Primary 1 Highlights

We have had another busy week in Primary 1 as we have been learning about the and sound. We have been practising how to write numbers 1-3 and we took part in some ordering and counting activities.

On Thursday we sang some songs about colours and did some finger painting to make rainbow pictures.

We were also very excited to take home our beanstalks which we planted last week. We have learned how to plant seeds in soil and what plants need to grow. Feel free to send in updates on your beanstalk!

Finally, we are looking forward to welcoming families on Thursday 12th September to our Open Afternoon which takes place from 2.45-3.25. See you then!

Food chains

P3 have been using their prior learning about food chains to think about the food chain of a fox. Last year we learned about food chains of birds so, we used this knowledge to help us to work out what the food chain of a fox might look like. We remembered that everything in a food chain gets energy from the Sun.

Learning about Classification Keys…with sweets!

P5A have been learning about the use of Classification Keys to sort and identify living and non-living things.  To really check we understood how to use them we had to design one for sorting Dolly Mixtures sweeties…all in the name of Science, of course!

First we had to decide what characteristics the sweets could be sorted by and then we had to create questions which gave a yes/no answer.  Here are some of our finished keys.


Harvesting food!

We have been harvesting food from our garden this week.  So far we have got 2 different types of potatoes and beetroot!

We have been keeping an eye on our apples on our apple tree and our tomatoes and they are both nearly ready too!


Please help yourselves to these foods in our cloakroom to take home, we would love to see any pictures of you cooking or eating them!




Yummy, yummy!

We were looking at the strategy Draw a picture in Problem Solving. We know it is very important to draw clear pictures in Maths and here is a very good example. We also needed to work out our answers in number sums too to make the task more challenging.

Everybody worked well with their partner and there was lots of good discussion as we worked.