All posts by Mrs Little

Busy Bees

Printing was the focus in Art for P5A last block and they are very proud of their finished creations. They can’t wait to show off their work to their parents and carers next week. Check out the display at the top of the main stairs and in the classroom.

Une lettre!

P5a were very excited to receive a letter today all the way from Switzerland! We wrote to Mme Brown (neé Nicholson) in French and she wrote back to us. We were so proud of ourselves when we realised we were able to read and understand everything in her letter and are looking forward to writing back!

Together Tuesdays

P4 and 5 are having a great time doing Expressive Arts and Problem Solving with our friends from other classes this term.  Every Tuesday  afternoon we get to do Art, Music, Dance or Team Challenges with either Mrs Rand, Mrs Belleville, Mrs Little or Mrs Stevenson – and the best bit is we get to mix with people we don’t get to see all the time.

Here are a few of us having a blast doing a bit of Zumba!

Rice or Feast – What would you prefer?

Primary 4 and 5 have been learning about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  This week we thought about what happens when peoples’ basic needs are not met.

We took part in an activity called ‘One for you, three for me’ to help us think about fairness in how food is shared throughout the world.  We each designed a plate of rice and a feast plate with all our favourite foods on it.  Next, we had to pick a meal ticket from a box to see whether we would be given the Rice or the Feast.  Only one third of us got to eat our feast plate while the rest only got a few grains of rice.

This activity helped us to see that while one third of the world’s population is well fed or has too much to eat, two thirds of the people in the world are not getting enough to eat.  This activity really made us think about how lucky we are and made us want to try to be more grateful for what we have.

Delightful Data!

P5A had  a great time learning some new skills in the library this afternoon.  We have been learning about Databases and Spreadsheets and have been using Excel to help us do this.  Today we learned how to interrogate a database to answer a series of questions.  We looked at different methods we could use to locate the data we needed but were all really relieved when we learned how easy the filter functions made this task.  We love a short cut and could see how technology helped make this task so much easier.

Rugby Festival Fun

On Tuesday 29th October P5 joined with other children from across Tweeddale to take part in a fun Rugby Festival at Peebles High School.  Thank you to Mr Blair and everyone else who contributed to make this morning such a success.

Food Webs

Following on from our work on Food Chains, we have been learning about Food Webs and how living organisms can be linked.  Here are some of our finished posters.  We have shown that we understand the terms Producer, Primary Consumer, Secondary Consumer and Energy Flow.

P5A Sustainability Squad Applicants

And the winner is…

Would you like to be a member of the Sustainability Squad?  Mrs Brown is looking for people who are enthusiastic, confident, respectful and reliable.  If this is you and you also have an interest in the environment why not apply?

Your task:

Recycle/Upcycle an item you would be throwing away (a cardboard box/tube, a piece of paper/envelope etc) and write on it a couple of reasons why you would like to be on the Sustainability Squad and/or why you would be good at it.  Hand it to Mrs Little anonymously by Friday 4th October.

Happy Recycling!

A “Revolting” morning for Roald Dahl Day

To celebrate Roald Dahl’s birthday P5A had a wonderful morning enjoying some of his Revolting Rhymes.  We looked in detail at Red Riding Hood and the Wolf and decided to create our own illustrated picture book using his text.  We worked in pairs to create each page and are really pleased with the result.