Andrew’s homework- Tribes people in the rainforest – By Andrew

People that live in the rainforest are in tribes there are a lot of tribes names and the Yanomami is the most common in the Amazonian rainforest. If your in a tribe you will get a machete when your 4  and sharper knifes as you get older . Kids go out and cut food for lunch and tea . When kids get bored they might play a classic game of hide and seek and if you think about it there’s a lot of trees and bushes to hide in . For special events they will spend a long time collecting bird feathers that are found on the floor . Once they have collected enough feathers they will make masks with them. They’ll use crushed up fruit but mostly berries as face paint . All the men will have a competition to see which one looks the nicest and the nicest  might get a girlfriend but in other countries you can marry more than 1 person . Out in the rainforest health and safety is not around they climb trees have sharp knifes and there’s dangerous animals , plants and food . They don’t learn how to read and write like us they learn about what’s dangerous and what’s safe. Also they might play 1 game that you like and its called football they might not have a football that you use they might use animal body parts . They probably play with skipping ropes like you . For hunting they would use blow pipes and nowadays trained people will use shotguns . They shoot down monkeys an that’s what they eat . To find poison for darts they don’t get it of animals they get it from trees. 2 or 3 people will go out and cut a little hole in a tree and poisonous sap comes out they will collect it in a jug . Then they will take it back and put it on the point of the dart and let it dry and go out to use them . People that live in the rainforest are friendly with the rainforest becomes its there home . They build houses in 1 part of the forest and then in a couple of years they will move somewhere else and let the old bit grow again and then they will keep doing that for a long time . The rainforest is getting cut down very fast and if we do nothing about it  in 50 odd years there might not be any rainforest left and all the animals , plants and people that live there will be no more so help save the rainforest by donating to charity , recycle and lots lots more SO HELP SAVE THE RAINFOREST TODAY !!!!!!!!!!