My Education ePortfolio
A blog from a MA3 student teacher – Erynn Sangster
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My Learning Journey
Standard for Provisional Registration
online maths assessment
Online Language Assessment
My references
Personal audit & transferable skills
Professional Goals
MA1 Placement
MA3 Placement
MA4 Placement
Grade Scores & Progression
Discovering Mathematics🔍
Maths, Creative? No Way! 🎨
🐒 Can Animals Count? 🐜
“Take A Chance On Me”
Yan, Tan, Tethera…
When in doubt, change your mind!
🌻 The Fractal Nature Of Reality 🍀
New Zealand to Hawaii in NO time at all 🌏
♪ Do Re Mi Fibonacci ♫
The Winning Equation in Sport 🥇
Liping Ma’s Profound Understanding of Fundamental Mathematics
Mathematics & Science
Connecting Science, Maths & Music
Learning from Life – Orléans
Section 1
Audit of Skills, Knowledge and Personal Attributes
Reflection on Experiences to date
Placement Proposal
Identification of Skills and Knowledge to be developed
Identification of Learning Opportunities
Record of the Planning and Development of the Placement
Cover Letter
Section 2
Placement Provider Overview
Week 1: Day 1
Week 1: Day 2
Week 1: Day 3
Week 1: Day 4
Week 1: Day 5
Week 2: Day 6
Week 2: Day 7
Week 2: Day 8
Week 2: Day 9
Week 2: Day 10
Week 3: Day 12
Week 3: Day 13
Week 3: Day 14
Week 3: Day 15
Week 4: Day 17
Week 4: Day 18
Week 4: Day 19
Week 4: Day 20
Week 5: Day 21
Week 5: Day 22
Week 5: Day 23
Week 5: Day 24
Week 5: Day 25
Week 6: Day 26
Week 6: Day 27
Week 6: Day 28
Week 6: Day 29
Week 6: Day 30
Section 4
End of Placement Reflection
Further Learning
End of Placement Review
Section 3
Values & Culture
Social Studies🍃
RRS Discovery⚓️
Historical Storytelling📖
Geographical Mapping🗺
Powerful Knowledge
The Empowerment of a Child’s Voice
Lesson Planning
Interdisciplinary Learning🔗
Interdisciplinary Learning: A Reflection from my Childhood
Reflection on IDL
Storytelling in Music🎼
Makey Makey🕹
Expressive Arts🎨
Music and Storytelling🥁📖
Learning Theme Explored Through Song And Dance🦖🦕
Responding To A Performance🎭
Gallery Visit🎨🖼
Section 3
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