know on Teams and I will send it on.
Thank you and take care everyone!
Mrs Hope
Termly Plans
Term 2 January – April
Library Day
Our library day is a Friday. Please send in any library books your child has brought home on this day. Thank you!
Termly Plans
Term 1 August -December