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Our new topic Democracy

Both classes worked together in groups to think about

  1. What they know already?
  2. What key questions need to be asked  to help us learn about our key learning?

I can find out about current economic, social and political issues.

  1. Donald Trump’s win and wall, yes/no vote, President, Prime Minister, parties, voting, Muslims being called terrorists, police brutality, greed and money, black people matter, riots, T May, women prime ministers, brexit?
  2. What is an issue?  What is an economic issue, what is a social issue , what is a political issue, who are politicians and social people, what type of issues are there, what are the most current issues and where are they happening, how much does Trump make, why do people get treated badly, why is money important?

I can find out about democracy and what my rights and responsibilities.

  1. 16-18 to vote, when we are older we can vote, vote for your government,  Nicola Sturgeon, Donald Trump, T May, feed your pets and take responsibility, obey laws, different parties, elections, criminal records- don’t get one?
  2. How do you vote and why do you have to be a certain age to vote, what are our rights, what is a democracy, how can you become a president or prime minister, what is a right, what is a responsibility and what are my responsibilities, why and when do we have rights, why do we have independence, why does democracy cause riots and wars, why is democracy so important?

I can find out about elections and what the representatives do.

  1. Debates, speeches, votes, stretching the truth, being the best, campaigning, disagreeing and agreeing, thinking of your country, being sensible, polls, Nicola Sturgeon, having a majority, Obama, Brexit, have a reason to do it, letting public have a choice, power, MPs, important, fair, in the country to vote.
  2. What do people vote on, how does voting work, what are elections, who are candidates and what do they do, when do people vote, why is voting important, what do politicians do and what does it mean to be important, who are the candidates in Scotland, how does democracy help our country, what causes an election to start?

What do you want to do and find out about that is linked to our key questions?

  • PowerPoint about different issues.
  • Speeches and debates.
  • Make websites about democracy.
  • Dramas.
  • Research using internet.
  • Look at daily news.
  • For homework find out about current issues.

Some current issues that we want to look at?

  • Trump
  • Isis
  • T May
  • Discrimination
  • Brexit
  • Syrian war
  • Independence
  • Terrorism
  • Current stories
  • Immigration



What I have enjoyed on the Rainforest topic! by Amelia

This block has been great and its thankfully not over yet but sadly we will come to the end on Thursday 22nd of December so here are the most enjoyable memories of the rainforest topic

  • Creating all the layers of the rainforest with tissue paper in 3D!

Image result for layers of the rainforest in tissue paper

  • Having Fionns dad coming in to upgrade our knowledge!

  • Making the plants and some of them were evil!


  • I loved doing the paper mache masks which are still in progress!

Image result for paper mache newspaper mold

  • In maths we  did symmetry and I thoroughly enjoyed doing that with half the animals face!


  • I enjoyed writing the reports!

Image result for reports on the rainforest

As you see I loved this topic and would happily go back a year and teach this topic to the P5s!






Visit from Dr Jeffrey

Fin’s uncle, Dr Jeffrey, is coming to talk to us in the last week of term about World War II. Dr Jeffrey is a historian and specialises in WWII. Think of any questions you have about WWII that might have been sparked by our Goodnight Mr Tom novel study and add them to the padlet being clicking on the link.

Dr Jeffrey Questions Padlet


Poison Dart Frog By Calum. Calum’s homework


The poison dart frog can be found in Central and South America. They live in humid tropical environment’s including Bolivia, Costa Rica, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Hawaii and more. The species are brightly coloured to warn of prey.  The brighter the colour the more toxic they are.

The frogs body is covered in poison. They do not bite or sting anybody. Their poison is 250 times stronger than the most known   poison. If you touch one of them you will have a stroke. The poison can kill 30,000 mice. Tribes use their poison on the tips of their blow darts.

Most species of poison dart frogs are small but a few  can grow up to 6cm in length.

Many take their hatched tadpoles into the canopy and put them in the pools of water that gathers in the plants.

Chemicals from a certain frog can be used in medicine . Scientists use this for painkillers.


The Aye-Aye by Isla

Image result for aye aye

What is it and where can you find it?

The Aye-Aye is a type of lemur only found in the rainforests of Madagascar islands in the trees and avoid coming down to earth. It is a mammal, nocturnal and a omnivore.

What does it look like?

It has large eyes, Slender fingers and large sensitive ears. It has shaggy black or brown fur and a tail bigger than their body. They have claws on their fingers and toes except for their big ones which help them dangle from branches.

Fun facts

  • They are related to chimpanzees, Orang-utan  and humans
  • They are endangered
  • They can live up to 20 years
  • They weigh around 4 lbs

Isla’s homework By Isla

Farming in the rainforest…

Farming in the rainforest is when you clear either by burning it or chopping down the trees  a lot of land and use it for…

Farmers clear the land they need to grow  food  and they also use the land for cattle and sheep . The farmers sell the wood for furniture and houses, then the farmers use this money to buy their sheep or cattle and equipment this is bad for the rainforest because it means that animals have been forced to move homes.

In 100 years there will be no rainforests if they don’t stop.

By Sara and Poppy.


Poaching in the rainforest.

Poaching in the rainforest is getting worst. Poaching is when  you kill animals for fur, body parts and to sell them.  Every year in the Amazon  rainforest alone 9.6 to 23.5 million birds , reptiles and mammals are harvested. In some parts of the worlds it is illegal to take wildlife. It is bad to poach because some animals might be extinct. By Kell and Ruby




Logging in the Amazon rainforest

loggerslogging2      Logging is some thing  that machines do , You cut down the tree and cut it in to logs that’s what logging is .  Here’s an  other fact, always by farmed wood. They have  destroyed  the size of Germany in the amazon rainforest. That means millions of animals have died because their  homes have been destroyed. Since 1978 they have cut down 289,000 square miles.

Logging threats

Logging is when you chop down trees to get more land, and to use the trees for wood. They make roads that destroy the rainforest. They take it to build houses ,furniture ,flooring .Many rainforest animals cannot survive in the changed environment.



Image result for logging

Image result for logging