The Aye-Aye by Isla

Image result for aye aye

What is it and where can you find it?

The Aye-Aye is a type of lemur only found in the rainforests of Madagascar islands in the trees and avoid coming down to earth. It is a mammal, nocturnal and a omnivore.

What does it look like?

It has large eyes, Slender fingers and large sensitive ears. It has shaggy black or brown fur and a tail bigger than their body. They have claws on their fingers and toes except for their big ones which help them dangle from branches.

Fun facts

  • They are related to chimpanzees, Orang-utan  and humans
  • They are endangered
  • They can live up to 20 years
  • They weigh around 4 lbs

Isla’s homework By Isla