Supporting Learning At Home

Optional Home Learning Activities

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If you feel like you would like to do things at home to work on core skills here are a few suggestions of things you could try, linked to work we are covering in class this block.


Primary Seven Recommended Books

Spelling – long vowel sounds

The links below have word lists for different spelling patterns for each sound.  Beneath each list is a football icon which takes you to a selection of games and you can also test yourself on each list.

Long /a/ 

Long /e/

Long /i/

Long /o/

Long /u/

Mental Agility

You all have the Sumdog app available on your iPads and this is an excellent site as it tailors the activities to where you are in your learning.  Ask your teacher if you forget/lose your login details.

We are also registered to use Education City which has a huge variety of Numeracy and Literacy games.  Again, ask your teacher for login details.

It is important to keep your times tables fresh in your head so any activity to revise these is time well spent.

Here are a few links to some other useful sites:

Topmarks Maths

Nrich Maths



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