Comment on Who am I? by Amber S

Hi Mrs Smith
We think the first skeleton is a seahorse because of it’s long nose and the shape of it’s spine.
The second skeleton is a wild boar due to it’s big teeth.
The third skeleton is a chameleon as it has a curled tail.

Amber and Brodie


It’s been a busy few days in P2/1. We’ve been learning about Remembrance and why we all wear poppies. Yesterday we did a great job making our own poppies to hang in our windows. Today we watched a short video about the effect the First World War had on animals and it inspired our own pictures and writing.  At 11am we sat quietly to remember those who have lost their lives fighting in the various conflicts and those serving in the Armed Forces today. We all enjoyed listening to Mr Johnstone and Archie play the pipes.

Also this week we revisited the pictures we took six weeks ago of the trees around the school field. We knew the leaves had changed colour and were falling but we were quite amazed at the difference (photos by Daniel, Noah and Amber). We also did an autumnal scavenger hunt, looking for something autumnal that makes a noise and evidence of wildlife around the playground.

Our new phonics sound on on Monday was ‘x’. We had fun making x-rays of our hands and writing real and nonsense ‘x’ words.

Have a good long weekend and we’ll see you on Monday!

Who am I?

This week in Let’s Think Science we had to work in our groups to figure out what animals we could see based on their skeletons.

Some were trickier than others and we had lots of good discussions as well as explanations as to why we thought what we did.

Here are 3 more skeletons. Can you guess what they are and explain your thinking behind your answer.

If you can find any of your own photos to  test the class next week, add the photos to your iPad.

Funny Bones

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about our skeletons. We have been learning what some of the main bones are called and Mrs Smith has been testing us on our knowledge by playing a game of ‘Simon Says’ and getting us to point to the different parts of our body.

Can you label the skeleton above?

Teach the names of the bones to people in your house and then have a go at playing ‘Simon Says’.

Multiplying by 10/100/1000



This week we used the screen recording feature on our iPads to demonstrate to Mrs Smith how to multiplying numbers by different 10s numbers. We must remember to move the place values of the number before adding the 0’s. Watch the videos  above to see what happens.

We also loved listening to a song which also helped us to learn about the multiplication process. Take a listen below.


P5 Remember

This week we listened to a story about the history of the poppy and why they are a symbol of Remembrance Day. Some children shared stories about relatives who fought in the wars and what they went through. Mrs Smith was impressed by the respect that everyone showed during the discussions and when the piper was playing for the two minute silence.