P7A Weekly review 4.9.20

We have had a very busy week.  Here are some of the things we have been learning about:

Writing – Descriptions and Prefect Application letters to Mrs Wilson

Spelling – Long /a/ sounds

Numeracy & Maths – Place Value & Angles

Science – Floating & sinking

Health & Wellbeing – Look on the Bright Side: positive thinking

As well as continuing our novel study of Wonder!

What has been your highlight and why?

P7B Weekly Review 4.9.20

We’ve been busy again this week. We’ve been learning about description writing, place value, and diversity linked to our novel study. We also wrote prefect application letters, danced our spelling sounds, tested floatation of homemade bugs, and played our first Kahoot quizzes.

What did you enjoy this week?

What made you have to really think this week?

What do you still want to know more about?

Here are some photos of when we used outdoor materials to represent numbers to 10,000. See if you can guess what the numbers are by counting the “digits” in each column.

You can also spot our bug making where we tested surface tension of water.



Feeling Sad

We have been talking about different feelings. This week we thought about times when we might feel sad and what we could do to make ourselves feel better. We shared ideas on how we could help others if they felt  sad


Feeling Sad




Meeting Kipper

We have been sharing different stories in class about Kipper, his sister and brother, Biff and Chip. Kipper’s real name is Christopher but when he was little he couldn’t say Christopher, he said Kipper instead.

Biff is actually called Barbara and Chip is David. Biff and Chip are twins.

We will be reading lots of books, together and on our own about Biff, Chip and Kipper and their adventures.

nnnnnnnnn noisy!

Our new sound in primary 1 today was “n”. It was too noisy for Michael so  he wanted  to wear some ear defenders!

Mrs Collins read us the story of Mr Noisy and we made our own Mr Noisy to take home.