All posts by Mrs Little

P7A Review of the Week

Something a little different this week…

Write a brief postcard style note to Mrs Little telling her about your week.  Think about:

  • What was your favourite lesson/task?
  • What have you improved on?
  • What did you enjoy most?
  • When did you enjoy success?
  • What are you most proud of?
  • What could you have done better?
  • What funny thing happened?

Pick at least 2 of these questions and type your message.  As Glow comments haven’t been working recently, click on this link and add your comments to the Padlet. As usual, they will be moderated before appearing for others to read.



P7A Review of the Week 25.2.22

This week was a shorter one because of the In-Service day on Monday but we’ve still packed in a lot!

We’ve enjoyed learning about Volcanoes and have used them as a focus for our Learning in Writing, Science and Technology.  Mrs Little was especially impressed with our exploding volcano gifs. Our task was to create a moving image that showed some part of a volcanic eruption. We could use any app we liked and we certainly rose to the challenge. Here is just one of the fabulous efforts:

We’ve also managed to fit in some Spelling, Music, Gymnastics, Numeracy work on Decimals and some work on Resilience. Other highlights this week have been welcoming Mrs Strathearn on Tuesday and getting totally covered with snow on Thursday morning!

Time for reflection:

We want Mrs Strathearn to see what a fantastic school Kingsland is. What one thing/piece of work would you tell her about this week that shows the best version of you? (It could be something you did, said, made etc).

Happy Birthday Kingsland

Today marks the 12th Anniversary of our school building being opened.  As it is also the birthday of Robert Baden-Powell who founded the Scouting movement which is why today is known as Thinking Day or Founders Day.  Lots of pupils in the school wore their uniforms today to celebrate and remember – here are 3 from P7A looking very smart.

P7A Review of the Week 11.2.22

Our learning this week has included:

  • Numeracy – Finding fractions of an amount & Revising all aspects of fractions
  • Writing – Creating our own first draft of an Explanation text on Earthquakes
  • Spelling – Hard ‘ck’ sound in various spelling patterns
  • Health & Wellbeing – Analysing our skills and interests to find out what future careers we might be best suited for
  • Science – Learning about Earthquakes: What causes them, how to prepare and survive them etc.
  • A P7 Assembly
  • Basketball with Mrs Edge
  • Music with Mrs Inglis – competing our Scottish Song assignments
  • Prefect Break
  • Sports Leadership with Mr Murray – last session
  • Fundraising ideas for Dalguise

Time for Reflection:

  1. What went well this week?
  2. What could have been better?
  3. What are you most proud of this term so far?

Review of the week P7A 28.1.22

This week’s Blog post was written by Adam, Ailish, Dani, Flo, Fraser, Jack, Katie, Kirsty and Megan

The past few weeks have mainly been focused on Scottish poetry. Our Burn’s poem this year has been Tam o Shanter and our other poem has been Bletherton Rovers by Mathew Fitt. We have been doing a lot of work around the poems.

We have created movie trailers using iMovie and have had a lot of fun producing them. We chose groups and make some brilliant Tam O’ Shanter or Blethertoun Rovers movie trailers! We acted out the different characters and filmed, edited and completed some amazing iMovie trailers. We also made cool tails for the people playing Meg.  It was great fun watching them in class!

Our Art work was also based on Burns and we created a wall display of the main scenes in Tam o Shanter and used a variety of materials to make them. 

Also this week we performed our Scottish poems to either the teacher or the class.  Our overall winner was Flo and the joint runners up (with only 0.01 separating their average score /5!) were Niamh and Lewis.  Congratulations to everyone who learned and recited their poems and well done for supporting each other so well.

In Maths we have done Perimeter, Area and Fractions.  We learnt about comparing and ordering numerators and denominators in Numeracy as well as revising simplification and equivalence of fractions. This week in practical maths we have been working on perimeter and area to find the perimeter you add all the sides and to find the area you times two of the sizes.

We also made our own Scottish music in Music with Mrs Inglis, practiced our basketball and benchball skills in P.E. and, of course, worked on our spelling!

We finished the week with another Sports Leadership session with Mr Murray…and a lunchtime fire drill!

Measuring Virtually and in Reality

P7A have been consolidating their knowledge about how to calculate Perimeter and Area.  Today we used the Measure App on our iPads to see how accurate it was in measuring lengths of rectangles around the classroom.  We then checked by measuring accurately with a ruler and completing the perimeter and area calculations. Although there were some discrepancies, on the whole the figures were mostly very accurate and we thought of lots of uses for the App in real life.

P7A Review of the week 14.1.22

Welcome back and Happy New Year!

This week we have been:

  • revising 4 operations calculations in Numeracy
  • learning about Perimeter in Maths
  • exploring Scottish poetry in order to recite some later in the term
  • learning about the story of Tam o Shanter by decoding the poem and watching an illustrated film of it.
  • Talking a lot about behaviour and attitude to learning as we prepare for our final two terms of P7


  1. What is your favourite part of Tam o Shanter?
  2. What can you do to make Kingsland a better place this term?

P7A Review of the Week 17.12.21

It’s been a very festive week in P7 with lots of our activities linked to Christmas – we have still been learning though!

In our Maths we’ve revised co-ordinates and line symmetry from earlier in the block as well as working on our Problem Solving strategies.

We completed some Reading comprehension about Christmas in other countries and also improved our mental map of the world by doing some Geography tasks linked to countries, flags and capital cities.

Sam F and Ailish became teachers for the afternoon when they shared with us what they have been learning about Micro:bits and showed us what they were and how to use them.

We’ve also had some time for Christmas crafts and digital artwork as well as enjoying our third Prefect Break.


Phew!  What a busy week!