The mouldy bread experiment!

In P2/1 we have been amazed by the results of our mouldy bread experiment. This afternoon we compared the bread we handled with  our pre-washed hands to the bread we handled with our freshly washed hands.

In all groups there is significantly more mould on the bread we handled with our dirty hands. We talked about why this had happened and the children learned that ‘germs are lots of little tiny beasties’ (Brooke) and that ‘bacteria can grow and spread’ (Rowan), as well as how important handwashing is!

What makes a good friend?

During circle time today we talked about what makes a special friend. Here are some of our ideas ..

a good friend is kind. ..helpful ……someone who makes us laugh …… someone who plays with us ….looks after us if we are sad or hurt.

Click on these links to listen to our some of our thoughts ..



Miniature Woodland

Today we started creating our own miniature woodland. We filled our trays with compost and then used stones to make a pathway through the woods. We then looked for different sticks, leaves and feathers to make trees and bushes.



Robin Red comes for a play!

We had a visitor again today! He sneaked in this morning through the P1 classroom door,  went for a walk and a little play through the two classrooms, then hopped out a few minutes later through the P2/1 door!

The children were so calm and quiet, Robin Red (named by Clara in P1) hopped along quite happily. We may have a new pupil!