
P2 have been making printing template using string. Tomorrow they will ink them up with a roller and use them as prints. String printing is fun and easy to do.  The trick is not to make the drawing too detailed and keep the print very simple.

Round The World Market

Primary 5a and P5b held a very successful enterprise event Round the World Market.  Over 100 tickets were sold and parents were entertained with some International songs, music and fun facts.  Each group of children  had researched a different country and created an informative display with text and pictures.  Visitors had a little taste of food from each country as well.  Everyone had a great time.  Our profit from this event is £50 and this will be donated to Save The Children.


Thank you to Mrs. Musgrave for her amazing talk about the history behind the Beltane festival. We were amazed by her Auntie Alice’s Beltane bits and pieces.

Mrs. Musgrave,  we thought your stories of when you were a child were really funny. You sounded like you had lots of fun at the Beltane festival.

You have really helped us to understand the meaning of Beltane.

Oh, happy day!

P2A and P2B worked together on a Health and Wellbeing activity this morning. We explored happy and sad times. Then we made happy and sad puppet faces to show how we were feeling in different situations.

Our teachers were so impressed with the grown up answers we were giving and the reasons for them.

It was lovely working together as a year group and going outside into the sunshine for a special P2 Circle Time discussion.

Our favourite part was dancing to, ” Happy ” and that is exactly how the song made us all feel .

How are you feeling today?

Beltane song

The Beltane Song

At Beltane in the aulden time, it was the custom gay,

To gather on the village green and hail the festal day,

Huntsman gallant and shepherds grey, doughty and blythsome men,

And Lassies blooming fresh and fair cam liltin’ doon the glen,

Through the greenwood haste away,… Sing aloud the festal lay,

Busk the Beltane banner gay, to Peblis and the play.


Across the wild foam-crested wave, in distant lands of fame,

The exile oft wi’ pride recalls the dear auld Border hame,

And while we crown our virgin queen, ‘mid flaming skies of June,

We pledge the leal hearts far a-wa and lilt our festal tune,

Honour is our watchword clear, Truth our dauntless halberdier,

Liberty’s our heralds cheer, Long live our Beltane Queen.