P7A Review of the week 23.10.20

This week we have been learning about:

  • Decimals – multiplying by 10, 100, 1000 and multiples of these
  • Scale Drawing
  • Spelling using other patterns to spell the long /i/ sound
  • The different features of an Information Report
  • Effective Note taking
  • Building Resilience – Be kind to others (Skipper)
  • Basketball in PE

We also had Music with Mrs Inglis for the first time this session.  We got to use the Garage Band app on our iPads.

Weekly Review – 23/10/20

This week was the first week back. We had changes of timetable to get used to and we are now all very tired.

This week we enjoyed:

-designing a name badge for the back of our I-pads.

-exploring the apps on our I-pads.

-learning about angles and finding them in our environment using our cameras.

-P.E. We played netball.

-our first 2 SRA reading sessions

-making a 3D cube to display our holiday writing on

-learning about written strategies for subtraction

Today we say goodbye to Charlie. We will miss him and wish him luck in his new school!

Weekly Review – 23/10/20

This week was the first week back. We had changes of timetable to get used to and we are now all very tired.

This week we enjoyed:

-designing a name badge for the back of our new I-pads.

-exploring the apps on our new I-pads.

-learning about angles and finding them in our environment using our cameras.

-P.E. We played netball.

-our first 2 SRA reading sessions

-making a 3D cube to display our holiday writing on

-learning about written strategies for subtraction

How Many More?

In numeracy primary 1 are thinking about more than.

We had to make two towers and think about which tower had more cubes in it and then we had to work out how many more were in the taller tower.

We had to make a tower that was taller than our pencil. We had to work out how many cubes high was our pencil and then think about how many more cubes were in the tower.

B for Busy Bees!

Today we were learning about  “b”. We thought of lots of “b” words such as basket, banana, biscuits and bikes. We enjoyed reading the story of Mr Bump and made our own buzzy bee to take home to help us learn our new sound.

Funny Foxes!

Learning about “f”

Michael the puppet had drawn some pictures. We had to guess what the picture was and what sound linked each picture for example there was a picture of a clown…mmmmmm it was a  “funny face”. We made f words on our whiteboards and drew and wrote words that start with f like fan and fin.

We shared stories about a fox and made a fox to take home to help us learn our new sound.


Being Kind to Others

Primary 1 have been talking about showing kindness to others and have begun to think about ways we can do this. We are going to try and be kind and helpful to  each other in the classroom, cloakroom and in the playground.

We think it is important to speak nicely to each other using kind voices and words. We are going to try hard to remember to say please, thank you and excuse me when working together.

We wanted to do something to make each other happy, so today we each made a friendship bracelet for someone else in the class.

Threading carefully to make our bracelets.

Saying thank you to our friends.

We were very pleased with our bracelets.

Hands of Friendship