exciting trip to elm bank

We went to Elm Bank printers to print our café logo.   First of all Ruth had to scan the logo and then she was able to shrink it and clean it up.  She then showed us 3 different letter layouts with our logo and the school address.  After that she sent the letters to Ian’s computer at the front of the shop and he printed them out on the big printer.  Ian printed two pages on one piece of paper and then used the chopper machine to cut them in half.

Tasty Homework

Wow! I am delighted with Joseph’s homework today. Joseph has made apple crumble for the Gardener’s café homework and has brought in a dish of it foe me to eat. It looks and smells very tasty and appetising. HUGE THANKS to Joseph and his family.

Polar fun

We have discovered a fun website to help us with our learning about Polar Animals.  As well as some facts it also has some games you can try at home.  Can you complete the picture slider faster than we did as a class?!

Go Wild Polar Games

Insulation Experiment

We conducted an insulation experiment to measure which insulating material would result in the least wasted heat energy. We put hot water in cups and insulated with different materials in a cardboard box. We used a thermometer to measure the temperature after 1 hour and 2 hours. Some results surprised us and others were predicted in our hypothesis. We only changed the insulation material to ensure there was only one variable and it was a fair test.

The best insulators in order were

  1. Sawdust

2. Feathers

3. Tin Foil

4. Cotton wool

5.  Sponge

6. Fibreglass

7. Cotton scarf

8. Bubble wrap

9. Newspaper


Deep Sea World and Forth Road Bridge

P7 had a fantastic trip to Deep Sea World and to see the new bridge across the Forth called the Queensferry Crossing. It was a really fun things to do in our last few weeks of primary school.

Ceilidh on the Brain!

We took part in a science workshop called ‘Ceilidh on the Brain’. We learnt about the different parts of the brain and the jobs that these parts do. We created dances to demonstrate the process of light travelling to the brain and sound vibrations travelling to the brain. If you have any questions for our brain scientists then please comment on this post and we can pass them on.

Thinking in Maths

Primary Two have been developing their thinking skills in Maths. First they had to realise that not all of the children in P2 will have the same size of feet. So, we drew round our feet and then we compared the sizes. Once we had done this we had to come up with a way of measuring that could be used to measure everyone’s feet. Eventually someone thought about using cubes to measure feet sizes.

Once we had done this activity and compared our different sizes of feet we were given the challenge of measuring different sizes of straws.

Again we used cubes to measure the straws and this helped us to compare their lengths accurately using the same form of measure.

Code cracking

P2/1 used the Code Scanning App to help to solve the mystery clues around our school. We found seven clues that gave use seven letters. We then had to unscramble the letters to solve our mystery word. This was one of the challenging and exciting activities we did for Digital Learning Week.

Can you read what the word was from the picture below?

Answer = DIGITAL


For your last piece of homework you can choose a book activity that is on the sheet that you were given at the beginning of the term or you can choose to do the following.

Choose an European country and create a presentation that you could present to the class. This could be a PowerPoint, entry on the blog, factsheet/poster, iMovie film.

Find out about this country – landmarks, food, famous people, weather,  and think about how you can present this information. Maybe you have visited this country on holiday and you could show us some photos.