Another fun week!

This week we read the story of The Leaf Man and created our own leaf characters. While we were outside collecting leaves we looked at the different types of trees around the school and their leaves. We then gave our characters names, drew black pen pictures and created our own stories focusing on the WHO, WHAT and WHERE. 

In P2/1 we’re also learning Signalong with Mrs Ryalls – this week learning greetings such as hello and good morning as well as the signs for mum and dad.

In phonics this week we learned p and n and are starting to blend the sounds to make short words. We’re also continuing to meet the Oxford Reading Tree characters, this week finding out more about Biff.

In numeracy we’ve been focusing on language one and two more, and using practical materials such as pasta to show this. We’ve also been making our own number lines outside and jumping up and down them to the number before and after.

We have several jumpers and cardigans in the cloakroom without names. If you’re missing one please let us know.


Stick Insects

P 1 and P2/1 were very excited today because Mrs McGilp brought in her stick insects. One of the insects had just shed it’s skin. Mrs McGilp told us that the stick insects like to eat ivy and privet leaves. Some of the insects were so well camouflaged that they were difficult to see among the leaves.

Primary 5’s Busy Week

Primary 5 have had a super week this week and have been very busy. They:

-Investigated objects with symmetry

-Learned about our ears and how they work.

-Wrote fantastic descriptions about Mrs Binkles (a character from our story)

-Were very excited by the cliffhanger that we got to in Max and the Millions.

-Learned about the word gratitude and why it is important to say/show thanks.

What was your favourite part of the week?

Weekly Review P6/5 4/9/20

We have been very busy this week. We have been looking at perspective and designed our own names so they look 3D.

In health and well-being we have been thinking about what we are thankful for. We created thank-you cards to deliver to some special people around the school.

We have also enjoyed:

-Playing “Fakey” at P.E. which helps us to stop and start quickly.

-Learning to double numbers and looking for patterns to add lots of small numbers together.

-Learning about Beethoven and his life. We found out he was deaf but still managed to compose music. We took notes.

-Writing a description text about Beethoven. We worked as a class.

-Music where we learned the macerena.

-Learning about nouns and adjectives. We had to locate examples in our class novel, “Max and the Millions”.

-Working with lines of symmetry in patterns and 2D shapes.

-Practising our handwriting. Three people have earned a pen license.

-Learning more signs in British sign language.


Weekly Review – 4/9/20

We have been very busy this week. We have been looking at perspective and designed our own names so they look 3D.


In health and well-being we have been thinking about what we are thankful for. We created thank-you cards to deliver to some special people around the school.

We have also enjoyed:

-Playing “Fakey” at P.E. which helps us to stop and start quickly.

-Learning to double numbers and looking for patterns to add lots of small numbers together.

-Learning about Beethoven and his life. We found out he was deaf but still managed to compose music. We took notes.

-Writing a description text about Beethoven. We worked as a class.

-Music where we learned the macerena.

-Learning about nouns and adjectives. We had to locate examples in our class novel, “Max and the Millions”.

-Working with lines of symmetry in patterns and 2D shapes.

-Practising our handwriting. Three people have earned a pen license.

-Learning more signs in British sign language.