Meet our newest additions…

We were all super excited to meet our new stick insect family. We set up their starter enclosure and made sure they had food before we settled them in.

We then had the tricky job of naming our new ‘stickies’.

We have named them; Stickabelle, Lorax Jr, Ivy, Trixie and Twix.

Let us know what you think of our new arrivals…

How many can you find in the photo below? They are very good at camouflage!

We really enjoyed our live lesson today. We had to think about app design and began creating our own app. We had some great ideas and are looking forward to spending some more time working on the design.

Comment on P5a term highlights by Eden

I loved making up poems I made up a new one
Morning is a wonderful time full of happiness and cheer
But when you get in the car you feel like you can’t steer
You’re tired and yawning trying to wake up
But you feel like you’re brains been left in a cup
And when you finally do
It’s the afternoon

Our First P7 Prefect Break

As a thank you to our Prefects for their hard work over the past five weeks, our P7s were rewarded with a choice of activities for their Prefect Break. The children were asked to vote for their choices on Microsoft Teams and the answers were collated.

Some of the children enjoyed Just Dance. Our favourite songs included the football Waka Waka, Footloose and the Ghostbusters theme tune!

We were creative with Lego!

Some of us participated in an Autumn craft and made a tea light cover.

There was also a Kahoot quiz where we worked in groups.

Keep up the hard work P7 and remember to keep upholding our school rules and values. Happy holidays!

I spy with my little 👁

Another busy week for P2.

Mrs Ryalls displayed our human eye collages and our dragon eye drawings. We are really proud of our display and we have had a lot of discussions about it. Thank you, Mrs Ryalls. The display looks amazing!

In science we investigated taste. We discovered that our taste buds recognise 5 tastes – sweet, sour, salty, bitter and savoury.

We had a challenge to be blindfolded and workout whether we were eating potato or apple. We had to hold our noses too! This made it much harder because smell helps our brain to work out what we are eating. Most of us guessed correctly though.

We made a little Fuzzy to keep in our pocket or up our sleeve to help us when we get angry. The Fuzzy is soft and it made us all feel calm and relaxed when we touched it.

We also designed resilience capes that we imagine we are wearing when we need to be strong and brave. We used our imaginations to great effect when we designed our capes.
We finished our class novel by Andy Shepherd, “ The boy who grew dragons” and we couldn’t wait to find out what happened to Tomas, Flicker and all of the other dragons at the end.

Well done, P2! You have worked very hard in Block 1.

Happy holidays everyone! 🐲


Spectacular Stick Insects

This week P6/7 carried out some very important research to persuade Mrs Ward to allow us to have a class pet.

We had lots of things to find out to ensure that stick insects were the right pets for our classroom. After finding out the information we created PowerPoints and then shared them with Mrs Ward.

We were excited to receive a reply from Mrs Ward to let us know that we are allowed our class pets. Woohoo!

We will update you with some photos once we get our wee pals settled.

P5a term highlights

We have enjoyed this term together and have achieved a lot!

Our last piece of writing was a description of a special person, so you might receive a copy if it was about you!

In maths we  can add using a variety of mental and written methods, in particular, using place value.

Yesterday some p7s taught us how to use keynote on our iPads and we have been practising making animated presentations.

Today is national poetry day so we have been reading and writing poems.

We finished our class novel ‘Max and the Millions’ and really enjoyed the end when Max was reunited with Mr Darrow.

This term we have made patterns cats, Charles Rennie Mackintosh roses, perspective and forced perspective photographs.

Other highlights this term are

  • learning to play netball
  • getting better at spelling
  • learning to use paragraphs

Here are some of the keynote presentations.

Taylor’s poems

Rosie and Eden made these

Louis made this

Have a great holiday and I’ll see you on Tuesday 19th October.

Paralympic Sports

P6 and P6/7 want to say a huge thank-you to Mr Murray who came in this afternoon to teach us about the Paralympic sports; boccia and sitting volleyball. It was brilliant to learn some new games and also we realised how hard it is to carry out simple tasks when you can not move certain parts of your body. Here are some photos of our afternoon fun…



short u sound spelling

lump lumps lumpy plump lumpiness
pump pumped pumping pumper pumpkin
truck trucks trucking struck trucker
love lovely clover lovingly loveliness
crumb crumbs crumble crumbly crumbling
funny unfunny funnier funnily funniest
stumble stumbles stumbled stumbling stumbling
stump stumps stumpy stumped stumping
month months monthly bimonthly bimonthly