Shape monsters

We have been learning about Area in Maths and some of us have created our own shape monsters. Then we counted the squares or used cubes/counters to measure the amount of area they take up.

We can take our learning outdoors and make shape monsters on the playground with chalk then measure the area they take up using our hands and feet.

How can we use the paving bricks to explore Area ?

Fotheringham Bridge

A big thank you to Mrs. Musgrave. We really enjoyed her talk about Fotheringham Bridge in Peebles and the story behind it.

After her talk we began to plan our own stories based on the three Billy Goats’ Gruff. Our stories are set in Pebbles and our characters have to cross a bridge over the River Tweed. Under the bridge there live a range of scary things from trolls to dragons and monsters.


Primary 5 Scientists have been carrying out different experiments to answer some questions.

Last week we carried out experiments to see what materials dissolve in water and we found that salt, sugar and coffee were soluble materials.  Sawdust and sand were insoluble.

Then this week we used our soluble materials to try and answer these questions:

Does the temperature of water make a material dissolve more quickly?

Does stirring make a material dissolve more quickly?

Does the size of the bits of the material make is dissolve more quickly?

Can we clean dirty water?

We have had to predict what we think will happen and make sure that we carried out  fair tests.  Everything had to be exactly the same apart from one variable.   We have had lots of fun being Scientists.

sunny weather

We have been enjoying the sunny weather and been doing lots of different activities outdoors!

We went a walk aroud the school, used the school mugga, and had a picnic up there. It was yummy!


our ELC garden

We have been busy starting to plant and gig in our ELC garden!


We are looking forward to our Garden stay and Play for our parents to get involved with our garden too.


We also planted some cress in ELC and then got to take them home.