Today we discussed what we are doing in our topic this block:
I know the symptoms of some common diseases caused by germs. I can explain how they are spread and discuss how some methods of preventing and treating disease benefit society
Key words: germs, diseases, medicines, drugs
What do we know already?
Germs spread, make you sick
Medicines make you better, they’re disgusting
Washing your hands gets rid of germs
Diseases can make you ill and kill you
Diseases can be stopped with vaccinations
Germs come from other people
Medicines stop some, but not all, diseases
Germs give you cancer
Running out of penicillin as people who don’t need it are using it
Germs have little things to make them move
Headlice and dandruff make nits go away
Germs are when you feel sick
Diseases are caused by germs
What would we like to do to learn about this?
Get Sam F’s dad into school – he is a microbiologist
Jamie’s mum come in – paramedic
Doctors come to visit
Some experiments
Class trip to BGH/Haylodge/science lab
Make our own science lab
Make pretend medicine/potions and see how it works
Find out about people researching new medicines (e.g. flowers in the rainforest)
Research germs, diseases and medicines – books, internet, ask people
Can we get a machine to see germs?
Visit Boots to look at medicine
Look at what medicines we have at home