
Hello everyone,

Hope you have all had a super weekend and that none of you got caught in the rain yesterday like I did!

Last weeks assembly focussed on ‘Staying Connected’. Mrs Scott, Mrs Harrison and myself have been video calling and chatting on the phone each week.

We also sent an email out to everyone last week so if you haven’t seen it yet pop onto your GLOW emails or if you have forgotten your login in details let us know and we can get these to you.

How are you staying connected with your family and friends? Let us know by replying to this post.

We are missing you all and looking forward to seeing what you produce in response to our new learning, which is now on the blog.

Have a lovely week everyone and enjoy the new learning 🙂


See the source image


Key words

Good morning Primary 1!

You will see the latest block of learning has now been uploaded to the Home Learning Page, have a look and if you have any questions please email us.

One of the activities we have suggested is to keep practising your key words. The words and activities can be found here.

Key Words Stages 1-3

Ten key words activities

Have a look at the new Kingsland Challenge too – can you make a chair for a bear? Let us know how you get on!

Take care,

Mrs McGilp and Mrs Lloyd

Keeping Connected

Good Morning P7!

We hope you have had a great weekend. We have created new learning activities to keep you busy over the next 2 weeks. We hope you enjoy them and we look forward to you sharing your learning on the P7 Teams page and through email. We love hearing all your news and keeping connected with each other is really important at this time. Remember to post something you are thankful for each day on the HWB channel.

Head over to the P7 Teams page each day to find out what the Word of the Day is and a cool science fact related to natural disasters.

Mrs B and Mrs M


We have so enjoyed keeping in touch with you all,  seeing what you have been up to and hearing your news.

On Monday there will be new learning for you to have a go. We look forward to hearing from you- remember you can add a message on Teams or send us an e mail. We would love to hear all of your news.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Scott and Mrs Smith.

Funny Weekend Quotes Pictures, Photos, Images, and Pics for ...