Hello from P7B!

We have had a busy, Christmassy week in P7B!

In Maths, we have continued to work on division and multiplying decimals. We have also started to learn about money and had an interesting discussion about where we see money in everyday life.

In Literacy we read a variety of texts in our groups and made questions for each other and created a new page for our book.

For writing have started to make our own collection of Christmas stories as we explore narrative writing. Our first story is based on The Snowman. We have watched he film and split it into three parts. We have all worked hard to write the story and add illustrations . Our next story within our book will be based on a small book called ‘Christmas Gingerbread’ and we will be creating a diary for a busy elf who helps Father Christmas!

For Expressive Arts, we have been practising our song for our virtual performance and have made props to use. We have also been making Christmas cards with our new watercolour paints and using clay to make  Christmas present . This will all come home soon in a Christmas bundle!

We were all very proud of the children who participated in the Sportshall Athletics competition on Wednesday morning. All of the participants gave 100% effort in all activities, were well-behaved and polite. A big thank you to Mrs Fletcher and Paul Murray for their help in training for the event and to Mrs Istephan who took the children down to the Gytes. Well done everyone!

23 thoughts on “Hello from P7B!”

  1. This week was a quick week where we done a piece of writing for p1 and we done a sculpture to go with this . I did not enjoy pe because off I do not enjoy dancing

  2. I enjoyed making clay scolpshers the most but it was hard but I got the hang of it in the end because some bits were hard to mould in to it

  3. really enjoyed making clay sculptures with no tools which made it so fun because you had to do it just with your hands.
    I also really injoyed writing about the snowman it was a really fun thing to watch and than write about.

  4. This week I enjoyed making the clay sculptures and drawing pictures for The snowman writing ( I enjoyed writing it too ). I am exited to do more Christmas activities next week.

  5. I loved the week as usual but there was maths 😭😭😭 but we did lots of fun thing like clay sculptures and water coulers so it was fun.

  6. I loved doing the snowman I loved both watching and writing it and I also liked making clay sculptures and I can’t wait to finish them.

  7. For me Sports hall was really fun but I was pretty tired because I never got much sleep the night before 😅.

    I liked also doing the dot pictures a lot and I think mine turned out quite good.

    I liked sculpting the snowmen too.

  8. This week wasn’t my favourite but it was still good. I kinda disliked making a Christmas Story but I did like sculpture out of clay ☃️📚

  9. This week I enjoyed going to sports hall because it was really fun I and we came second. I also enjoyed doing clay sculptures and I can’t wait to paint them. 😁

  10. I have enjoyed doing clay scalptures because it was messy but it was fun .

    I have really been working hard on my division and evan though it was hard I overcome it .

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