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I can give examples of where different types of food come from….

We have been talking about where different types of foods come from. Through reading a story about Chinese NY, and talking about it we made our own “Chinese restaurant” in our ELC and had two different Chinese snacks! Yummy!

This followed on by some children bringing in some “Chinese” things from home. Two children brought in Chinese dragons they had made, so we decided to make our own! More photos to follow….

P3A focused on improving

Mrs Dundas and P3A have been talking about what we are struggling with in school. Now we can put effort into improving in these areas.

Spelling, 3x, 4x, and 5x tables, division, listening and ERIC (Everyone Read In Class) were all areas some of use are working on.


Writing stimulus

We went outside to investigate the snow and thought about all of our senses and how it made us feel. We then drew a picture plan, built up a class word bank and we are now writing notes under headings. This was a fun activity and it has helped us to be more creative with our writing.

Can you see the wind?


Click on the video above to see how much the wind was blowing yesterday in our playground.

We made these colourful wind fish at Golden Time as a way of measuring the wind. By looking at the wind fish we can see how strong the wind is and what direction it is blowing in.

Story Pictures

Today we drew story pictures telling the story of having a snowball fight. We put lots of detail in our pictures to help us write our story and we shared them with each other. We were then able to share our friend’s story with the class.


Today we took our igloos home. We made them out of clay and had to leave them to dry for a few days  before we painted them. We molded the clay with our hands and then used tools to make the blocks. We have been learning about how water changes when it gets cold and the different things we can do with it.