Strong structures

We have been looking at making strong structures and as part of a Challenge Play session Primary 2 went into the P3/4 playground to build our structures using larger materials. The challenge was not in building the strong structures – it was in the strong wind blowing the foam shapes about as we tried to build.

We needed to work well together and share the materials.

We tested our structures to see if they were strong by pushing, pulling and leaning on them.

Mapping our playground by P2B

“We went to the Primary 7’s playground.  We drew what we could see.” Amber

“We were drawing Kingsland from up high.  We got a clipboard and some paper.  We went to the P7s balcony and looked down at the school and nursery.  We drew the slide and things you can jump off.  It was fun.”  Willow

“”I liked drawing a map about the playground from above.”  Ellie

“I learned to draw things from above.  To see the school from above we couldn’t go from a hot air balloon so we had to go from a platform.” Phoebe


Building bridges

Primary 2 have been investigating different materials that would make strong bridges and towers. This is part of their new topic which they want to be about the towers and bridges in Peebles. They went on to test them out and were quite surprised when their structures were not as strong as they thought. So, they are now going to improve their designs and attempt to make them much stronger.

P3B Health Week

We had great fun trying out different activities like ballet, cheerleading, yoga and Zumba during Health Week. What did you try? What did you learn?

We learned about our health and well being indicators and we made a classroom display to help us to use these as we learn. We need to know what to do if we need help with our Health and Well being. Look on our display for ideas.

Can you name all the indicators?

Safe, healthy, included, achieving, nurtured, active, responsible, respected.

Health Wellness in P4!

What a fantastic week we had! Loads of special activities – for example, a fantastic assembly introducing our ‘This is Me’ focus led by Miss Nicholson, an amazing activities afternoon, some potentially life saving first aid training by the First Responders, our daily Run a Mile, and our week long focus on the wellbeing indicators! Here are pictures from some of these activities:

Sustainability homework

Primary 4 were given the homework challenge of researching a type of renewable energy. They then had to create a model of their chosen type of energy, and a poster explaining how it works.

Everyone in primary 4 rose to the challenge and worked really hard on their project – we had some incredible and inventive wind turbines, solar panels and water wheels. In class the pupils then got the opportunity to share their models in front of the class, as well as with partners and with primary 4/3. The pupils had to evaluate and reflect on what they had done well and could have done better. They also got the chance to look at and give feedback to their peers. The rest of the school are now getting the opportunity to see the models, as they are being displayed in the corridor outside our classroom! I’m so proud and impressed with your models and posters, well done!
