All posts by Mrs Little

Reading is fun…especially with new books!

P7 recently expressed a wish for some comics and graphic novels in our class libraries.  Thankfully, our friends at local shop Subacomic were only too happy to help.  Clare was really helpful in suggesting suitable titles and even gave us some free comics.  We are loving exploring the huge selection of comics and books and many of us have enjoyed having the chance to try something new.  Thank you also to Mrs Ward for giving us some money to spend to enhance our reading materials.

P7A Review of the Week

P7A have had an interesting week with lots going on.

One of our highlights was designing, building and testing our very own model zip wires.  This was part of our work on Forces. Have a look at the pictures below – which forces can you see?

Other highlights of the week:

  • Forces Presentations using AirPlay to share our Keynote Presentation with the class
  • Scale drawings
  • Continuing Description Writing  – Museums of our choice
  • Short o Spelling words – including a word art rhyming task
  • Using rounding to find approximate answers to calculations
  • Singular and Plural in Grammar
  • Taking part in the Maths Week Scotland contest on Sumdog

Reflection time:

  1. What was your ‘best bit’ of the week and why?
  2. When were you Resilient this week?  (Did you overcome an obstacle or find a different way to do something? Choose to react in a different way when things went wrong? etc.)


P7A Review of the Week 10.9.21

We had some great weather earlier in the week so we have enjoyed doing some of our learning outside.  We have been learning about compass points and bearings following on from our work on Angles.

What else have we been up to this week?

  • Analysing a descriptive text and revising our knowledge of effective vocabulary.
  • Investigating other graphemes that make the short e sound in spelling
  • Reading more of our novel Wonder and exploring the music associated with some of the chapters.  We had a great discussion about Space Oddity by David Bowie followed by a look at a Picture book version and then a fun table quiz
  • Consolidating our knowledge of Place Value and Addition strategies in Numeracy
  • Investigating the angles in triangles and using what we found to calculate missing angles
  • We started a piece of Art linked to our novel study, description writing and Health & Wellbeing. We look forward to sharing these soon.
  • We watched a virtual assembly which reminded us about Building Resilience and the tools in Skipper’s toolkit.
  • Some of us started Prefect Duties and the rest of us are looking forward to ours over the next fortnight.

Time for Reflection

  1. When did you make a good decision this week?
  2. What would you change if you had the opportunity?
  3. Name one thing you are proud of this week.

P7A Review of the Week

This week’s highlights:

  • Reading more of the Novel ‘Wonder’ – starting to understand things from his sister’s point of view
  • Learning about Angles – how to measure them, how to draw them accurately, how to calculate angles when you know part of a straight line or whole turn and about vertically opposite angles
  • Revising rules for Rounding numbers
  • Exploring Volume, Mass, Density and Buoyancy in Science
  • Improving our understanding of how to write a really great Description and using it to write about either a Spooky House or a New York Skyscraper scene
  • Taking part in some Prefect Training to learn some new playground games with all the P7s.

Time for Reflection:

  1. When were you at you best this week?
  2. Why do you think that was?
  3. What one thing do you feel you could work on next week?

P7A Review of the Week 27.8.21

That’s our first full week completed and it’s been a fabulous one for getting outside. We’re starting to get into routines again and are getting really into our novel study – Wonder.

One of the tasks we have completed this week was to create these Wonder inspired inspirational posters.  We used the Sketches App to carefully draw an incomplete self portrait, inspired by the novel cover and section illustrations. We also found or created our own ‘Precept’ (motto) and added this.  There are lots of good messages to motivate and inspire us and this way Mrs Little gets to have us all still in the classroom, even after we’ve gone home!

Click here to watch a short video of our posters in close up

Another big task this week was creating our door entrance and this year we went with an interactive Hollywood movie theme.  To do this we:

  • Took photographs of ourselves pretending to hold boxes…in some weird and wonderful positions
  • Filmed a short video presentation to introduce ourselves and created a QR code to link to it.
  • Added the QR code images to our photos and then made clapper board displays.

We are really pleased with the overall display and really hope others will soon be able to come and scan our codes to watch the videos but for now, here’s a sneaky peek!

Comment below with your thoughts on the week:

  1. What are you most proud of this week?
  2. What did you find most challenging?
  3. What do you want to learn more about and why?

Welcome to Primary 7!

We’re back!  P7 have had a great start to the new term and are looking forward to a great year.

What are you looking forward to?

  •  Many of our P7s are really looking forward to becoming a Prefect and we will be appointing these soon, as well as letting you know how you can apply to be a House Captain.
  • We’re keeping our fingers crossed that we will be able to have an activity week later in the year.
  • Having fun!

Happy Holidays

P5 you have been brilliant!  We are so proud of the way you have adapted to Home Learning and kept in touch with your teachers.  Over the last week most of you have set up your new iPads and have been busy exploring them, ready for exciting times ahead in P6 and we know you’re going to be teaching your new teachers a thing or two!

We hope you all have a lovely summer and look forward to seeing you back in school in August.  Look after yourselves and, as Mrs Wilson would say, take care of your Mums and Dads.

from Mrs Little, Mrs Rand and Mrs Stevenson

Out and About

Happy Monday Primary 5.  We hope you’ve had a nice weekend.  The Sway for this week and last is still available from the Home Learning Page but we know some of you are always looking for extra things to do.  If you haven’t already done so, why not try one of the new Kingsland Challenges with your family.  They are available on the school website but here are some quick links too:

Challenge 6 – Peebles Town Trail

Challenge 7 – Be a Maths Detective

June already!

Hi Primary 5

We hope you are enjoying the lovely weather we have been having (don’t forget your sun cream and to drink plenty of water!).  Our next block of Home Learning is available form the Tab above – remember to get in touch if you need any help with anything.

This week many of the staff are involved with activities at the Hub so if you don’t get a response from your teacher straight away we promise to get back to you as soon as we can.

If you took part in last week’s Kingsland Challenge from Mrs Fletcher, please remember to email your teacher to tell us how many miles you and your family clocked up over the week.  There is also a new Kingsland Challenge on the School Website.  Have fun!