The Blue Morpho Butterfly by Amelia

The Blue Morpho Butterfly

This Report is here to tell you about the bright blue insect that will amaze you with the unknown. This three parted insect is a very glamorous creature. Its scientific name is Morpho Didius. Does that sound appealing to you, read on to find out more.

What is it and what does it look like?                                                                                    The Blue Morpho Butterfly is on of the largest butterflies in creation, its bright  blue wings make them very easy to spot. It has 6 black legs like any other insect, the butterfly has 4 super delicate wings that are pretty sea-through and is sometimes a bit stinky cause of what it eats. Its three parts are classificated as the head the thorax and the abdomen which in every day words means the head the tummy and the bottom half. On its wings you will see faint black lines that create some sort of pattern on each wing like this picture here.

Image result for the blue morpho butterfly
Can you see the faint black lines

Where can you find it?

The Blue Morpho Butterfly is mostly found in South America, Mexico, and Central America, which is closer to the equator than any place like Europe or Great Brittan. You can find the adult Morpho mostly on the forest floor unless it is trying to find a mate, however the young Morphos will go all layers to try and find a girlfriend. Since this butterfly only has 115 days to live, they need to make the most of it. But once it has found another butterfly  it will live the rest of there life on the forest floor. Sadly they don’t have weddings!

Image result for blue butterfly wedding
Just Joking!

Image result for mexico on world map

How has it adapted to survive?

Living in the rainforest is hard for the butterflies and they need to make sure they get a long lifespan. On average they live up to about 115 days which is about 3 months 3 weeks and 2 days. The Blue Morpho Butterfly isn’t a big fan of the brightness so when he can’t really see because of the scorching hot sun, the butterfly will cover its eyes over with its wings and that is 1 adaptation to this insect. The Blue Morpho is brightly coloured  so that insects and animals can see them, but mostly that’s not a good thing because they could be eaten easily, just remember there quick and speedy so they have a chance to fly away.

Image result for blue morpho chase