Making peach crumble recount

Well done Drew for a great recount!

Making peach crumble

Our class, on Roald Dahl day, made peach crumble in Jedderfield.

First we washed our hands so we didn’t get germs on the crumble.  Then we cut the lovely, delicious peaches into small chunks.  Next we weighed the ingredients in a big dish and we had to mix it with our hands.  Next we put the peaches in a smaller dish with the crumble.  Then Mrs Stevenson put the crumble in the oven.  Finally we got to have a piece.

It was delicious and I hope we can do it again.

Swimming lesson recount

A recount needs to have a title, an orientation, a sequence of events and a personal comment. Well done Isla for including all of the above in her first recount!

Going Swimming

On Monday morning our class went to Peebles swimming pool for swimming lessons.

First we walked to the pool with our partners.  Then we found a locker and we got changed into our swimsuits and trunks.  Next we waited at the side of the pool so then our teacher could put is in to groups.  After that we had our swimming lesson.  Finally we had a shower and washed our hair then went and got our clothes and got changed.  Then we walked back to school.

It was really fun going swimming.

Swimming lesson recount

A recount needs to have a title, an orientation, a sequence of events and a personal comment. Well done Isla for including all of the above in her first recount!

Going Swimming

On Monday morning our class went to Peebles swimming pool for swimming lessons.

First we walked to the pool with our partners.  Then we found a locker and we got changed into our swimsuits and trunks.  Next we waited at the side of the pool so then our teacher could put is in to groups.  After that we had our swimming lesson.  Finally we had a shower and washed our hair then went and got our clothes and got changed.  Then we walked back to school.

It was really fun going swimming.


On Monday 30th of September and Tuesday 1st of October  we had a bake sale and raised money for a charity called good 2 give which is for children with cancer and mental disabilities. Gabe’s mum is doing a hike in Transylvania for a week to raise even more money for this charity. The bake sale was very successful and we raised a total of £118.85. Thank-you to everybody that helped. The following people helped with baking and selling. They were:  Will, James Gra, Callum Lyall, Paddy, Joe H and Mrs Brown. Thank you to everyone who gave a donation.

For more information please visit the charities website.

P5b Sustainable Squad

Mrs Brown asked for representatives of the Sustainable Squad to be enthusiastic, respectful, confident and reliable. We were impressed that we had 7 pupils from our class that felt they would represent the class well, who have a real interest and passion for sustainability. We heard their reasons and ideas and voted on who we thought would represent us best. The majority vote was Ailish.

Congratulations Ailish, you are P5b’s Sustainable Squad member!