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The Little Red Hen

We enjoyed reading the story of the little red hen. We drew  pictures and then used them to help us write our own stories about the little hen but in our stories the other animals wanted to help bake the bread!

Delicious DNA

We made some delicious DNA today. DNA is organised in a structured called a Double Helix. This is where bases called A, T, C and G pair up to make a code that tells our body how to look. A always pairs up with T and C always pairs up with G.

We inherit DNA from our parents so some of our characteristics are the same as them. If you have a sibling then one could look like your dad and one could look like your mum.

By Daisy

P3B Problem solving

P3B have been solving problems in Maths. Mrs. Thomson asked us; Are we curious mathematicians? Do we want to get better at asking mathematical questions? We said YES!

Our problem was from the EnRich Maths website: Eggs in a Basket.

There are 3 baskets, a brown one, a red one and a pink one.

There is a total of 10 eggs.

We had clues:

The brown basket holds 1 more egg than the red basket.

The red basket has 3 fewer eggs than the pink basket.

The challenge was to find out how many eggs were in each basket.

What’s your answer?

We found out that some people got confused with fewer eggs in the red basket. When there are 3 fewer in the red basket you need to add 3 to the pink basket.

It was fun! Sam E

It was epic! Lloyd

It was problem solving fun. Charlie H

Drawing pictures helped me. Eliana

Cubes helped me and my partner. Niamh.

We found when we do it in order e.g 1 then 2 then 3 in the brown basket it helped us to get the answer.


World Book Day 2018 P6B

We had a lot of fun on World Book Day this year, even though it had to be delayed a week because of the snow. David Walliams has been a favourite author in P6B this year, so Gangsta Granny was the book we chose.

Some of class created dramas based around a chapter in the book where Ben discovers that Granny is not all she seems…

Others created some of Granny’s stolen treasures, from the emerald earrings stolen from a Maharajah’s wife, to the tiara that belonged to the President’s wife!


Visitors in Class

  • We have been looking at different clubs in Peebles and how  some of the needs of the community are met through these groups.

Susan chatted to us all about Rainbows, Brownies and Guides and what happens in these groups.

Alison informed us about all the different clubs that meet in the Library.

Sarah gave us a little taster of exercise to music.  She explained all about the benefits of exercise.

Jillian, a past Kingsland pupil, told us about the groups available for older members of the community and the benefits for these people.

A big thank you to all the adults for coming into class sharing their knowledge with us.