P7 Book Report – Due end of January 2018

Read a book of your choice by the end of January
Make a presentation to share with the rest of the class.

Your presentation should contain:

1. Title Slide

1 slide – include the title of the book, author, picture of cover, genre

2. Summary of the story
3 slides – one for beginning, one for middle, one for end. Think carefully about the KEY events in the book. Write a paragraph each about the beginning, middle, and end of the book. Create one slide for each section of the book.

3. Understanding of character
1 slide – Think about how the main character felt at the beginning of the book. How do they change as the book develops? How do they react to key events? Do they change by the end of the book. Explain how/why they change.
1 slide – Describe some qualities one of the characters had that you either admired or disliked. Explain why you feel this way.

4. Understanding of setting
1 slide- Describe the main setting of the story. If the story is set in more than one main location, please choose your favourite one. Write descriptive phrases of the setting from the book on your slide to provide evidence.

5. Understanding of theme
1 slide -What are the themes of the book? What key messages do you think the author was trying to convey?

6. Evaluation
1 slide – Write a paragraph telling your opinion of the book. Explain why you would or would not recommend the book to a friend.

Practise your presentation before you hand it in so you feel confident about sharing it with the class. 

Christmas Around the World!

P4 are learning about how countries around the world celebrate Christmas. We have learnt that they all have different traditions and cultures!

Today we learnt about how they celebrate Christmas in Germany, as one of our pupils is part German. His mum came in to tell us about the traditions they had when she lived in Germany, and how she has mix of German and British Christmas traditions now they live in Scotland. Some big differences we heard about are that they celebrate Christmas day on 24th December, they have lit candles on their tree, and they have meat fondue as Christmas dinner!

Thanks you Mrs Bennett for coming to talk to us and sharing the amazing traditions from your childhood!

Patterns and Christmas!

We have been learning about patterns and sequences in numeracy. Today we had a Christmas patterns session – we had to continue the patterns as accurately as possible. We also used repeating patterns to create snowflakes!

Stay and Play

A big thank you to all the parents/carers who came to our recent stay and play sessions! The children loved showing you round the nursery, and showing you all the things they have been up to!

We have got a busy few weeks coming up with Christmas getting close!
Please remember these important dates for your diary…….

Monday 18th Dec- ELC nativity 10.30am and 2.30pm. Please note maximum of 2 adults per child to watch.

Tuesday 19th Dec- ELC Christmas party (normal session applies)

Creating tension homework w/b 4.12.17

One of our next steps in writing is to create mood, pace and tension. This is what keeps the reader turning the pages in a story. We have been trying to do in this in class by varying the length of sentences.

For homework think of a problem in a story of your choice or make one up. Write the paragraph leading up to the climax using punctuation and length of sentences to create an appropriate mood, pace and tension.