Review of the week 28.5.21

Science Experiment 

We investigated How Heat Can Change the State of Water;  the ice (solid) turned into liquid water and then evaporated (gas).  Watch Adam’s time lapse video above.

Vinny and Adam received an exciting letter from Jeff Kinney, the author who wrote the Diaries of a Wimpy Kid.  The boys wrote a letter to this author many years ago and just received a reply this week all the way from New York, USA.  Vinny read the letter out to the class.

For Health and Wellbeing this week we have been thinking about Consent and we enjoyed this song Boss of My Body.

We worked on antonyms (opposites) and synonyms (same) and had some fun thinking of different words.

We wrote two Procedure Texts – How To Treat a Bee Sting and How To Send an Email and followed the set structure.

We have continued to ‘Get Active’ and on the days that we do not have PE walking a mile.

In numeracy, we are still working  with decimals and we are now working with hundredths.  The standard written method of division has been a little tricky.

In PE we played non-stop rounders.

Leave a comment if you would like to say what you enjoyed or learned this week.





Review of the Week 21.5.21

This week has been Walk to School Week and lots of us have walked, scooted and cycled.  Everyday we have been introduced to a new super hero.  Super Smiley, Super Safe, Super Smart, Super Strong and Super Sustainable.  Some of us wore different footwear on Shoesday.  We have enjoyed walking to school this week.

In numeracy, we have continued to work with decimals and multiplied using the written method.  Some of us have worked on the written method of subtraction using decomposition.  We have all achieved success with this.  We have enjoyed a Mental Maths tape helping us to develop our mental maths muscles!

For writing, we have looked at the structure of Procedure Text – this is how to make or do something.  We will be working on this over the next few weeks.


In Health and Wellbeing we looked at Love and Relationships and created a picture in the style of Doug Hyde.


We have continued to Get Active and walked a mile daily.

In thinking skills we were classifying different substances into groups and thought about solids and liquids.

Review of Week 14/5/21

We have completed our Assessment Writing on Children Should  Be Paid Pocket Money to do Chores.   Some people found it tricky because they could not think of ideas.  We had to use alliteration, statistics and rhetorical questions to persuade.

In numeracy we have continued to work on decimals;  adding and subtracting mentally and using the standard written method.  Annabelle prefers the written method and Ben M and Jamie prefer the mental method.

Mea enjoyed the mindfulness colouring this week.  We did some breathing mindfulness activities as well.

In PE we played rounders and cricket.

We have planned our arguments for debates and two debates took place one on Electric Cars Are Better than Petrol Cars and Scientific Testing on Animals Should be Banned.

We looked at the the affects of smoking tobacco and cannabis this week.

Comment on what you have learned or what you have enjoyed.


P5/6- grow your own

We have been learning about how to reduce our carbon footprint. We learned that growing your own food can do this so we planted our own cress seeds. We used old yoghurt pots to do this. We are looking forward to seeing the plants grow!

Review of the week ending 7/5/21

In maths we started to work on decimals with one decimal place (tenths).  We had to convert fractions to decimals and vice versa and we ordered decimals from smallest to largest and largest to smallest.

We planned our Exposition Assessment piece of writing on Children Should be Paid Pocket Money for Doing Chores.

We revised one of the resilient strategies Take a Moment and we slowly ate a square of chocolate thinking about texture and taste.

We discussed the short and long term effects of alcohol on the body.  We identified lots of effects.  Previously we looked at persuasion strategies and tried to persuade our partner to eat a Skittle!

In PE we played non-stop cricket and normal cricket.

We played some word games in preparation for our debates next week.

We enjoyed this week’s assembly about why you should behave safely.