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Dalguiseā€¦ the excitement is building!

As we have a busy week preparing for Dalguise, we want to think about the things we are most excited for and what we want to achieve during this challenging but fun week. Comment below with one thing you are excited about and one thing you want to achieve/get out of your trip. Everyone will have different answers and different aims so have a look through and read what everyone else is posting too. We can look back at these when we get back from Dalguise and see if it was everything we thought it was going to be and if we achieved our goals.

code cracking maths

On Monday we had great fun in maths.  We were given number clues that we had to work out and each clue was a number that opened a padlock. Once we opened the padlock we got the next clue and had to keep going until we got to envelop number 4.  The first table to crack all the clues was the Matilda table.

P3a Egyptian Houses

We have been finding out about Egyptian Houses and comparing them to our own houses this week. We found out that Egyptian Houses had flat roofs and they would often sleep on the roof to keep cool in the hot weather. The houses often had stone gate posts and they were made of mud bricks which had been dried in the sun.

We designed our own Lego Egyptian Houses which showed all the features we had learned about.

P3a Drama

We have been doing some Drama about Egyptian Gods. Last week, some of us pretended to be Gods and Mummies. We played a game where everyone else had to try to creep up on us without being heard. When the Mummies and Gods said ‘Zap’, we all had to stay VERY still. It was really tricky to stand like a statue but we all had fun!

P3a Sarcophagus Art

We enjoyed finding out about the Egyptian coffin that Pharaohs were buried in. The coffin was called a Sarcophagus. We learned that the patterns on a sarcophagus were symmetrical which means they were the same on both sides. We worked really hard to make our pictures symmetrical and we are very proud of them!

P3a Marshmallow Challenge

We had to work together and use our problem solving skills in our ‘Marshmallow Challenge’ We had to try to build the tallest tower we could using only toothpicks and mini marshmallows. First, we drew a plan then we set to work. It was quite tricky but lots of fun!