Primary 7 Prefect Preparation

This week the Primary 7s got together to talk about their role as Prefects at Kingsland and had the opportunity to try out some playground games that they may use when helping out in the playground.

It was lovely to see the children working together in groups and consider the challenges they might face in different roles. Well done everyone!

P7/6 Week Review 27.8.21

What a fantastic few weeks we have had. Everyone has settled into the new classroom routines and giving their all to the work in class.

Last week we spent time organising the classroom to suit our needs and we build shelves to house our books and also to provide us with a comfy seating area. We have also added a resilience station which we can access upon finishing our activities where we are given opportunities to focus on skills such as perseverance and team work.
We took part in some group work activities and had to design something to stop Humpty Dumpty (an egg) from cracking when dropped from a height. Mrs Smith was very impressed as not one egg was damaged even when we dropped them from an even higher height.

This week we have been focussing on the novel ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’ and we have thoroughly enjoyed reading chapters 1-6. We started our novel study by looking at the different front covers for the book and then making predictions about what we think will happen in the story. We have also been answering questions about the main characters and what they are like and also creating a picture based on the author’s word choice.

We have started our learning on place value and we have been competing against each other to create the biggest or smallest numbers from different digits.

We created a wonderful door display with our names in graffiti writing on top of a crumbling wall. We have had lots of compliments from others pupils and teachers about our display.

Well done P7/6- keep up the hard work.

Comment below with your thoughts on the week:
1.What are you most proud of this week?
2.What did you find most challenging?
3.What do you want to learn more about and why?

P7B Novel Study

It has been a busy week in P7B and the children have been working hard and have been enjoying the sunshine.

A key focus has been on our Novel Study – Divided City by Theresa Breslin. We have explored a range of themes including prejudice, religion and poverty. We have completed a number of tasks based on the text.

Thinking about the week as a whole, comment below with your thoughts on the week:

1. What was your highlight of the week and why?

2. What are you most proud of?

3. What did you find challenging? How did you overcome these challenges?

P7A Review of the Week 27.8.21

That’s our first full week completed and it’s been a fabulous one for getting outside. We’re starting to get into routines again and are getting really into our novel study – Wonder.

One of the tasks we have completed this week was to create these Wonder inspired inspirational posters.  We used the Sketches App to carefully draw an incomplete self portrait, inspired by the novel cover and section illustrations. We also found or created our own ‘Precept’ (motto) and added this.  There are lots of good messages to motivate and inspire us and this way Mrs Little gets to have us all still in the classroom, even after we’ve gone home!

Click here to watch a short video of our posters in close up

Another big task this week was creating our door entrance and this year we went with an interactive Hollywood movie theme.  To do this we:

  • Took photographs of ourselves pretending to hold boxes…in some weird and wonderful positions
  • Filmed a short video presentation to introduce ourselves and created a QR code to link to it.
  • Added the QR code images to our photos and then made clapper board displays.

We are really pleased with the overall display and really hope others will soon be able to come and scan our codes to watch the videos but for now, here’s a sneaky peek!

Comment below with your thoughts on the week:

  1. What are you most proud of this week?
  2. What did you find most challenging?
  3. What do you want to learn more about and why?

Welcome to Primary 7!

We’re back!  P7 have had a great start to the new term and are looking forward to a great year.

What are you looking forward to?

  •  Many of our P7s are really looking forward to becoming a Prefect and we will be appointing these soon, as well as letting you know how you can apply to be a House Captain.
  • We’re keeping our fingers crossed that we will be able to have an activity week later in the year.
  • Having fun!

Fun Packed Tuesday 22.6.21

We started our day with Inspire Learning enjoying working with the Spheros (see earlier post) .

Then we finished watching Hotel Transylvania, our movie from yesterday.

We then had a competition to see who could build the tallest free standing tower with one newspaper and tape.  Annabelle and Megan won with a height of 138 cm, Maisie and Isla and Olly and Charlie were joint second with 125 cm and Kirsty and Mea were third with 103 cm.  The whole class worked hard on this and realise the importance of a large base and triangular structures.  Well done everyone.


After lunch, we took part in a Scavenger Hunt around the school organised by Mrs Belleville. Thank you. The word spelled Holidays and the sentence was Have a happy holiday and a brilliant summer.


After afternoon break, we went on a little picnic and we were treated to a delicious cupcake for a snack and a special treat of bubbles and sweets. Thank you Mrs Clyde and the kitchen team for the yummy cakes and thank you Kingsland for our treat of bubbles and Haribos.


We ended our day with a game of clock in the tower.



Measure Fun

We had some fun today completing different measure activities.

We were measuring in mm,  cm and m. – Maisie

I liked the race car activity where I made a ramp and measured how far the cars went  – Jack.

Mea liked laying stones out in a row and measuring the distance.

Olly enjoyed measuring the amount of stones needed to be the same as some metric weights.

Some of the problem solving word questions were tricky – Anna



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