Family Learning Online

Some families have reported that they could not access the questionnaire at the end of last week’s family learning session- sorry about this! Please click below to tell us your thoughts.


The next session will be held on THURS 1 JUNE 6.45-7.15. You will need to login to Glow and then open the meeting room by clicking on this link:

Family Learning Online

Some families have reported that they could not access the questionnaire at the end of last week’s family learning session- sorry about this! Please click below to tell us your thoughts.


The next session will be held on THURS 1 JUNE 6.45-7.15. You will need to login to Glow and then open the meeting room by clicking on this link:

A Series of Unfortunate Events – The Austere Academy – Book Report – Amelia Homework


The Austere Academy is the fifth novel in the series of books entitled A Series of Unfortunate Events.

The plot involves a tall, thin and evil character named Count Olaf going on a wild goose chase in various disguises to try and find the three  Baudelaire children and steal their inherited fortune – in this book disguised as a tough, cruel PE teacher named Coach Genghis. These three clever children, Violet age 14, Klaus age 13 and Sunny who is round about just 1 or 2 years old, had a big shock to their wealthy life.  As one normal day they receive a message from a banker named Mr Poe, who tells them their parents are dead.

This series of books plays around with time frame.  The general feeling for the book is the 1920’s – 30’s yet often modern day technology is used:  for example in The Austere Academy there is a highly advanced computer system.

The schools motto : Memento Mori is Latin for ‘Remember you will die’, The book deals with dark themes (for example death, black humour) in a gothic fiction genre which is funny and makes the reader laugh.  As the exam period starts Coach Genghis makes the three children tired out by running 100 laps of the field for nine continuous days in the hopes they will get tired and fail their exams so that they would be expelled from Prufrock Preparatory School and he can get his hands on the children and their enormous fortune. At the end of this book the Baudelaires escape from Count Olaf/Coach Genghis disguised as their classmates, Duncan and Isadora Quagmire who have been through a similar story.

Thank you to Ben’s Mum.

A huge thank you from Primary 2/1 goes to Ben’s Mum for her fantastic session about how she uses Digital Technology in her workplace as a Scientist.

We were so amazed by the whale bone ear model and all the slides about how she uses Google to help find ways of helping to make people better.


Digital Learning – Mr Reed’s visit

Thank you to Mr Reed who came in today to talk about how he uses all forms of technology in his job . We especially enjoyed the audio conference that he did with Mrs Wallace and Jack and Poppy and we enjoyed hearing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star being sung by them down the telephone!!


Image result for pig heart boy

-My book is called pig heart boy

-the author is called mallory Blackman

-Camaron has a faulty heart and needs a heart transplant

– the boy is Called Camaron

-he is 13 years old


this book is about Camaron needing a heart transplant but the doctors don’t have enough human heart donors and can’t give him one but one day the doctors end up asking his parents if he could have a pig heart cause the where testing pig hearts and sujested that they should try it out so camoran gets a pig heart camarons mum and dad always fight , camaron tries to keep a secret about his heart but he can’t because he told one of his friends , camarons grandma is always there for him when his mum and dad fight / appears so that Camaron has a crush !!!!!!  But in the end the reader never finds out if camarons sibling is a boy or a girl because they are not born yet but I would give this book a 9 ot of 10 because it was actually quite interesting about the heart transplants and that Camaron had to have a pig heart …………

By Katie 🙂

Class visitor for digital learning week

Thank you to Eleanor’s dad who came in to talk to us about networks. He gave us a very interesting talk about how facetime works and all of the different networks that you use. We enjoyed how he made this very simple to understand and all of the different props that he brought in.

Thank you!

Mr Milne comes to visit for Digital Learning Week

Today Kate’s Dad came to visit our class for Digital Learning Week. He gave an excellent demonstration about how Facetime/ Skype work and what happens to get it from here to Australia.

Here are some of the things we learned…

Gabrielle didn’t know that Facetime and Skype was lots of photos combined together to make a video and it was made up of 1s and 0s.

Simon learned that Peebles has its own router and so does lots of others places. It takes a picture half a blink to get to its destination. It moves very fast.

Archie learnt that lasers are inside the cables to bring the picture image across the World.

A huge thanks to Kate’s Dad for popping in. We certainly learned a lot.


What did you learn from this visit?



Digital Learning Week!

This week we have been busy in school taking part in lots of digital learning opportunities. We have

  • taken part in a QR code scavenger hunt
  • we worked with the P3/4 class to help them set up Sumdog profiles
  • we have had parent visitors who have told us about how they use technology as part of their jobs. Mr Miln came today (Thursday)  and told us about networks and how a video call works, and Mr Reed is coming on Friday to talk about the use of technology at work and when working from home
  • We have worked with P7a – we had eleven groups from each class, each with an ‘expert’ who could lead the session, and the groups shared some of their digital learning . The P6’s shared what they know about coding, and the P7’s shared the games they have created and how to make a game.

Image result for digital learning