Primary 4 28.8.20

Hello everyone

It has been fantastic to see the children happy and settled in class this week. The boys and girls have been working very hard and are surprising Mr Woodward and I all the time with the quality of their written work and how well they are adapting to the new school routines.

This week in maths we have been exploring length. We used rulers and metre sticks to measure the length of various objects in the classroom. We also developed the skill of estimating by making an “educated guess” about the length of much larger items in our classrooms. Next week we will explore items in the outdoor environment whilst also looking at a new length – millimetres.

This week in Health we have been exploring SHANARRI. SHANARRI (Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included) are wellbeing indicators that the children have been exploring this week in class through a group challenge. Each group has been given one of the SHANARRI indicators to research. They then created a poster that shared their new found knowledge and understandings,. Next week they will present their information and poster to the class. Please ask your child for more information on this as they are now experts on this subject! 🙂

Last week you should have received a newsletter home detailing our plans for the coming term. If you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office.

Please remember that our PE days are Monday and Friday. Children should come to school dressed for the outdoors and can stay in their PE kit all day. As the Scottish Government expectation is now for the children to be outdoors as much as is possible then please note that the children may also be outside at breaks or lunches when the weather is wet/windy. Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear and outerwear/waterproof jacket etc to be outside comfortably in this kind of weather even if the weather is dry when the children are leaving for school. Thank you for your support with this. Please note that the children should also bring a full bottle of water to school each day. This can be refilled upon request throughout the day.

Thank you for your support. Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 1 25.8.20

Primary 1 are having a lovely week so far.
We are continuing our work on emotions and this week have learnt about feeling calm and love. The children have thought about different situations when they feel calm and some people and pets that they love. We will continue to discuss our feelings daily in class and will be encouraging children to find ways of managing them.
This week we are beginning our work on number. We will be learning how to count out and write neatly the numbers 0, 1 and 2. Please practise these numbers at home. Number 2 can be especially hard for children to write neatly.
We are also learning to hold a pencil correctly as we write letters and numbers. Please practise this at home, perhaps by writing your child’s name neatly a few times.
A reminder that we do outdoor PE on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Please send your child to school dressed for taking part in physical activity in the playground these days. It is also helpful to send a named water bottle in case your child get thirsty.
Thank you for all your support, please contact the office if we can be of any assistance.
Miss Daun and Miss Christy

Primary 4 20.8.20

Hello everyone

Our first full week back in Primary 4 has been a great one so far! The children have continued to adjust very well to our new class and school routines and Mr Woodward and I have been very impressed with their work ethic and their super manners – keep it up Primary 4! 🙂

This week we have began to revise areas of Numeracy such as addition, subtraction and times table facts. The children have impressed us with their numeracy skills! We will continue to revise known facts for the next few weeks to ease the children back into learning at school.

In Reading, both classes have began reading a new class novel. P4C are reading “Ottoline and the Yellow Cat” while Mr Woodward’s class are reading “The Legend of Spud Murphy”. The children will complete activities related to their reading book in class and will receive no reading book home this term. We will continue to hear the children read in class regularly. Please also encourage your child to read at home for enjoyment.

Our PE days will be Monday and Friday. Children should come to school on these days dressed for PE in appropriate clothing for the outdoors. If the weather is very bad we may not be able to do PE on our scheduled PE days but we will endeavor to ensure we get outside on another drier day of the week instead (as happened this week).

Tomorrow your child will come home from school with a P4 newsletter with much more details about your child’s learning this term. Please look out for this in your child’s bag.

Thank you for your support. Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 1 and Primary 2/1 18.8.20

It has been lovely welcoming all the new Primary 1 children to school over the past week and seeing the Primary 2s return. The children are settling in well to school and are picking up routines quickly. At the moment we are encouraging the children to develop their friendships and social skills through lots of games and play activities. We are also learning about our feelings and emotions, using the story of ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas. We are discussing different situations which make us feel different emotions and how we can manage our emotions well.
Tomorrow (Wednesday) will be the children’s first outdoor PE session with Mrs Ferguson. Please send your child to school dressed for PE. PE kit consists of a white T-shirt and black or navy shorts or trousers. Please make sure that your child has shoes they can run around in and a named water bottle to take outside with them. It is helpful if all clothes are named clearly.
Thank you for all your support so far. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We can be contacted through the school office.
Miss Christy, Miss Daun, Mrs Muir and Mrs Steel

Welcome back Primary 4!

Hello everyone!

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward here. We are the Primary 4 teachers this year. We were delighted to welcome back the new Primary 4 children to Carmondean on Wednesday. The children were happy to be back and there was a real buzz about the classrooms and the playground with everyone excited to see their friends again and be in their brand new classrooms.

We will update the blog every week to let you know about our adventures in Primary 4 as well as reminders and other important information so watch this space 🙂

On Wednesday we explored two different stories all about feelings. “The Colour Monster” and “Lucy’s Blue Day” both told the story of characters who changed colour depending on how they were feeling. We spoke a lot about our feelings, how we can tell how we are feeling and what we can do if we feel sad, worried or angry. We will continue to explore this today in class.

Our PE days will be on a Monday and a Friday. Please note that all PE will take place outdoors so appropriate kit should include – old trainers, long jogging bottoms/trousers, a t-shirt and jumper/hoodie for when the weather gets colder. On our PE days (Monday and Friday) the children can come to school in their PE kit and stay in it for the full day. They do not need to get changed back into their school uniform at any point. We will begin PE lessons this coming Monday.

We will send a newsletter home in the next week detailing more information about what we will be learning in the coming weeks. Please look out for this.

We really appreciate all the support you have provided the children on their return to school. We are sure that although different, we will have a very fun and exciting year ahead of us in Primary 4 🙂

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 1 29.5.20

Good morning Primary 1s! Happy Friday!

We hope that you have had a lovely week and that you have found time both to complete some school work and also to get out into the sunshine to play and exercise.

It is important to keep active so that our bodies remain fit and healthy. We know that lots of you are going outside and are enjoying long walks and cycles with your family. Sometimes it is also fun to exercise inside. We have found a few farming related dances and yoga workouts we would like you to try. Have a go at a few of them and let us know which is your favourite!

Happy Farm just dance

Old McDonald Just Dance

If animals could dance

Farm yoga

We hope that you are all keeping safe and and healthy. Thank you for all the hard work you are doing at home, you are making us very proud teachers. We miss you and keep up the great work.

The Primary 1 teachers

Primary 2 – 22 May 2020

Good Morning Primary 2,

It is Friday! We all love a Friday at school as this means FREE TIME FRIDAY! Have you been earning all your minutes this week?! If so, remember to take at least 30 minutes of time to play with something of your choice (with your parents’ permission of course!).

The weather has been lovely this week and you have all been very busy. You will see a small selection of some of the photos uploaded to the Learning Journals below. We absolutely love seeing your photos so please keep them coming.

On a Friday in class we also go over our spelling words and do a short, informal test. Ask your grown up to read out your spelling words and see if you can remember how to spell them correctly. Can they make up a sentence containing a few of your spelling words for you to write too? Remember your capital letters, finger spaces and full stop.

Tomorrow (Saturday 23rd May) is National Elmer Day. We have read some of the Elmer stories in class before. Elmer makes the world a much brighter place. So for this year’s Elmer Day we are encouraged to spread the positivity of Elmer.

How you can get involved:

  • Get creative and play with colour – make a rainbow, a jungle collage or a milk bottle Elmer.
  • Share Elmer stories and colourful pictures to spread some happiness.
  • Wear your brightest colours on 23rd May to celebrate Elmer Day.
  • Share your photos on social media with #ElmerDay

Find more information and resources at:

You can also listen to David McKee, the author, read Elmer at

We hope you have a lovely weekend and we will re-post next week’s Learning Grids for you on Monday morning. Remember to take lots of time to rest and have fun!

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

Primary 2 – 21.5.20

Good morning Primary 2,

We hope you are enjoying this lovely weather.   Some super work on the Learning Journals already this week. If we were in school just now we would definitely be looking for ways to take our learning outside! This week we are learning about time durations. You could draw a clock face on the ground and use sticks for the hands – try moving them forward and back to find the time 1 or 2 hours before and after a given time. Maybe you could even make a human clock and you could use your legs and arms for the hands!!

Here are some other creative outdoor challenges you might enjoy:

-Make a collage using sticks, leaves, stones, pine cones etc. We would love to see any of your creations.


Design and build a board game. You can create your own board game or recreate one you already know e.g. snakes and ladders. Create some clear instructions for players of your game and try it out! Here is an example:

Thursday would normally be PE time with Mrs Ferguson. Here are some fun PE activities to try:

Animal movements (1)

We know that many of you love your Music time with Mr Shanks and thought you might find this online activity fun- you can choose Song Maker and create your own song, changing the tempo ( how fast or slow) and the instruments.  You can also record it!

Let us know how you are getting on and please just ask if you require further resources or advice to support learning.

Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty


Primary 3 Wednesday 20th May 2020

Ca va Primary 3?

I hope you are all well and are looking forward to a quick online check-in today. I know we are! It is the highlight of our weeks! Remember to log on to Teams today at 10am to tell us your news and how you all are.

For a little bit of Science, why not get involved with Dr Chip’s Daily Dose, at 10am there is a link to follow for today for ‘Wonder Wednesday’, looking at ‘Biomimicry’ taking inspiration from nature for engineering.

Mrs Fox has also given us a little Art lesson should you wish to try it out.

Drawing a symmetrical Mask. The video guide can be accessed here: Symmetrical Mask Guide and the outline can be downloaded from here:Symmetry Mask Outline.

Word Boost Word definitions has been added to assignments in Teams. The words are as follows:

Cat’s Ahoy – Miss Smith’s Class:

Verbs: clamp, steer, quiver, abandon

Adjectives: silent, solemn

Dougal’s Deep Sea Diary – Mr Woodward’s Class:

Nouns: directions, souvenir

Verbs: drift, glisten

Adjectives: rickety, glum

Writing: For this week’s writing we are jumping back into space and we are going to spend a day on the International Space Station. Watch this short video to see 2 real astronauts on the ISS and what they get up to on board –

Write a diary entry of at least half a page of A4 about a day in space. What would you do during the day, what things would you see, who would you speak to and what would you say, how would you enjoy yourselves, what would it feel like and how would a day on the ISS make you feel? Remember to SHOW the reader what you see and do, don’t just tell them. Use your descriptions and choose the best words!

Maths: For today’s maths we are looking at Tesselation. Tesselation is the creation of patterns using shapes tiled together, e.g.

Your challenge is to create your own tesselation pattern. You can draw the shapes, using a ruler for straight lines, you can use Paint or another art programme on your computer, or you could go outside and create a tesselated pattern in your garden using natural materials.

Today’s Number Talks:

3 x 8                        2 x 325

2 x 6                        2 x 300

8 x 6                        6 x 300

Challenge Sum

362 x 28

Have a great day, and looking forward to speaking with you all.

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 2 – 11.05.20

Good morning Primary 2,

We hope you all had a lovely and restful weekend. Did anyone do anything nice to celebrate VE day on Friday?

We have included this week’s Learning Grids for you to remind you of the possible activities you could do at home. Remember, although we give lots of ideas there should be plenty time for rest and relaxation. You are all doing such a good job staying home, staying safe and protecting the NHS and this is the main thing. Any learning you do at home is a bonus and is much appreciated in this difficult time.

This week in social studies we are beginning to look at Antarctica. Do you know anything about Antarctica before you start learning more? Note down what you do know and over the week find out if you were right or wrong!

You have also been asked to create a healthy sandwich. We are keen to see what you put into your sandwich and please put some photos of your ‘delicious’ creation on your Learning Journal! There is a fabulous story about a disgusting sandwich – it is one of our favourites. If you don’t have this book you can listen to it on YouTube. Click this link to listen –

You might even want to use this story to do your ‘move and dance’ to as part of this week’s Health and Wellbeing. See the grid for more information!

You may have had an email or have seen on our new app that we have registered for ‘Travel to Tokyo’. Although the Olympics has been postponed we can still get active and stay connected. All you have to do is follow the simple instructions attached in pdf format below and log any activity you and your family do. It doesn’t matter if it is a 5 minute walk or a half hour Joe Wicks. Every little counts and there are prizes up for grabs! Miss Rafferty and Miss Pringle will certainly be taking part!

Did you make our gallery last week? We have been selecting a few photos from the Learning Journal updates to share on the school blog for everyone to see! Keep uploading and you could feature on Friday.

Stay safe,

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

P2 LAC 11.5.20

Rex and Mufasa 11.5.20

Travel to Tokyo Challenge

Woody Pumba Buzz Simba 11.5.20

P2 – 20.04.20

Hi Primary 2,
We hope you all had a lovely holiday. The weather was nice most of the time and meant that we could get out and about. Miss Rafferty did lots of walking and running with her mum’s dog Storm, Miss Pringle took her dog Dave on some long walks and Mrs Oliver spent time outdoors with Aaron and celebrated her special birthday! All 3 of us ate lots of Easter eggs too! We would love to hear what you have been doing. Please put photos on your Learning Journal or comment below to let us know what you did over the fortnight.
If you click on your groups link below you will see learning grids for the next fortnight. Please do one literacy, one numeracy and one learning across the curriculum activity each day. You may choose to adapt these and we love to see your creative activity ideas!
Joe Wicks is still doing his 9am workout on YouTube. You can find his channel on YouTube – The Body Coach TV.
We are planning to learn about animals in hot and cold countries this term. Edinburgh Zoo have live cameras in with the pandas, penguins, tigers and koalas. You can watch them at – let us know what you see!
We hope you are all keeping well and are remembering to continue to wash your hands regularly. We look forward to seeing your photos on your Learning Journals.
Miss Rafferty and Miss Pringle

Primary 2 1.4.20

Good morning Primary 2,

Today is the 1st of April and it’s actually national uniform day! We would like you to wear your school uniform today and post your pictures of you doing your tasks today in uniform- you can up load these into Learning Journals.

We hope you are all well and had a productive and enjoyable day yesterday completing some of the activities we have been sending out. Are some you still managing to keep fit with Joe Wick’s at 9am? If you still have some energy to work off even after that we think some of you will really enjoy a dance class with Oti Mabuse on Youtube at 11.30 each morning this week.

The past few days have definitely felt like we are into Spring and in school this week we would have been doing some Easter/ Spring craft. Here are some ideas that you do not need a printer for:

egg box daffodil

paper plate easter bunny

If you do have access to a printer here are some fun activities also:

easter basket

easter cone animals

Before school closed we had begun learning about Easter in RME. We had discussed Palm Sunday and made own Palm branches. Watch this short video to learn about why Christian people celebrate Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

After listening to the story can you remember/find out why hot cross buns and rolling eggs are important at Easter time?

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Oliver


(psssssttttt…….its not really national uniform day, April Fools!!)

Shhh Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

Primary 2 – 27.03.20

Good morning Primary 2,

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty here today. We hope you all had a nice day yesterday despite the weather being a little miserable. Did any of you manage to take part in the round of applause for our fabulous NHS staff at 8pm last night? We both did and it was lovely to hear everyone coming together to celebrate our hard working NHS staff.

You should have a few activities left on your week 1 sheets to choose from. Thanks to those who have let us know what they have been doing. We love to hear from you all so please continue to comment regularly.

Fridays usually include a handwriting lesson so please ensure any writing you do today is neat, with letters formed correctly.

Blair Drummond Safari Park are doing a live session on their Facebook page at 12pm each day where one of the keepers will tell you all about an animal. You can post questions for them to answer too. We watched it yesterday and it was fabulous! Let us know if you manage to tune in.

David Walliams is also reading 30 minutes from one of his books at 11am each day. You can find this on

We have both been trying Joe Wickes each day – it is hard work but we both feel great afterwards. Miss Rafferty has also been out running each day. It is so important to try and keep our fitness levels up – what are you doing to keep yourself fit?

Remember today is a half day – we are sure you wont forget!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to hearing about what activities you choose from your week 2 sheet next week.

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

Primary 4 12.3.20

Hello everyone

We have had a very busy and fun week in Primary 4. It is great to be all back together in our classes again.

This week we have been celebrating Sport Relief. Primary 6 have been coming around the school selling wristbands and we also had an excellent PE session yesterday organised by Primary 6! It really tested our endurance and stamina but it was lots of fun! Tomorrow the children can come to school dressed in their sporty clothes (please no football shirts) for a 50p donation. We will also go outside and take part in the weekly mile as part of our celebrations.

In RME this week we have been learning about the Christian celebration of Baptism. We learned why baptism is important to Christians, the important people who take part in a baptism service and what happens during the service. We created our own dramas based on baptism and performed them to the rest of the class – they were great! In writing, we wrote an explanation piece telling others everything we have learned about baptism – well done P4!

Rehearsals for our class assembly have continued this week. Thank you for all your support in helping the children to learn their lines. Our assembly will take place in the large hall at 9:10am next Tuesday 17th March. If you can attend please return the form in your child’s school bag to let us know. We look forward to seeing you then 🙂

Reminders –
Homework was given out on Wednesday and is due in on Monday 23rd March. All starred activities should be completed. This will be the last piece of homework handed out before the Easter holidays.

Our PE days are changing – Indoor PE will take place on a Monday and Outdoor PE will be on a Tuesday for P4M and a Thursday for P4C. Please ensure your child comes to school with appropriate PE kit and their own water bottle. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend. Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 1 11.3.20

We have had a very exciting week in Primary 1 already and have more to look forward to. The museum trip was a huge success, we all had a great time and learned lots. The children behaved very well and showed great interest and insight into dinosaurs. We attended a workshop with the museum staff, explored the T-Rex exhibition and explored the gallery. I am sure your child told you all about it! Maybe they could share their favourite part with you and something that they learned.

We are very excited about our open afternoon on Thursday (tomorrow) for parents and carers to come and see what we have been learning about dinosaurs. The children have lots of work and pictures they would love to show you! This open afternoon is from 2:45-3:15pm.

In phonics we have been learning the sound ‘ng’. The children were great at coming up with ‘ng’ words, for example, stronger. They are doing very well with their new sounds. In maths we have been practising our numbers up to 30. We looked at a hundred square to see if we could identify what numbers come before, what numbers come after and any patterns. Next week we are going to start with counting in 2s.

Just a quick reminder that our PE is on Thursdays and outdoor learning is on Wednesdays.

Thank you for your continued support.

Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 5

Another busy week in P5. The children have been working hard on different areas of the curriculum.

In writing the children wrote about their adventures last week at Lockerbie Manor and in school. They had great fun telling each other what had happened and how they felt about things. Each child was able to produce a recount of their experiences. It all sounded very exciting!

Our topic on the Scottish Wars of Independence is progressing well. We are learning about all the battles that took place and the different tactics used to help each side win. There has been great interest in the variety of weapons used and how they work. Next week we are off to Bannockburn to learn even more about all these things. Please ensure your child has a packed lunch and is dressed for the weather as we will be outside for some of the time.

The children had great fun yesterday celebrating World Book Day. It was good to see the variety of books the children brought in and they had great fun sharing these with their peers. Miss Morris also enjoyed sharing a bit of her favourite book to p5M which was quite funny! The ‘Where’s Wally’ competition caused great excitement and the children were on the lookout all day for him. Well done to everyone who found the 5 hiding places. We are now waiting to see who will be picked as the winner.

In PE the children in both classes will be learning to play hockey which will be outside. This is in preparation for the Hockey Festival on 24th March. Next week will be p5M’s last Futsal session and both classes will be going out in most weathers after that so please ensure that the children bring outdoor PE kit on a Monday and a Tuesday.


P5G P5M PE- Monday and Tuesday

Spelling homework- due every Friday.

Numeracy homework- if given due every Thursday. Please practise all times tables over and above any other homework. Children can use Education City to play games.


Have a great weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir

Primary 1 4.3.20

Primary 1 are in the middle of another busy week. This week we are learning the sound ‘ch’. We have thought of lots of words containing the sound blend and are making progress writing these with accuracy. In maths we are learning about position and movement. The children have enjoyed programming movement paths using beebot robots and watching them move. We have also been working on the positional language of up, down, forwards, backwards, left, right and between. The children enjoyed following instructions wearing blindfolds and listening for instructions in drawing exercises.

Our dinosaurs topic is coming to an end next week. This week we learnt about volcanoes and the impact of an eruption on the dinosaurs. We really enjoyed making our own volcano with baking soda, vinegar and soap and watching it erupt in the playground. Next week we are taking a trip to the National museum in Edinburgh. We are going to take part in a few seminars and will go to the T-Rex exhibition. Here is a link to the website for you to look through with your child:

Next week we also have planned an open afternoon for parents and carers to come into school to see what the children have been learning about dinosaurs. The classrooms will be open from 2.45-3.15 and the children will have a few examples of work they have done to show. We will be making invitations for this event on Friday so look out for them for more information.

Tomorrow is World Book Day. Each child is to bring in a book from home to read in class. Try to pick a book your child knows well so that they can talk about it to their peers.

A reminder that tomorrow afternoon and Friday morning are our shared start and finish. These sessions are opportunities for you to come to our classrooms to see an online resource we use in class- education city. Each session will be exactly the same so it is only suggested that you come once. Tomorrow you are invited to come between 2.50 and 3.20 and on Friday between 9 and 9.30.

A reminder PE is on a Thursday so please come prepared with a named PE kit.

Outdoor learning is on Wednesday afternoons. Thank you to everyone who comes prepared with wellies and warm coats. The children love this session!

Thank you for all your continued support

The P1 teachers

Primary 5


In primary 5 this week some of us went to Lockerbie Manor and some stayed in school.

if you want to read about the Lockerbie Manor adventures please click on the Residential News tab above.

The children who stayed in school have been doing exciting activities as well. On Wednesday we looked at Coats of Arms and how they are created. The children are now designing their own Coat of Arms and putting on things that are specific to them. We will be continuing with this activity today where we will be painting them.

Mr Shanks brought the virtual reality equipment along and the children got to experience a range of adventures – we went underwater and saw the Great Barrier Reef, we visited the Mackie ice-cream factory, we travelled to Edinburgh castle, we zoomed up into space and we visited ancient Egypt. Tyler said-“It was really fun to see all the different places.”

In art with Ms Fox the children made monsters. Oliver said “It was very, very fun and cool”

Today the children are going to create Scottish and English soldiers to guard the P5 classroom. When the other children return hopefully they will not be frightened!

They will also have PE with Mrs Ferguson where they will be getting all the equipment out and have a fun obstacle course.

We would like to ask the Lockerbie Manor people some questions-

Are you all having fun?- Ammar

Did anyone scream when you were rock climbing?- Lina

Did everyone sleep ok?- Katie

What do you think has been the best activity? – Elle

What has the food been like? – Tyler

Did you get soaking wet and mucky?- Aaron

We are looking forward to you answering our questions. We will check in again tomorrow.

Hope you have fun

From Primary 5

Primary 4 13.2.20

Hello everyone

It has been a fun week in Primary 4. This week in maths we have been learning all about Roman numerals. We learned that Roman numerals are made of 7 different letters and how to use our numeracy skills to help to add different symbols together to make new numbers. Ask your child what they know 🙂

It was lovely to meet so many parents on Tuesday and Wednesday evening at parents consultation evenings. We look forward to welcoming parents back to into school on Tuesday 25th February at 2:50pm for our shared finish and on Thursday 27th February at 9:05am for our shared start. The focus of these sessions will be using the website Education City. Each session will be similar so you only need to attend one.

In French we have begun to learn about the items in our classroom. We drew our classrooms and labelled each object in French. Can your child tell the difference between un gomme and une trousse?

Please note that the children are on holiday tomorrow (Friday 14th) until next Wednesday 19th February. We will have PE as normal with Mrs Ferguson on Wednesday. We will also have an extra visit from NYCoS on Thursday for our singing lessons.

We hope you have a restful long weekend and we look forward to welcoming the children back on Wednesday.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 3 7.2.20

We are part way there with our life size knights, they are taking slightly longer than we thought! We will update with pictures once they are completed and guarding our classrooms.

We tested our Bows as well and had great fun practising our battle faces!

Pom poms were used instead of arrows for safety, and we tested the distances travelled using a variety of forces from a light force to the strongest force we could manage.

Here we are using the metre sticks to measure the distance travelled.

We also had a visitor this week from Lynne at EOS (Eczema Outreach Support) who came to raise our awareness of the condition and what it meant for sufferers. She assured us eczema cannot be caught, and allowed us to use a moisture monitor to understand the water content of our skin. She explained that people with eczema have  less water in their skin and therefore have very dry, sore skin.

It was very interesting and the whole visit was interactive. We enjoyed learning about it.

We also ended our germ experiment with the slices of bread this week. It took 4 weeks to get to this stage but very clearly shows that it is important to wash our hands. Bag one shows a piece of bread untouched by hands, and the slice of bread in bag 2 was passed around the whole class to touch. We were disgusted with the results and are aware of what this means for us, and the importance of washing our hands before we eat:











PSA Dress down on Thursday 13th February – Dress to Impress or dress for Valentines Day. 50p donation for the if you decide to take part.

Class talks will take place on Wednesday 12th Feb, despite the homework for this being set for Monday 10th.

Sorry for the inconvenience of the GLOW passwords not working.  New ones will be handed out on Monday as a mass reset was needed after people locking themselves out. Thank you for your patience with this.

PE – P3W Monday – indoor, Thursday – Outdoor

P3S Wednesday – indoor, Thursday – indoor (for the next 2 weeks.)

Thank you once again for all of your support,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

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