We have been inspired by our novel to look more closely at insects. This is an example of honey bees we drew. We had to add shade and highlight to make the bee look 3D. We are looking forward to doing more next week and using the natural environment to inspire us. We also learned about the anatomy of insects.
We have also enjoyed:
-P.E. We were working on our jumping and took part in the long jump.
-Writing descriptions of an imaginary character. We had to use lots of adjectives this week.
-Designing alternative front covers for our class novel.
-Learning to subtract in maths. We played dice games and took part in a maths relay.
-Handwriting. We are all working hard to improve our joins.
-Music. We are continuing to explore garage band.
-Beginning our new class novel. “The midnight gang” by David Walliams.
Happy Birthday to Lloyd!